Well bloggers it's that time of year again, we say good-bye to one year and begin another in just two hours and 43 minutes Pacific Standard Time. Now is a time where many of us take a moment to make new goals, reflect on what has happened and celebrate a fresh start. I wanted to take a few moments to share some of my experinces with you.
Let's start with goals, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to get back in the habit of doing daily devotions even if it's only for a few minutes I want to spend time with my Lord. Here's another that you may be surprised to hear but I don't have a chance to write every single day, I want that to change so each day I'm going to try to at least jot down a few sentances on whichever project I'm working on.
Now reflection, this one's a little harder for me. So much has happened in 2013 and I can't believe how fast it's gone by! I moved to a new city, got a new job, got a new car, took a new direction in my writing career (I'm getting closer to publishing each and every day!) started this blog =) grieved with several close friends over their loss of miscarriges, celebrated with other friends as their children were brought into this world and with yet other friends who are expecting their little ones to arrive.
I attended the wedding of a dear friend, watched my amazing cousin publically propose to his girlfriend (she said yes by the way!) grew closer to the Lord in my personal relationship with him, watched some of my best friends do the same through their experince of going on a missions trip to Mexico.
I've learned so much, confronted demons that I've been hiding from, grew more confident in many aspects of my life, realized that old dreams long forgotted can come true and cried when others died yet celebrated when new ones were born. Spent time with family that I haven't seen in far too long and grown up a lot.
Now celebrating, there's not a good answer for this. I'm excited to see what 2014 will bring, I have so many exciting experinces coming up that I can't wait to share with you and I'm thrilled to be putting some of the hard times behind me. We learn from our mistakes, move on but never forget, that was my motto for this year and I hope to carry it on with me for many years to come.
So what's new for you bloggers? Who's heading out? Who's staying in? Who has goals? Who has reflections? Who's still struggling with guilt? For each of you I'll be saying a prayer, I may not know who you are but God does. Have a safe and fun night everyone!
Happy New Year!!!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
The Simple Things
During this time of year people have different reactions to all the things that need done. There are presents to buy, Christmas cards to send out (shoot! I knew I forgot something!) decorations to put and even special music to put on. Every show has a Christmas theme and every corner has a Santa with a bell.
If we're honest we can admit that it can be more then a little stressful. Some people try to remind us that Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas and they're right. In my mind forgetting that or celebrating for some other reason is like attending a child's birthday party but leaving without even acknowledging the kid. But that's not my point. As I was saying this time of year can be stressful, there's no getting around that. But there's also a flip side to that.
When are families start coming into town our first reaction is to start listing all the things we need to do. Instead of enjoying the time we spend making pies we're studying the recipes and reviewing our lists.
When we're children we have as much fun playing with the boxes as the toys. We take as much pleasure in spending time with our favorite uncle as eating popcorn and summer sausage for dinner. Yet somewhere along the road we forget how important those things are. And I for one am tired of letting stress take over my holiday!
This year I'm going to cherish the feeling of my little niece curled up next to me with her new teddy bear as I take in the beautiful decorations and lights strung around my apartment. I'm going to have more fun watching my family open their gifts, however small or large, and stop worrying about my bank account. I'm going to put the Christmas music on and have a dance party without worrying about who's watching and I'm going to focus on the One who's birth is the whole point of the season.
So how are you going to take back Christmas this year?
If we're honest we can admit that it can be more then a little stressful. Some people try to remind us that Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas and they're right. In my mind forgetting that or celebrating for some other reason is like attending a child's birthday party but leaving without even acknowledging the kid. But that's not my point. As I was saying this time of year can be stressful, there's no getting around that. But there's also a flip side to that.
When are families start coming into town our first reaction is to start listing all the things we need to do. Instead of enjoying the time we spend making pies we're studying the recipes and reviewing our lists.
When we're children we have as much fun playing with the boxes as the toys. We take as much pleasure in spending time with our favorite uncle as eating popcorn and summer sausage for dinner. Yet somewhere along the road we forget how important those things are. And I for one am tired of letting stress take over my holiday!
This year I'm going to cherish the feeling of my little niece curled up next to me with her new teddy bear as I take in the beautiful decorations and lights strung around my apartment. I'm going to have more fun watching my family open their gifts, however small or large, and stop worrying about my bank account. I'm going to put the Christmas music on and have a dance party without worrying about who's watching and I'm going to focus on the One who's birth is the whole point of the season.
So how are you going to take back Christmas this year?
Saturday, December 14, 2013
A Simple Prayer For A Smalltown
This is a little different then most of my posts but this is something that I feel like I need to do. Many people know about the day a year ago that rocked this country and many, many lives when Sandy Hook Elementary School suffered an awful tragedy. I won't go into opinions about what happened because that's not what this is about. All I want to do is say a prayer for those who still have holes in their hearts and I hope many of you around the world will say it with me.
Lord, please be with the families and loved ones of those from the Sandy Hook tragedy. Touch those who live in Newtown and find a way to do the impossible, comforting them through this awful time. What happened is an incomprehensible tragedy to us and yet You knew. We don't understand why these things happen and we probably never will this side of heaven.
Even as our hearts cry out, begging for answers You know that what we need is healing. I don't know what that looks like, I don't know how that might come about but You are the God of miracles. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who led His people out of Egypt, parted the Red Sea and gave them the Promise Land. You are the God who sacrificed His only Son, for us, You love us more then we can even begin to imagine and You are the God who is now holding those precious little children close to His heart.
We don't understand, we may never, but we do know that we need you. More then the food we eat, the air we breathe or the very life that runs through our blood we need you. More then anything else, even if we lose everything we will still have you.
I beg you to be with those who are hurting God. Not to make their pain go away or to erase their memories but to give them the peace that transcends all understanding. Please God. Be with them and heal these hurting people, these hurting families, and this hurting country. Restore us to you Lord for we know that in the end, that You are our only salvation.
Lord, please be with the families and loved ones of those from the Sandy Hook tragedy. Touch those who live in Newtown and find a way to do the impossible, comforting them through this awful time. What happened is an incomprehensible tragedy to us and yet You knew. We don't understand why these things happen and we probably never will this side of heaven.
Even as our hearts cry out, begging for answers You know that what we need is healing. I don't know what that looks like, I don't know how that might come about but You are the God of miracles. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who led His people out of Egypt, parted the Red Sea and gave them the Promise Land. You are the God who sacrificed His only Son, for us, You love us more then we can even begin to imagine and You are the God who is now holding those precious little children close to His heart.
We don't understand, we may never, but we do know that we need you. More then the food we eat, the air we breathe or the very life that runs through our blood we need you. More then anything else, even if we lose everything we will still have you.
I beg you to be with those who are hurting God. Not to make their pain go away or to erase their memories but to give them the peace that transcends all understanding. Please God. Be with them and heal these hurting people, these hurting families, and this hurting country. Restore us to you Lord for we know that in the end, that You are our only salvation.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Christmas Carols
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..." Has anyone looked at a calendar lately? It's already December 7th! We've only got 2 1/2 weeks until my favorite holiday of all year! And one of the best parts of Christmas? Christmas carols!!!
"Joy to the world, the Lord has come. Let earth receive her king! Let every heart prepare him room and heaven and nature sing..." I remember singing that one from the time I was little and used to stand beside my parents at church singing that song and others like it every year. At the time I loved the songs but it didn't go much beyond that, now I love the songs and the words.
"Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright." That's one of the first Christmas songs kids learn these days and yet it doesn't lose it's magic as we become adults. Sometimes we forget the first part though, about silence. We don't remember how important that can be.
"He's making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty and nice. Santa Claus is coming to town!" One of my favorite memories is standing beside my Grandma as she was baking and singing that song with her. Later when she got cancer she was too weak to do some of those things but that's one memory I'll never forget.
"Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose..." Now this is a Christmas classic. One day my dad and I actually rewrote it so that it talked about Randie the shiny-eyed cowgirl instead. It was silly but Dad knew it made me feel special and like always he wanted the best for me so he didn't mind how strange or silly it was.
"Hark the hearld angels sing, glory to the newborn king!" One of my favorite parts of the Christmas story is the part of the angels appearing to the shepherds. They didn't hesitate but immediately went to worship this baby who they already recognized as their king.
"Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water?" I love this one because it makes me really think about who Mary and Joseph must have been. To say they were just kids is more then an expression. They were impossibly young but they were found worthy in God's eyes to be the early parents of his Son. Now that is an incredibly legacy to leave behind.
"I want to buy these shoes for my Mama please, it's Christmas eve and these shoes are just her size." Now this one gets to me every time. It often brings tears to my eyes as I hear about the little boy's dedication, spending all the money he has to give his Mama a gift because he knows that she doesn't have much longer. My mom is one of the most important people in my life and I can't imagine something happening to her but in this song you realize that even if that little boy loses his mom she's already instilled some amazing values in him, including the importance of selflessness and the true reason for this season.
"Joy to the world, the Lord has come. Let earth receive her king! Let every heart prepare him room and heaven and nature sing..." I remember singing that one from the time I was little and used to stand beside my parents at church singing that song and others like it every year. At the time I loved the songs but it didn't go much beyond that, now I love the songs and the words.
"Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright." That's one of the first Christmas songs kids learn these days and yet it doesn't lose it's magic as we become adults. Sometimes we forget the first part though, about silence. We don't remember how important that can be.
"He's making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty and nice. Santa Claus is coming to town!" One of my favorite memories is standing beside my Grandma as she was baking and singing that song with her. Later when she got cancer she was too weak to do some of those things but that's one memory I'll never forget.
"Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose..." Now this is a Christmas classic. One day my dad and I actually rewrote it so that it talked about Randie the shiny-eyed cowgirl instead. It was silly but Dad knew it made me feel special and like always he wanted the best for me so he didn't mind how strange or silly it was.
"Hark the hearld angels sing, glory to the newborn king!" One of my favorite parts of the Christmas story is the part of the angels appearing to the shepherds. They didn't hesitate but immediately went to worship this baby who they already recognized as their king.
"Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water?" I love this one because it makes me really think about who Mary and Joseph must have been. To say they were just kids is more then an expression. They were impossibly young but they were found worthy in God's eyes to be the early parents of his Son. Now that is an incredibly legacy to leave behind.
"I want to buy these shoes for my Mama please, it's Christmas eve and these shoes are just her size." Now this one gets to me every time. It often brings tears to my eyes as I hear about the little boy's dedication, spending all the money he has to give his Mama a gift because he knows that she doesn't have much longer. My mom is one of the most important people in my life and I can't imagine something happening to her but in this song you realize that even if that little boy loses his mom she's already instilled some amazing values in him, including the importance of selflessness and the true reason for this season.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Chapter 3
Here's the next chapter in Whispers of War, let me know what you think!
Chapter 3
May 2 2231
“Try it again Sarah,” Amy instructed the teenager.
“I can’t do it Amy, I’m not like you. You’re good at this
stuff, I’m not.” The girl complained, as she lowered the bow. “Why do I have to
practice? I’m never going to get any better at it.”
“Not with that attitude anyways,” the young woman smiled
down at her but decided it was time for a break. “Come on, we’ll take a break
and practice again-“she didn’t finish her statement as she caught sight of Kyle
approaching, a grim look on his face. “Kyle, what is it?”
“The Council is meeting; they asked me to come find you.”
Amy didn’t reply, but turned to her student.
“Sarah, will you please pick this stuff up and get it put
“Of course, I’m on it, you go.” She watched the two walk
away and sent up a quick prayer, ‘Lord keep them safe, no doubt they’ll be
sending them out again. Please be with them and bring them home safe.’ She
turned to the chore of getting the bows and arrows put away, Amy and Kyle still
heavy on her heart.
“Amy, Kyle, we’ve just received word that the team we sent
out yesterday has discovered a group of believers hiding out,” Bill wasted no
time in explaining the situation as soon as they arrived. “They sent a runner
back asking permission to bring them here, we’ve granted that but they have
several small children and the travel will take at least three days. We’ve
decided to send a small escort group to accompany them. You two are our best
archers; would you be willing to join the team?”
“Yes sir,” both responded immediately, no hesitation in
their voices.
“Good, we already asked Adam to go; the runner, Tim, will
show you the way. You’ll leave at dusk. A good portion of your journey will be
by canoe. We’ve got four boats waiting down by the river; you’ll have to be
careful, especially since you’ll be traveling in the dark.” He gave them a few
more details before saying they needed to prepare. Recognizing the dismissal
both took their leave. No words were needed, they were often sent out on
missions together with Adam and sometimes others, for now they were focused on
the task at hand, preparing to bring fellow believers back to the camp for
The trip was long, and rough. Each of the young people took
charge of one of the canoes, they knew that having all four boats was necessary
for the people they would have to bring back, but on the way there it made the
journey much more difficult. By traveling all night and most of the day, taking
turns sleeping and keeping guard, they were able to reach the end of their
river trip by the beginning of the second day. From then on, it took them the
rest of that day, before they reached the cave where the others were hiding
“I was wondering who they’d send,” Matthew King greeted,
when he met the team at the entrance to the cave. Tim stood to the side, quietly
waiting for instructions until Matt sent him back to let the others know their
escorts had arrived.
“Disappointed?” Amy teased her friend, as she greeted him
with a brief hug and they walked into the makeshift shelter.
“To see you?” he gave an expression of mock horror, as he
draped his arm across her shoulders and fell in step beside her. “Never! Them
well…” he let the statement hang, laughing when Adam shoved him from behind.
Matt had quickly become one of Amy’s best friends when they first moved into
Paradise, about the same age they’d worked on the same team running messages to
scouts and going on the dangerous missions back to town to obtain more
information. When they needed a four man team, Matt, Adam, Kyle, and Amy were
always the first to volunteer. Although he had a teasing manner, Amy knew that
Matt took his job as seriously as the rest of them, for that reason she got
right to the point.
“So, what can you tell us Matt?” Stopping to lean against
the wall of the cave, Matt held his torch a little higher so he could see all
of them, he told the story.
“We were sent on a routine scouting mission, you all know
the drill. Everything was going fine until one of our guys thought he caught
sight of someone following us. We took off and were able to lose them and took
shelter in an empty cave, not this one a different one. We went on back,
figured we’d rest up and head back the next night. Except the cave wasn’t
empty, we’d barely gotten in there and made our plans when this little girl,
three years old, wanders out and just stands there looking at us. We searched the cave and found this group
huddled up in a little cavern. They’d heard us come in and thought we were
soldiers so they didn’t say a word, only no one had seen little Mary slip out.
They’d been hiding for days in that cave.
We knew it wasn’t safe to stay there, so as soon as we could, we moved
them all to a different cave, this one, and sent out a runner. Now here we are,
they’re good people, but they’re terrified and travel won’t be as quick as I’d
like. That’s why we asked for the escort.” During his story no one had said a
word, but now it was Kyle who spoke up.
“Well, I guess we’d better meet them, then hadn’t we.” Matt
straightened with a smile; Amy thought it looked a little odd. He was always
happy, but now he looked particularly excited about something. Not wanting to
risk an unpleasant surprise, Amy stopped his progress with a hand to his arm.
“Matt,” when he paused to look down at her she continued,
staring hard into his eyes her heart beating anxiously. “What aren’t you
telling us?” He stared down at her, his brown eyes softening, even in the
flickering light she could see his smile. He turned his hand over to squeeze
“Come see, I promise you it’s nothing bad, but it will be
easier to show you then to try to explain.” Amy hesitated only a moment more
before deciding to take the risk, this was Matt, he was like her brother, and
would never lead them into harm ’s way, so why was she so scared? Quietly, she
released his hand and stepped back allowing him to lead the way, she fell into
step beside Adam, letting his comforting presence wash over her.
‘Neither Kyle or Adam
seem upset, I’m just overreacting,’ she tried to comfort herself with the
knowledge as they continued to walk farther into the cave, now having to stoop
at the low ceiling. ‘Then why wouldn’t
Matt tell me what was going on?’ The internal argument continued until
finally they reached a tunnel that appeared to lead to another cavern. Matt
stopped turning to grin at them before he blew out his candle; now that his
light was gone they could see a faint glow coming from the other end of the
Matt’s voice echoed
in the eerie stillness as he called out.
“I have saints, sent by the angel, to deliver you from your trouble.”
Amy relaxed recognizing the familiar password, and its reply.
“Then come in and welcome, servants of the King.” As they
entered the tunnel, having to crawl on their hands and knees, Amy could hear
Adam making jokes from behind her.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to go towards the light at
the end of the tunnel,” he said, making his sister laugh. He may have continued, but just then they
reached the end and climbed out to be greeted by ten pairs of eyes following
their progress. Immediately, Amy spotted the source of Matt’s excitement. In
his arms was a round faced little girl, with dark brown curls framing her face,
and next to him was a young woman around her own age, Amy figured, standing
close to Matt and grasping his hand. Her expression was a mixture of adoring
indulgence and nervousness as she glanced between Matt and the little girl and
the group who had just emerged from the tunnel.
She took a deep breath not sure what she was feeling, her
friend hadn’t betrayed them at all, he’d fallen in love. She fought a smile and
made herself turn to greet her other friends from the scouting group before
greeting the strangers. When Matt introduced the young woman as Isabelle and
the little girl as her niece, Mary, Amy smiled kindly but made no comment. She
shot Matt a narrowed eye look, a sure promise that they’d talk later.
They’d been seated
around in a circle sharing dinner and telling stories. Matt told of their
surprise at finding a toddler in a supposedly empty cave. When he finished he
would’ve started another tale but Isabelle stopped him with a quiet word, Amy couldn’t
hear what they were saying but she saw Matt glance down at the sleeping child
in his lap and nodded. A moment later he was tucking her into a little bed made
up in the corner. Amy smiled at the picture, it was no surprise Matt had fallen
in love. Not just with the beautiful Isabelle but with the adorable wide-eyed
Mary too.
She continued to watch for a moment but the scene was too
painful, she had to wonder if there was any kind of future for them. Even if
they did make it back to the camp, how did you start a new life in the middle
of a war? Pushing the unwelcome thoughts away she turned to talk to Kyle and
Adam, discussing their route back and the details, they were still talking when
Matt slipped up.
“I’ve got to take over guard duty, come talk to me for a
bit?” he asked quietly. She looked over at him and offered a tentaive smile,
when they’d first come to the camp they’d been assigned guard duty together,
they’d stayed up for hours talking night after night as they struggled to
adjust to their new lives.
“I’d like that,” excusing herself from the conversation, she
followed him outside away from the warmth of the fire. She waited only until they were out of earshot
before commenting. “So Isabelle,” she drew the name out letting in hang in the
air a moment as they walked out into the icy cold night. “I like her,” she
finally said, smiling when she heard Matt let out the breath he’d been holding.
“I was hoping you would,” he told her as they walked over to
the lookout spot. He turned to the waiting guard, “all clear?” he asked. At the
affirmative he sent the young man on his way before turning back to Amy. “So
you really like her?” he asked, needing her approval. She laughed lightly,
making him smile as he leaned back against the rock.
“You had doubts?” she teased.
Neither said anything for a moment as they sat, Amy staring
up at the stars seemingly relaxed but in fact attentive to every sound, and
Matt staring off in front of him, his eyes constantly moving even as he let one
small part of his mind thank the Lord for his friend’s approval. It was Amy who
finally broke the silence with a simple question.
“What’s she like?”
she asked quietly, the question coming out as a whisper so quiet that he almost
didn’t hear it before the wind swept away the words. Matt looked over at her
for a moment unsure of how to answer, then it hit him. They had often commented
that they were like family, she the sister he’d never had, and he one more
overprotective brother always watching out for her. Now here he was telling her
he’d fallen in love and this calm, confident, stable, young woman was terrified
that things were going to change.
“Aim,” he waited patiently until she looked over at him
desperately trying to hide the fear in her eyes, but he saw through it, gently
he wrapped an arm around her and, as they’d done so many times in the past, she
laid her head down on his shoulder blinking back tears as she smelled the
comforting scent of wood smoke and the forest, that meant family and unconditional
“Amy, just because I’m in love with Izzy doesn’t mean that
anything’s going to change, you’ll always be my little sister and don’t even
think about trying to get rid of me,” he teased her softly, relieved to hear
her soft chuckle. “Yes, I love her, but she gets it Aim, she gets the sense of
family. I’ve only known her for a week but she’s already heard so much about
you, Adam, Kyle and the others that she already feels like you’re family.” He
looked down into Amy’s pale face and felt his heart ache for this precious
young woman. She was so tough and had everything under control most of the time
that it was so easy to forget that she was so fragile on the inside. He hugged
her close for a moment, “You’re my family Amy, nothing and no one will ever
change that. You understand me?”
No reply was needed; he held her close for a moment more
before releasing her. She straightened to lean against the rock, letting her
guard down just a little. For a moment neither said anything, letting the
silence hang in the cold night air. It was Matt who broke the quiet first.
“How’s Sarah’s archery coming?” Amy laughed, making Matt
smile, for the first time in a long time the sound was completely genuine.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Ministry Moment-December
Not long ago I was on my way to visit family and I experienced a situation that can only be described as a divine appointment. It started with talking to the woman across from me on the train, a complete stranger but we struck up a conversation and before the end of the trip I had tears in my eyes, a thoughtful heart, an encouraged spirit and this ministry moment.
Many of you know the story of the apostle Paul and how much of his ministry was actually done in prison. Some of you have also heard of the amazing prison ministries that have been out there over the years, maybe a few of you have even been involved in this type of ministry before, although I admit that I haven't but this story struck me in an amazing way, my hope and prayer is that it might do the same for you.
His name is Matt, and he was nineteen years old when he was arrested for being in the car when a mairjuna deal went from a stupid idea to a deadly tragedy when one kid pulled a gun on another. Matt had stayed in the car and never got out but he was there and with it being just three weeks after Columbine the court was not in his favor. Matt and others with him were sent to prison, that was thirteen years ago and he's still there.
In that time Matt and another man, Leon, have not wasted their time. Like Paul they found a way to be a light in the darkness. It's called Redemption.
Through this incredible ministry inmates go through a program that teaches them from the inside how to live on the outside. They learn skills so they can get jobs when they're released. They're taught how to become responsible community members, good parents to their children, they're even taught how to become members of their churches. As Julie, Matt's mom, put it, they're taught to be the "best person they can be".
Matt's now working on another program so that families of inmates can even get support as they adjust to their new reality. They'll receive help as they learn how to operate in this foreign country they suddenly find themselves in. They will be able to contact others who have been through this and get the help that they so desperately need.
Now this in and of itself is incredible but there's more. Through Redemption they now bring highschoolers in to talk to them about the decisions they face every day. They give them a first hand look at real life.
Redemption has been such a great program they're now sending people out to other prisons in Washington state to set up this program there so that they can reach even more people!
Now I've heard a lot of amazing things in my life, I've read of and even met a lot of amazing people but Matt and Leon are definitely right up there with the best of them. Matt and his family took a hard situation and they've used it to change people's lives, people that many of us would have just written off. But these guys followed the path that God put before them and they are blessing countless people beacuse of it.
Right now there are people working behind the scenes to set up an online presence for Redemption so that even more people can know about the incredible work that God is doing through these men. As soon as I have that information I'll pass it on and I encourage you to look into, talk about it, and do your own part to help spread the word.
You may not think that this ministry has anything to do with you and maybe it doesn't, but maybe it could help someone you know. Redemption is a ministry making a difference and that deserves to be talked about. Let us do our part to spread the good news of God's word like Matt, Julie and others, whether it's through telling people about Redemption or some other way, let your light shine. You never know who it might reach.
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16 a situation that can only be described as a divine appointment. It started with talking to the woman across from me on the train, a complete stranger but we struck up a conversation and before the end of the trip I had tears in my eyes, a thoughtful heart, an encouraged spirit and this ministry moment.
Many of you know the story of the apostole Paul and how much of his ministry was actually done in prison. Some of you have also heard of the amazing prison ministries that have been out there over the years, maybe a few of you have even been involved in this type of ministry before, although I admit that I haven't but this story struck me in an amazing way, my hope and prayer is that it might do the same for you.
His name is Matt, and he was nineteen years old when he was arrested for being in the car when a mairjuna deal went from a stupid idea to a deadly tragedy when one kid pulled a gun on another. Matt had stayed in the car and never got out but he was there and with it being just three weeks after Columbine the court was not in his favor. Matt and others with him were sent to prison, that was thirteen years ago and he's still there.
In that time Matt and another man, Leon, have not wasted their time. Like Paul they found a way to be a light in the darkness. It's called Redemption.
Through this incredible ministry inmates go through a program that teaches them from the inside how to live on the outside. They learn skills so they can get jobs when they're released. They're taught how to become responsible community members, good parents to their children, they're even taught how to become members of their churches. As Julie, Matt's mom, put it, they're taught to be the "best person they can be".
Matt's now working on another program so that families of inmates can even get support as they adjust to their new reality. They'll recieve help as they learn how to operate in this foreign country they suddenly find themselves in. They will be able to contact others who have been through this and get the help that they so desperately need.
Now this in and of itself is incredible but there's more. Through Redemption they now bring highschoolers in to talk to them about the decisions they face every day. They give them a first hand look at real life.
Redemption has been such a great program they're now sending people out to other prisons in Washington state to set up this program there so that they can reach even more people!
Now I've heard a lot of amazing things in my life, I've read of and even met a lot of amazing people but Matt and Leon are definitely right up there with the best of them. Matt and his family took a hard situation and they've used it to change people's lives, people that many of us would have just written off. But these guys followed the path that God put before them and they are blessing countless people beacuse of it.
Right now there are people working behind the scenes to set up an online presence for Redemption so that even more people can know about the incredible work that God is doing through these men. As soon as I have that information I'll pass it on and I encourage you to look into, talk about it, and do your own part to help spread the word.
You may not think that this ministry has anything to do with you and maybe it doesn't, but maybe it could help someone you know. Redemption is a ministry making a difference and that deserves to be talked about. Let us do our part to spread the good news of God's word like Matt, Julie and others, whether it's through telling people about Redemption or some other way, let your light shine. You never know who it might reach.
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Thanksgiving Day
Well bloggers, we made it, it's finally Thanksgiving Day! I don't know what your day was like but hopefully it was fantastic. Some of you don't celebrate it I'm sure, I know it's an American holiday, but even if your not from here then I hope you found a reason to be thankful.
Growing up we had some fun traditions, one was we said something we were thankful for, every single person had to say one thing. It's not hard, actually the more I think about it the more things I think of that I have to be thankful for but there was always something special about hearing everyone say "I'm thankful for..."
Another thing we did was we sang "The Doxology", since a lot of you probably don't what that is let me just write down the lyrics. We only sang one verse so it's not very long.
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all ye creatures here below,
Praise Him all ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen."
One of my cousins in particular made me laugh because every year he was there we would finish singing and he would say "I've never heard that before." And every time I would laugh and tell him he had said the same thing the year before but he never seemed to remember that.
This year was different, I couldn't go home for Thanksgiving because I worked this morning. So instead some good friends offered to have me over for dinner at their place. They're like another set of parents to me and I was really excited about heading out. It turned out to be a little hectic, I got off work late and just ran home to change really quick, I should've been in and out in five minutes but on my way out the door I realized that I didn't have my cell phone. It took me another five minutes to search everywhere only to figure out I'd left it at work.
Jump back in the car head back to work, get my phone because it had my GPS and I don't want to get lost, run back up towards home in order to get to the right road but of course I miss my turn and have to turn into my parking lot to turn around and get back on the right road.
So finally I'm headed out, doing good, and would you believe it? My troubles don't end there, I end up trying to pull over to let a car go by and car slides off the edge of the road. Not all the way over, praise the Lord, but my two right tires, of course I don't have four wheel drive so now I'm stuck. After the initial panic thinking that my car was going to flip, I managed to calm down enough to climb out of the car. By this time someone had pulled over and... long story short, a family came along who were able to pull me out. It was only after I got back on the road that I remembered I had AAA. That would've been helpful before I sat on the road for 30 minutes. Oh well!
In the end I made it to dinner, late, but there, and was welcomed with open arms. The wonderful family helped me calm down, laugh and realize that the situation really wasn't as bad as I first thought. All in all I realized that even though I couldn't be with my family on this holiday and things didn't go like I planned I had people who loved and let me join their family for the day, strangers stopped to help me and things really weren't bad, just a little strange.
Maybe it wasn't a perfect Thanksgiving but it was definitely a memorable one. What about yours? Even if you weren't celebrating the holiday I hope you all had a great day!
Growing up we had some fun traditions, one was we said something we were thankful for, every single person had to say one thing. It's not hard, actually the more I think about it the more things I think of that I have to be thankful for but there was always something special about hearing everyone say "I'm thankful for..."
Another thing we did was we sang "The Doxology", since a lot of you probably don't what that is let me just write down the lyrics. We only sang one verse so it's not very long.
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all ye creatures here below,
Praise Him all ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen."
One of my cousins in particular made me laugh because every year he was there we would finish singing and he would say "I've never heard that before." And every time I would laugh and tell him he had said the same thing the year before but he never seemed to remember that.
This year was different, I couldn't go home for Thanksgiving because I worked this morning. So instead some good friends offered to have me over for dinner at their place. They're like another set of parents to me and I was really excited about heading out. It turned out to be a little hectic, I got off work late and just ran home to change really quick, I should've been in and out in five minutes but on my way out the door I realized that I didn't have my cell phone. It took me another five minutes to search everywhere only to figure out I'd left it at work.
Jump back in the car head back to work, get my phone because it had my GPS and I don't want to get lost, run back up towards home in order to get to the right road but of course I miss my turn and have to turn into my parking lot to turn around and get back on the right road.
So finally I'm headed out, doing good, and would you believe it? My troubles don't end there, I end up trying to pull over to let a car go by and car slides off the edge of the road. Not all the way over, praise the Lord, but my two right tires, of course I don't have four wheel drive so now I'm stuck. After the initial panic thinking that my car was going to flip, I managed to calm down enough to climb out of the car. By this time someone had pulled over and... long story short, a family came along who were able to pull me out. It was only after I got back on the road that I remembered I had AAA. That would've been helpful before I sat on the road for 30 minutes. Oh well!
In the end I made it to dinner, late, but there, and was welcomed with open arms. The wonderful family helped me calm down, laugh and realize that the situation really wasn't as bad as I first thought. All in all I realized that even though I couldn't be with my family on this holiday and things didn't go like I planned I had people who loved and let me join their family for the day, strangers stopped to help me and things really weren't bad, just a little strange.
Maybe it wasn't a perfect Thanksgiving but it was definitely a memorable one. What about yours? Even if you weren't celebrating the holiday I hope you all had a great day!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Chapter 2
You know it seems that I've gotten pretty far off track what I wanted to write when I started this blog. In an effort to intergrate some stability I'm going to continue doing my monthly ministry moments (I'm really excited about Decembers) and I'd like to post monthly samples of my work. Right now I'm still working on publishing the Tisdale Chronicles online and although I've ran into some snags we're working on it and with God's blessing that will be coming soon. In the meantime I'd like to give you another sample of the first books, "Whispers of War". So here's Chapter 2.
Hope you're enjoying the story so far, keep an eye out for more sneak peeks as we get closer to releasing the novel online!
Chapter 2
As they approached Paradise, Adam noted, not for the first
time, that it looked more like an abandoned play fort then anything. He was
well aware that the camp was in fact much more. He heard a distant whistle that
sounded a lot like a robin calling to its mate, which he recognized as a
warning call announcing their presence. No one got within a hundred yards of
the camp undetected. Although they no longer had the use of electronics,
Paradise had a top notch security system of trip wires, sentries, whistles and
passwords. Sneaking up on the camp was virtually impossible and even if you did
get that far, it wasn’t very likely that you’d survive to tell the tale.
As the group approached, a tall dark-haired man, dagger in
hand, suddenly appeared, so quietly it gave the illusion he stepped out of thin
air, he said nothing, but only stared at them, clearly waiting for something.
It was Adam who spoke first.
“The angel Gabriel has sent us,” Adam told him calmly, after
a moment the corner of the man’s mouth raised just a fraction.
“Come in then, servants of the King.” The passwords having
been said correctly, the group relaxed.
“It’s good to see you again Scott,” Adam greeted him, as
they entered the camp, that deceivingly looking unguarded, unless you knew what
to look for. Then you would see the maze of buildings and trap doors that kept
their new home running smoothly.
“And you three, we’re glad you’ve come,” with this greeting,
Scott stepped back and seemed to melt away, as he disappeared into the shadows.
The group walked into the camp and the door was closed quickly behind them.
From the outside, you would never be able to imagine what
Paradise looked like. Even the inside was fairly deceiving; the living cabins
and most of the buildings, including a bunker, were actually underground, the
entrances were hidden by trap doors, some in the shell buildings, others
outside. You’d never find any of them if you didn’t know where to look. It
didn’t look like much, but Adam knew that it was quite literally a fortress. As
soon as they entered the camp, a woman in her mid-thirties approached them,
dressed in jeans and a t-shirt she would have looked like a typical 22nd
century woman, except for the sword strapped to her side.
“So you’ve made it, a scout told us he’d spotted you an hour
ago, were the woods clear?” Katy Clark asked as she approached the young
“Yes, ma’am and we also have a message from The Council and
news from town.” Katy nodded, her look telling them she’d already guessed that.
It would’ve been unusual to send a team just because of news and a message, but
she didn’t ask any questions.
“Come on, I’ll take you to Eli, he’s out on the weapons
range now.” No one responded, but Amy slipped from her brother’s side to walk
near the older woman.
“How are things, Aunt Katy?” Amy asked softly, although the
woman was not related to her, Amy had addressed her as ‘aunt’ for years. Her
mother’s friend, she had been their neighbor, until she’d been fired from her
job for her beliefs. When her former employer tried to have her arrested on a
false charge of embezzlement, Katy, like so many others, had fled to Paradise.
“Wonderful as always,” Katy smiled at the young woman, her
optimism showing through the worry of why they had been sent. “How are your
parents and things back in town,” her smile faded when Amy’s blue eyes, so much
like her brothers, darkened.
“Not well,” Amy told her softly she would’ve continued but
they had reached the range and Eli was approaching. Katy said nothing but
squeezed Amy’s hand gently, a silent promise that they’d talk more soon.
“Well what do we have here?” The big man called Eli asked as
he approached. He had been the first to come to Paradise and The Council had
left the running of the camp to him. He was huge, standing about 6’3 and
weighing about 240 pounds, he looked terrifying, but Amy knew that underneath
the dark beard and gruff voice, he had a heart of gold.
“We have news and a message,” Kyle told him, much as he’d
said to Katy. Eli nodded gravely; he’d known this day would come.
“Let’s go into the Hall, we can talk there.”
The building, commonly called the Hall, was a huge common
room where important matters were often discussed; no one said a word as they
silently followed Eli towards the building. They’d been traveling all morning
and although they were tired they gave no thought to rest or cleaning up. This
is what they’d been trained for. First, they must report the news, then help
ready the camp, there were too many lives at stake to waste time.
By the time the first scouts arrived, at around four the
next morning, there was a hearty stew and warm beds awaiting them. After
eating, they gratefully fell asleep having reported that the first group was
about an hour behind them. When the people started arriving they came in a
steady but staggered stream, the camp’s main occupants fed and comforted them,
before showing them to their cabins. Adam was among the greeters, while Kyle
helped serve and Amy worked steadily alongside her aunt to comfort the
frightened people and tuck the little ones in. She was exhausted and it’d
started to show by the time she finally caught sight of her mother.
Carrying a young boy of four, Marie was trying to encourage
the young mother staggering behind her, as Amy approached she could hear the
words her mother was speaking.
“It’s okay Clarisse, we’re almost there, we’re in the camp
now and we’ll get something to eat and then get some sleep. Things will look
better in the morning.” Amy remembered that Clarisse was the only believer in
her family; the child’s father had left when their son, Jack, was still a baby
and when Clarisse had come to Christ a little over a year ago, her parents had
disowned her turning her out into the street until the community of believers
had taken her in. A wave of compassion swept over Amy for the young woman, the
same age as she was who already carried the burden of motherhood. Immediately,
she approached the trio and took the child from her mother’s tired arms.
“Mama, Clarisse, there’s food right over there,” she
inclined her head to the right where Kyle was dishing up the stew. Go get something to eat and I’ll get Jack off
to bed. Someone will stay with him until you can get there.” Clarisse looked
like she wanted to argue, but Marie sent her daughter a grateful smile and
ushered the young mother towards the makeshift tables.
Amy whisked the child down to a cabin, making sure he was
settled in by an empty bunk where his mother could sleep. She wanted to stay,
but knew there were many more in need of her help, so finding another woman who
was still up with a scared child, she asked her to watch Jack until either his
mother or Marie arrived.
Adam didn’t know what time it was when he finally caught
sight of the last travelers. He was exhausted and although Eli had offered to
relieve him several times he chose to stay and keep on. Among the men in the
last group was Council member Mark Drake, he’d chosen to stay behind and keep
an eye for anyone trying to follow the weary Christians. When he finally got to
the perimeter Adam greeted him warmly.
“Anything?” he asked, praying that it was all clear.
“Not that I could see, let’s hope the snow erases any trace
we may have left.”
It was some time before Adam got any sleep, by the time he
had helped Kyle and the others cleaning up, it was time for the sentries to
change and the traps to be set up. Both boys wanted to tag along but Eli
overruled them telling them to get some sleep.
“There will be plenty of time to learn the workings of the
camp and check the traps and whatever else after you’ve gotten some sleep.
You’ll be of no use to anyone if you collapse on your feet from exhaustion, now
off to bed!” Although the words were a bit harsh, the twinkle in his eye belied
the scolding and the pair gladly fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.
Hope you're enjoying the story so far, keep an eye out for more sneak peeks as we get closer to releasing the novel online!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Kick Back
As you have probably figured out by now I'm one of those people who likes to be doing something. Patience? Not really my strong suit but recently I attended a Women's Retreat out on the Coast and the scripture we were using was Psalms 23. In verse 2 David, the man writing the psalms says, "He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters."
Think about that for a moment. Green pastures, where the sheep wouldn't have to travel to find food, and still waters where they could drink without trouble. Now I'm just paraphrasing what the teacher was saying but hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say. The Good Shepard leads his sheep to a place where they can rest.
Our culture, even our church, is obsessed with business, we keep moving, serving, and working to further the Kingdom of God which is amazing and wonderful and exactly what we've been called to do but sometimes we get so obsessed with our mission we forget who it is we're serving.
Throughout the bible we see Jesus going up to rest, to pray, to be alone. We try so hard to follow his example in so many things yet we somehow manage to ignore this very important integral part of his life and his ministry.
Sometimes the thing we need most is rest. Time to focus on the on the One we serve, time to refresh our bodies as well as our souls.
It goes against everything we've been taught and every instinct that we have and yet it's one of the most important things we can do. Next time you're looking something to fill your down time, maybe that's something to consider.
Think about that for a moment. Green pastures, where the sheep wouldn't have to travel to find food, and still waters where they could drink without trouble. Now I'm just paraphrasing what the teacher was saying but hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say. The Good Shepard leads his sheep to a place where they can rest.
Our culture, even our church, is obsessed with business, we keep moving, serving, and working to further the Kingdom of God which is amazing and wonderful and exactly what we've been called to do but sometimes we get so obsessed with our mission we forget who it is we're serving.
Throughout the bible we see Jesus going up to rest, to pray, to be alone. We try so hard to follow his example in so many things yet we somehow manage to ignore this very important integral part of his life and his ministry.
Sometimes the thing we need most is rest. Time to focus on the on the One we serve, time to refresh our bodies as well as our souls.
It goes against everything we've been taught and every instinct that we have and yet it's one of the most important things we can do. Next time you're looking something to fill your down time, maybe that's something to consider.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Love and Loss
Everyone likes to talk about their great love, movies have been made, books have been written and those timeless stories have been passed down through each generation until even our littlest children know them by heart. But what about great loss? Those times that we don't like to talk about, those memories that we keep locked away so no one can see them, or the opposite we rely on them as we would a crutch, using them to excuse away all sorts of sins that we may commit.
The fact is that everyone deals with loss differently, I've spent a good portion of my life running away, from love, from loss, from any matter of things that I believe might make me vulnerable, including my relationship with Christ.
A few years ago someone very close to me lost their baby boy, their son was born premature and only lived for a few moments. That loss cut through my heart like nothing else ever had. For a long time after that baby died I held it against God, blaming him instead of accepting that He had another plan. I know in my head and my heart that little boy is safe in heaven and as I look around our world today I have to accept the fact that as much as I miss that child and grieve that I never got to know him or watch him grow up he's in a far better place.
Today I still can't say I understand why God chooses to take some to be with Him when they're so young and leaves others here on earth. I don't know what His plans are and there are still moments of doubt when I want nothing more then to run away. But here's what I do know. God is a loving, all knowing, all powerful Father who loves us more then we can possibly comprehend. He gave us His "only begotten Son that whosoever shall believe should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) He knew that "the wages of sin are death..." (Romans 3:23) and he wanted to spare us that, the second half of that verse in Romans says "...but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
All throughout the Bible we find amazing promises that our Heavenly Father had given us, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11) and in the first part of that book He says "...before I formed you in the womb I knew you..." (Jeremiah1:5) One of my favorites is Paul's ever-so-true words in Romans when he says "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39) He also promised, "...I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Joshua 1:5)
There are so many other promises throughout the Word that it would take me years to find and list them all but here's what it all comes down to. God loves us, He gave His only Son for us so that we might live forever with Him. Instead of running away run into His arms, He's waiting for you and He's already told you what you need to do.
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)
Jesus Himself has told you everything you need to know, "...I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) You have all the facts, the rest is up to you.
The fact is that everyone deals with loss differently, I've spent a good portion of my life running away, from love, from loss, from any matter of things that I believe might make me vulnerable, including my relationship with Christ.
A few years ago someone very close to me lost their baby boy, their son was born premature and only lived for a few moments. That loss cut through my heart like nothing else ever had. For a long time after that baby died I held it against God, blaming him instead of accepting that He had another plan. I know in my head and my heart that little boy is safe in heaven and as I look around our world today I have to accept the fact that as much as I miss that child and grieve that I never got to know him or watch him grow up he's in a far better place.
Today I still can't say I understand why God chooses to take some to be with Him when they're so young and leaves others here on earth. I don't know what His plans are and there are still moments of doubt when I want nothing more then to run away. But here's what I do know. God is a loving, all knowing, all powerful Father who loves us more then we can possibly comprehend. He gave us His "only begotten Son that whosoever shall believe should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) He knew that "the wages of sin are death..." (Romans 3:23) and he wanted to spare us that, the second half of that verse in Romans says "...but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
All throughout the Bible we find amazing promises that our Heavenly Father had given us, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11) and in the first part of that book He says "...before I formed you in the womb I knew you..." (Jeremiah1:5) One of my favorites is Paul's ever-so-true words in Romans when he says "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39) He also promised, "...I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Joshua 1:5)
There are so many other promises throughout the Word that it would take me years to find and list them all but here's what it all comes down to. God loves us, He gave His only Son for us so that we might live forever with Him. Instead of running away run into His arms, He's waiting for you and He's already told you what you need to do.
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)
Jesus Himself has told you everything you need to know, "...I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) You have all the facts, the rest is up to you.
Friday, November 8, 2013
November is traditionally the month of thanksgiving but sometimes we don't feel that way. Many of you have probably seen the phenomenon that overtakes social media each year around this time as people start posting each day what they're thankful for. It's a great tradition but at the end of the month it stops and people go back to their posts about the day or problems or whatever else, there's nothing wrong with that, but suddenly they forget all of the things that they were thankful for just a few weeks ago!
It reminds me of the verse in Romans, "The heart is deceitful above all things, who can know it?" As humans we are so quick to say something one day and put it out of our minds, and hearts, the very next day.
So here's the challenge, after the holiday season is over keep a track, whether it's posting on social media each day or just writing it down in a journal, take a month and each day remember to say something you're thankful for. You might be amazed at the difference it can make in your life.
It reminds me of the verse in Romans, "The heart is deceitful above all things, who can know it?" As humans we are so quick to say something one day and put it out of our minds, and hearts, the very next day.
So here's the challenge, after the holiday season is over keep a track, whether it's posting on social media each day or just writing it down in a journal, take a month and each day remember to say something you're thankful for. You might be amazed at the difference it can make in your life.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Strait of Hormuz by Davis Bunn
Wow! I finished reading Davis Bunn's Strait of Hormuz today and let me just say that if you read my last review you know how much I loved Unlimited but this one might just beat it! Strait of Hormuz is the third book in the Marc Royce series but don't let that stop you! I haven't read the other two books and I still loved it!
Strait of Hormuz is an amazing story of heartbreak and mending. It makes you realize that even when we don't get our human version of happily-ever-after God has a plan that is so much better. Davis Bunn has truly shown his amazing, God-given talent once again, it's exciting from the first page and never slows down! The character are endearlingly life-like that remind you so much of your loved ones you find yourself shaking your head then laughing out loud as they bring out the humor in the most unexpected places. Set in a greater picture of politics and espinoge may be something we never encounter but the more intimate plot of the character's lives and stories of faith bring tears to your eyes and truths to your heart.
Strait of Hormuz is an amazing story of heartbreak and mending. It makes you realize that even when we don't get our human version of happily-ever-after God has a plan that is so much better. Davis Bunn has truly shown his amazing, God-given talent once again, it's exciting from the first page and never slows down! The character are endearlingly life-like that remind you so much of your loved ones you find yourself shaking your head then laughing out loud as they bring out the humor in the most unexpected places. Set in a greater picture of politics and espinoge may be something we never encounter but the more intimate plot of the character's lives and stories of faith bring tears to your eyes and truths to your heart.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Ministry Moment- November
AWANA. How many of you have heard of it? How many of you can say what it stands for? In three days I'll give you the answer, posted as a comment but for right now I just want to highlight that ministry for a moment.
I was raised in AWANA, as were my siblings, many of my cousins, and a lot of my friends. My parents, aunts, grandparents, and myself along with many others have all served as leaders in this phenomenal ministry. AWANA is a program built and designed for kids. Children as young as 2 can start this program and it goes all the way through high school!
When I began I was what they call a Cubbie, the class for 3-5 year olds. Later, as a teenager, I was actually a Cubbie leader. But I'm getting off subject.
Let me just give you the breakdown of this ministry and quickly explain why it's so important.
Kids get to come to AWANA, play games, hear a story, learn Bible verses, and spend time with leaders who will care about them and invest in their lives. I can still tell you the names of many of my AWANA leaders because I knew how much they loved me and they made an amazing difference in my life.
Many parents love this program because it's inexpensive, others enjoy that hour or two to be able to have some time away whether it's to go grocery shopping or just savor a cup of coffee without little ones crawling on their laps. Quite a few love the discipline that it teaches their child from the uniforms they wear to the dedication it takes to memorize verses. Lots of people, both those who attend church and those who don't have come to love the AWANA program, both for the difference it makes for their kids and for the amazing people they meet through it.
If you've never heard of AWANA and you've got kids you'd like to attend then just check out a quick Google search for nearby churches that have AWANA in your area. It's a great ministry and chances are, you won't regret it.
I was raised in AWANA, as were my siblings, many of my cousins, and a lot of my friends. My parents, aunts, grandparents, and myself along with many others have all served as leaders in this phenomenal ministry. AWANA is a program built and designed for kids. Children as young as 2 can start this program and it goes all the way through high school!
When I began I was what they call a Cubbie, the class for 3-5 year olds. Later, as a teenager, I was actually a Cubbie leader. But I'm getting off subject.
Let me just give you the breakdown of this ministry and quickly explain why it's so important.
Kids get to come to AWANA, play games, hear a story, learn Bible verses, and spend time with leaders who will care about them and invest in their lives. I can still tell you the names of many of my AWANA leaders because I knew how much they loved me and they made an amazing difference in my life.
Many parents love this program because it's inexpensive, others enjoy that hour or two to be able to have some time away whether it's to go grocery shopping or just savor a cup of coffee without little ones crawling on their laps. Quite a few love the discipline that it teaches their child from the uniforms they wear to the dedication it takes to memorize verses. Lots of people, both those who attend church and those who don't have come to love the AWANA program, both for the difference it makes for their kids and for the amazing people they meet through it.
If you've never heard of AWANA and you've got kids you'd like to attend then just check out a quick Google search for nearby churches that have AWANA in your area. It's a great ministry and chances are, you won't regret it.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
You Just Never Know
Every day we encounter people, whether it's through our jobs or our friends, at the grocery store or passing people on the street. We rarely think about these people unless they're someone we know. We don't stop to consider their past or what they've been through, we don't spend hours wondering about their family or how they're doing at their job. We pass them, maybe we smile and then we move on with our lives. Sometimes we stop for a few moments to have a conversation or exchange some pleasantries but rarely do these conversations have any significance in our lives and yet, on those rare occasions, it can really make you stop and think.
I was at work today when one of our customers was distracted while driving and accidentally ran over a tree on the sidewalk, they were fine and after making that everyone was all right and the appropriate people had been called I didn't think too much about it. Until... I had another customer later that night who made a comment about the car on the sidewalk, after explaining that everyone was fine and that the driver had been distracted I started to go back to my job. His next words shocked me and stopped me in my tracks as he began to tell me his story of how just a couple of months ago his wife was walking in a crosswalk and was run over by a driver who was looking at a GPS or something instead of paying attention. Now he didn't say how his wife was and I was too shocked to ask but for the rest of the night his story has stayed with me.
My point isn't to warn you about driving distracted, you already know the dangers and that's your decision but think back to the beginning of this blog where we were talking about all those people you encounter throughout your day. You may never know their story, what they've gone through, where they come from or maybe even their name but next time you're caught up in a conversation or God brings someone into your life keep this in mind.
Life's hard, for everyone, no matter who you are or where you come from we've all been through struggles, maybe a smile will change that person's day, or a kind word instead of avoiding someone's gaze. Maybe we should spend a little more time listening to that little voice that tells us to smile and take a moment to greet the store clerk or the stranger on the street and a little less time caught up in our busy thoughts.
I was at work today when one of our customers was distracted while driving and accidentally ran over a tree on the sidewalk, they were fine and after making that everyone was all right and the appropriate people had been called I didn't think too much about it. Until... I had another customer later that night who made a comment about the car on the sidewalk, after explaining that everyone was fine and that the driver had been distracted I started to go back to my job. His next words shocked me and stopped me in my tracks as he began to tell me his story of how just a couple of months ago his wife was walking in a crosswalk and was run over by a driver who was looking at a GPS or something instead of paying attention. Now he didn't say how his wife was and I was too shocked to ask but for the rest of the night his story has stayed with me.
My point isn't to warn you about driving distracted, you already know the dangers and that's your decision but think back to the beginning of this blog where we were talking about all those people you encounter throughout your day. You may never know their story, what they've gone through, where they come from or maybe even their name but next time you're caught up in a conversation or God brings someone into your life keep this in mind.
Life's hard, for everyone, no matter who you are or where you come from we've all been through struggles, maybe a smile will change that person's day, or a kind word instead of avoiding someone's gaze. Maybe we should spend a little more time listening to that little voice that tells us to smile and take a moment to greet the store clerk or the stranger on the street and a little less time caught up in our busy thoughts.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Sometimes It's Work
Have you ever heard the saying that if you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life? Well let me tell you something, I have two jobs, my writing, and the job that I go to every day that pays the bills, I love them both but I still work. Sometimes my writing is more work then my other job.
Writing is my passion, you've seen some samples of my work, some of you have gotten to read a few of my manuscripts even, I love to write! I believe with all my heart that God gave me this gift and I am determined not to waste it. Every time I think about publishing my work I pray that God will use it for His glory, that nothing will succeed if it won't be used to further His kingdom. But that doesn't mean it's easy. Sometimes I stare at a blank computer screen wondering why the words won't come. Sometimes I write for hours without every pausing or thinking about taking a break.
It's work, everything we do that is worth doing in this world is work. Otherwise we wouldn't appreciate it. We're selfish, we're broken, we're human, it's life.
Don't worry I really do have a point here other then just rambling and here it is. When you start to get frustrated or disappointed, when work isn't going well or you just can't seem to find the joy in it don't lose heart. Don't stop believing it what you do. It doesn't mean that it's not important it just means that things are tough right now. So persevere, keep working, put a smile on your face even when you don't feel like it. Turn up the music but most importantly hit your knees. Pray for that joy to be restored. When you make it through the valley of the shadow of death you'll realize that God is still waiting for you on the other side and His joy never left even if you didn't realize it.
Writing is my passion, you've seen some samples of my work, some of you have gotten to read a few of my manuscripts even, I love to write! I believe with all my heart that God gave me this gift and I am determined not to waste it. Every time I think about publishing my work I pray that God will use it for His glory, that nothing will succeed if it won't be used to further His kingdom. But that doesn't mean it's easy. Sometimes I stare at a blank computer screen wondering why the words won't come. Sometimes I write for hours without every pausing or thinking about taking a break.
It's work, everything we do that is worth doing in this world is work. Otherwise we wouldn't appreciate it. We're selfish, we're broken, we're human, it's life.
Don't worry I really do have a point here other then just rambling and here it is. When you start to get frustrated or disappointed, when work isn't going well or you just can't seem to find the joy in it don't lose heart. Don't stop believing it what you do. It doesn't mean that it's not important it just means that things are tough right now. So persevere, keep working, put a smile on your face even when you don't feel like it. Turn up the music but most importantly hit your knees. Pray for that joy to be restored. When you make it through the valley of the shadow of death you'll realize that God is still waiting for you on the other side and His joy never left even if you didn't realize it.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Making a difference
Ever been in church and heard a missionary sharing their
stories? And at the end of their talk they urge you to help, volunteer or give
money, insisting that every bit helps. So you pull out your wallet and take out
a few dollars, maybe a little more if you want to fell extra righteous,
dropping it in the offering plate as it goes by and knowing that you can feel
good about yourself now because you’ve done your part and given some money.
After all you’re just one person, what more can you do?
Well let me tell you a little bit about just one person, a
child, who asked herself the very same question but responded in a very differ
way. This girl was a teenager, about sixteen, when she started thinking about
missions trips. She was raised in a Christian home, had family members who were
missionaries and was now interested in short-term trips herself, maybe even
getting her youth group involved. So she started calling around. But you know
the world is a funny thing and almost every ministry she heard from the answer
was the same, “we’re glad for your interest but I’m sorry, you’re too young.
Call us back in a few years.”
Now she could’ve done exactly what most of us have done so
many times in the past but she didn’t. She decided not to just give up but took
a very different path. With the support of her parents and a few adults from
her church, she and her older brother partnered together to find a worthy
cause. World Vision.
Coming up with a financial plan these two teenagers
constructed the idea to help a village by raising money and buying practical
supplies like goats, shares in a well and even some medicine. They put together fundraising ideas and took
it to their congregation to ask for their help raising the money. They even did
a thirty hour famine with their youth group to get some idea of how the
families they were raising money for so often had to live.
Within just a few months the results had astounded them.
They asked for just a few hundred dollars and the result was well over a
thousand. With the money the teenagers were able to buy almost twice as much as
they had originally anticipated to help families that they would never meet.
Now remember, the girl was only sixteen, her brother was
eighteen, they were both in high school, neither of them were working regular
jobs, neither of them had a steady income. They were simply willing to let God
use them, and with the help of just a few adults they put together a plan that
they took to their church to raise money that touched countless lives.
If two teenagers can do that, what can you do?
Now please understand that I'm not discrediting give funds, that's what missionaries and ministries need to run but please don't sell yourself short! Once a month I'll be posting a link to various ministries who are doing they're part to make a difference. Maybe one of them will touch your heart.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Trip Through Time
We've reached over a thousand page views! How incredible is that? You guys have been amazing in bringing us this far in such a short time, it's only been about two months since I started this blog and I never imagined that so many of you would respond! Here's to you! In the last two months you have listened to me rant, laugh, muse, joke and give advice and even when it didn't completely make sense you still listened! Thanks for that guys, and thanks in advance for the next thousand page views that we'll hit!
Maybe it's just me but I feel like the last couple of months flew by before I even realized it. Some days I wondered if it would ever end, other days I seemed to wake up half-way through and more then once I wondered how it was already tomorrow! Have you ever felt that way? Ever caught yourself looking back in time and thinking about all the ways your life could've turned out had you just made that one decision differently?
I have, in fact just yesterday I was talking to one of my dear friends about a similar situation. We were talking about when we first met, we were in college at that time, and we both had so many plans and ideas of how our lives were supposed to turn out. Yet now, around the time when these plans of ours were supposed to be in full swing we discover that nothing is as we imagined it to be.
Five years of go if you had told me that I would be working towards publishing my books, writing a blog and living in the city I would've told you that you were insane and yet that's where I am. The fact is that God doesn't look at our plans and say, "Okay, that'll work, it's better then what I had planned anyways" he says "For I know the plans I have for you... plans to give you hope and a future..." think about that for just a second. Did you catch it? God already has plans for you! You can't change that! Going back in time wouldn't "fix" your mistakes or help you "do things right" that's not how it works.
Maybe you didn't always take the right path, no doubt there are things that you wish no one would ever know about but Christ erased your sins when he died on the Cross. Regretting your actions won't change the past, it just makes you dread the future. Live in the present, for the one who died to give you a future, don't live in the past or worry about the future, God's already dealt with both.
So next time you take a trip down memory lane and you wonder how things might have turned out don't wonder if you made a mistake just smile because you know that God already had it all planned out.
Maybe it's just me but I feel like the last couple of months flew by before I even realized it. Some days I wondered if it would ever end, other days I seemed to wake up half-way through and more then once I wondered how it was already tomorrow! Have you ever felt that way? Ever caught yourself looking back in time and thinking about all the ways your life could've turned out had you just made that one decision differently?
I have, in fact just yesterday I was talking to one of my dear friends about a similar situation. We were talking about when we first met, we were in college at that time, and we both had so many plans and ideas of how our lives were supposed to turn out. Yet now, around the time when these plans of ours were supposed to be in full swing we discover that nothing is as we imagined it to be.
Five years of go if you had told me that I would be working towards publishing my books, writing a blog and living in the city I would've told you that you were insane and yet that's where I am. The fact is that God doesn't look at our plans and say, "Okay, that'll work, it's better then what I had planned anyways" he says "For I know the plans I have for you... plans to give you hope and a future..." think about that for just a second. Did you catch it? God already has plans for you! You can't change that! Going back in time wouldn't "fix" your mistakes or help you "do things right" that's not how it works.
Maybe you didn't always take the right path, no doubt there are things that you wish no one would ever know about but Christ erased your sins when he died on the Cross. Regretting your actions won't change the past, it just makes you dread the future. Live in the present, for the one who died to give you a future, don't live in the past or worry about the future, God's already dealt with both.
So next time you take a trip down memory lane and you wonder how things might have turned out don't wonder if you made a mistake just smile because you know that God already had it all planned out.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Insanity in Wonderland
Okay, maybe I don't actually live in Wonderland like you think of it and yes, it's too early for snow and a Winter Wonderland (although that's coming soon) but you know that feeling when you need to laugh instead of cry? Well lately I've done quite a bit of both. Don't worry though, things are improving! Or at least they will, oh you're probably lost huh? Well maybe I should start at the beginning.
Once upon a time in a.... just kidding, let's start on Thursday, on my way home from work I fell down the stairs and shattered the screen on my phone. Yes... that really happened.
Friday was all right but then came Saturday. I was supposed to meet up with family after work but things got crazy and I ended up leaving late so they had to wait for me for almost an hour before I could get out of there. After a few hours of amazing family time I had to head back to work to sort out issues from earlier that day, I was already exhausted and by that night I knew I was well on my way to a cold.
Sunday I was really miserable but still had to go into work. Thankfully things were slow so I managed to survive but Monday was another story. I was at work for all of an hour when my boss told me go home. I knew we were short-handed that day so I was determined to stick it out, just over two hours later I gave in and ended up at home, crawled up in bed and armed with Kleenex, cough drops, hot tea and soup... for two whole days!
I'm not kidding bloggers it was crazy! Walking across the living room was hard, that is the definition of one insane cold!
Wednesday I just went to work for a few hours, granted by the time I got home I was exhausted but it felt good to know that I was getting better. Then came Thursday...
It started with some time with my big brother, sister-in-law and precious little niece which of course was amazing, I got to play with my niece well my brother and Sister ran errands then had to turn her over to go to a meeting. Everything was going well until I headed out to meet some friends for a small group. I left in plenty of time... and a hour and a half later I made it somewhere I knew so that I could call and get more accurate directions! The thing is that I had broken my cell phone so I could look anything up, couldn't just pull over and call someone, I know a lot of you probably remember the age before cell phones but trust me I don't. =) Okay that's not true I do but I also get lost... a lot, cell phones that look up directions or people to call to give me directions, those tend to save my life... a lot!
The fact is that I finally made it, there and home. I survived but trust me it was insane! The fact is that sometimes life is insane. Sometimes it feels like we're in another world, Wonderland or Neverland or whatever other magical fairytale land we like to find ourselves in. So what's your story? What insanity has life thrown at you lately? What land do you wish you could disappear into these days? You've heard mine, now what's yours?
Once upon a time in a.... just kidding, let's start on Thursday, on my way home from work I fell down the stairs and shattered the screen on my phone. Yes... that really happened.
Friday was all right but then came Saturday. I was supposed to meet up with family after work but things got crazy and I ended up leaving late so they had to wait for me for almost an hour before I could get out of there. After a few hours of amazing family time I had to head back to work to sort out issues from earlier that day, I was already exhausted and by that night I knew I was well on my way to a cold.
Sunday I was really miserable but still had to go into work. Thankfully things were slow so I managed to survive but Monday was another story. I was at work for all of an hour when my boss told me go home. I knew we were short-handed that day so I was determined to stick it out, just over two hours later I gave in and ended up at home, crawled up in bed and armed with Kleenex, cough drops, hot tea and soup... for two whole days!
I'm not kidding bloggers it was crazy! Walking across the living room was hard, that is the definition of one insane cold!
Wednesday I just went to work for a few hours, granted by the time I got home I was exhausted but it felt good to know that I was getting better. Then came Thursday...
It started with some time with my big brother, sister-in-law and precious little niece which of course was amazing, I got to play with my niece well my brother and Sister ran errands then had to turn her over to go to a meeting. Everything was going well until I headed out to meet some friends for a small group. I left in plenty of time... and a hour and a half later I made it somewhere I knew so that I could call and get more accurate directions! The thing is that I had broken my cell phone so I could look anything up, couldn't just pull over and call someone, I know a lot of you probably remember the age before cell phones but trust me I don't. =) Okay that's not true I do but I also get lost... a lot, cell phones that look up directions or people to call to give me directions, those tend to save my life... a lot!
The fact is that I finally made it, there and home. I survived but trust me it was insane! The fact is that sometimes life is insane. Sometimes it feels like we're in another world, Wonderland or Neverland or whatever other magical fairytale land we like to find ourselves in. So what's your story? What insanity has life thrown at you lately? What land do you wish you could disappear into these days? You've heard mine, now what's yours?
Monday, October 7, 2013
Unlimited by Davis Bunn- Review
My parents have always been big readers and one of their favorite authors of all time was Davis Bunn (or T. Davis Bunn as they know him from some of his earlier works). With that in mind when I got an email offering me the exciting oppurtunity to be part of his launch team and recieve the book for free in exchange for writing a review I thought it sounded like a pretty good idea. But I had no idea what I was in for.
Unlimited is easily one of the best books that I've read in a long time! Simon Orwell, the main character, starts out as the kind of guy that you really want to dislike yet find yourself strangely identifying with. With twists and turns that keep you guessing and characters that come alive it keeps you riveted to the page and staying up too late wondering what will happen next.
If you're looking a great suspense novel from a wonderful Christian author then Unlimited is right up your alley!
Unlimited is easily one of the best books that I've read in a long time! Simon Orwell, the main character, starts out as the kind of guy that you really want to dislike yet find yourself strangely identifying with. With twists and turns that keep you guessing and characters that come alive it keeps you riveted to the page and staying up too late wondering what will happen next.
If you're looking a great suspense novel from a wonderful Christian author then Unlimited is right up your alley!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Remeber when I started this blog and the first post talked about how I was a klutz, I said that sometimes falling on your face put you exactly where you needed to be. While bloggers, I wasn't joking when I said that I was a klutz and I proved it once again today.
Walking up to my apartment after work this afternoon I went to check my phone and discovered a missed call from my mom. While checking it I somehow managed to miss the last couple of steps and tumbling down I went, phone in hand, splattered out on the cement. My phone screen shattered, my body a little banged and bruised, and my ego a bit worse for the wear I managed to use another phone to return that missed call.
Now I sit here thinking about that first blog and smiling at how blind I can be. It was less then two months ago that I wrote that first blog and yet in such a short amount of time there have been countless times that I've forgotted to kneel down to my King and Lord. Maybe that's what today's fall was all about. After all, bruises and a phone are a small price to pay when you compare it to strengthing my relationship with him.
Now some would say that a fall is just a fall and they're right, but the question is... what do you do afterwards?
Walking up to my apartment after work this afternoon I went to check my phone and discovered a missed call from my mom. While checking it I somehow managed to miss the last couple of steps and tumbling down I went, phone in hand, splattered out on the cement. My phone screen shattered, my body a little banged and bruised, and my ego a bit worse for the wear I managed to use another phone to return that missed call.
Now I sit here thinking about that first blog and smiling at how blind I can be. It was less then two months ago that I wrote that first blog and yet in such a short amount of time there have been countless times that I've forgotted to kneel down to my King and Lord. Maybe that's what today's fall was all about. After all, bruises and a phone are a small price to pay when you compare it to strengthing my relationship with him.
Now some would say that a fall is just a fall and they're right, but the question is... what do you do afterwards?
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Terrifying Technology
So you remember how scary bookstores are bloggers? Well here's another one for you, computers! Now I grant you that I'm actually writing this on my laptop so obviously not all computers are evil but that's just because there are different species of computers.
You see bloggers, there are some computers, like my laptop, who are wonderful machines that do what you ask, when you ask and never try to confuse you with strange error messages like "Cannot compute" or whatever else they say. Then there's the other kind... these evil machines are inhabited by strange aliens from other planets whose sole goal is to confuse you and make your live miserable as you're trying to do your work and can't figure out anything else and then the whole thing just goes blue! Or is it black? Wait! It's coming back on! No, just kidding, it still won't work. The aliens are really having fun now, trying to mess with your mind and you can't get anything done because the machine won't work and you call technical support but they're working with those strange aliens and they talk in gibberish, throwing in enough words that it sounds like they're speaking English but really it's some strange language that they make up as they go along and you're just about to tear your hair out and demand to know what the aliens want when they ask "have you checked the plug?" Wait, that's actually a good idea. And as you bend down to look at the outlet you roll your eyes because of course you know it's plugged in and your just about to tell them "of course I did that!" when you realize... oh it came unplugged.
You see bloggers, there are some computers, like my laptop, who are wonderful machines that do what you ask, when you ask and never try to confuse you with strange error messages like "Cannot compute" or whatever else they say. Then there's the other kind... these evil machines are inhabited by strange aliens from other planets whose sole goal is to confuse you and make your live miserable as you're trying to do your work and can't figure out anything else and then the whole thing just goes blue! Or is it black? Wait! It's coming back on! No, just kidding, it still won't work. The aliens are really having fun now, trying to mess with your mind and you can't get anything done because the machine won't work and you call technical support but they're working with those strange aliens and they talk in gibberish, throwing in enough words that it sounds like they're speaking English but really it's some strange language that they make up as they go along and you're just about to tear your hair out and demand to know what the aliens want when they ask "have you checked the plug?" Wait, that's actually a good idea. And as you bend down to look at the outlet you roll your eyes because of course you know it's plugged in and your just about to tell them "of course I did that!" when you realize... oh it came unplugged.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Change is hard.
How many times have you heard that in your life? How many times have you wrote it off?
I like to pretend that I do a pretty good job with change. Sometimes it's even true but no one's perfect and I'm no exception. Change can be difficult, the question is how do you react to it?
The simple answer is that you have two options, react positively or react negatively but we all know there's a lot more to it then that. Every situation is different and therefore every reaction is different. You can't analyze what situation you will encounter for the rest of your life and how you should react to each one. Life doesn't work that way. Don't give up yet though, that's not the end of this blog.
You may not be able to predict what kind of changes you'll face but what you can do is start working on your attitude now. Learn to not be afraid of change, don't hide from it or run away from it, don't try complaining about it, instead try remembering and implementing the serenity prayer once in a while.
Lord give me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage the change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
It sounds simple but it's not. It's a lot harder then you might think but it works and the secret isn't in the prayer itself guys, the secret is that very first word.
Whether it's changes or hurdles or whatever else life might throw at you rely on Him, he'll find a way to give you the strength, courage, wisdom or anything else you might need to get through that particular situation you're in right now or get into later.
How many times have you heard that in your life? How many times have you wrote it off?
I like to pretend that I do a pretty good job with change. Sometimes it's even true but no one's perfect and I'm no exception. Change can be difficult, the question is how do you react to it?
The simple answer is that you have two options, react positively or react negatively but we all know there's a lot more to it then that. Every situation is different and therefore every reaction is different. You can't analyze what situation you will encounter for the rest of your life and how you should react to each one. Life doesn't work that way. Don't give up yet though, that's not the end of this blog.
You may not be able to predict what kind of changes you'll face but what you can do is start working on your attitude now. Learn to not be afraid of change, don't hide from it or run away from it, don't try complaining about it, instead try remembering and implementing the serenity prayer once in a while.
Lord give me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage the change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
It sounds simple but it's not. It's a lot harder then you might think but it works and the secret isn't in the prayer itself guys, the secret is that very first word.
Whether it's changes or hurdles or whatever else life might throw at you rely on Him, he'll find a way to give you the strength, courage, wisdom or anything else you might need to get through that particular situation you're in right now or get into later.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Have you ever caught yourself offering a friend something, that you'll buy lunch, or the loan of a favorite sweater, only to regret the offer the moment they accept? Too often we want to make the offer to make ourselves look good but we don't really want them to take us up on it, when they do we're left in a difficult position. Instead of offering in generosity we offer in selfishness.
Now some of you are thinking, "well I don't have that problem" and that's great! But don't let yourself off the hook just yet. What about when it's things more important then clothes or a meal? What about something that you really care about, what about sharing your family?
Here's something I've struggled with bloggers, my family. They are the single most important group of people in the entire world to me and they are also some of the most loving and generous people I've ever known. I grew up in a home where our friends were welcome, if they needed a safe place to stay, a parent figure in their lives, some friendly advice or a loving hug our home was the place to be. I've always know that there was enough love to go around, but I haven't always acted that way.
Too often I invite a friend to "share" my family so that they can experince that because they don't have that in their own lives. At first things go really well, then that old green monster starts to crawl up onto my shoulder and whispering in my ear. Things like "what if I'm replaced?" or "what if they love him/her better?" Sometimes it's even "why do they get along with him/her so much better then they get along with me?"
Now believe me, I know how childish this sound but I'd be willing to bet that if you examine your hearts closely at least 90% of you know what I'm talking about. But here's the facts. That's not how it works!!!! Did you hear me? Let me try again, IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!!!
My family doesn't dimish their love for me in order to love someone else and neither does The Lord. The more people love, the more that love grows. It's not a matter of either/or but a matter of growth. By sharing my family I am blessed to watch them love someone, watch that someone be blessed by them, and by knowing that I had a part in that. I can't be replaced and I won't be rejected.
Open your heart and let generosity in, chances are, you won't be dissapointed.
Now some of you are thinking, "well I don't have that problem" and that's great! But don't let yourself off the hook just yet. What about when it's things more important then clothes or a meal? What about something that you really care about, what about sharing your family?
Here's something I've struggled with bloggers, my family. They are the single most important group of people in the entire world to me and they are also some of the most loving and generous people I've ever known. I grew up in a home where our friends were welcome, if they needed a safe place to stay, a parent figure in their lives, some friendly advice or a loving hug our home was the place to be. I've always know that there was enough love to go around, but I haven't always acted that way.
Too often I invite a friend to "share" my family so that they can experince that because they don't have that in their own lives. At first things go really well, then that old green monster starts to crawl up onto my shoulder and whispering in my ear. Things like "what if I'm replaced?" or "what if they love him/her better?" Sometimes it's even "why do they get along with him/her so much better then they get along with me?"
Now believe me, I know how childish this sound but I'd be willing to bet that if you examine your hearts closely at least 90% of you know what I'm talking about. But here's the facts. That's not how it works!!!! Did you hear me? Let me try again, IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!!!
My family doesn't dimish their love for me in order to love someone else and neither does The Lord. The more people love, the more that love grows. It's not a matter of either/or but a matter of growth. By sharing my family I am blessed to watch them love someone, watch that someone be blessed by them, and by knowing that I had a part in that. I can't be replaced and I won't be rejected.
Open your heart and let generosity in, chances are, you won't be dissapointed.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Falling for Fall
You may have noticed from the change of background that I'm embracing the change of season as we transition from the summer's heat to the cool breezes of fall and it occurred to me that there are so many fall traditions that we celebrate as children yet forget about as adults.
Think about it bloggers, remember when you were a kid and you used to rake up all the leaves then jump in the pile! You're in the air for less then a second and yet for that moment in time you're flying! You're a super hero or an airplane and nothing can touch you! When you land you're surrounded by these russet colors that seem to light up the world and make everything around you more alive.
Then when you go inside there's a bowl of hot soup and maybe a cup of cocoa on the counter. You can curl up next to the fire as you plot with your siblings what great Halloween costume you'll come up with this year. Or maybe you listen to your mom and dad planning out Thanksgiving dinner and wonder whose getting kicked out of their bedroom for Grandma and Grandpa this year.
A few days later there's a thunderstorm and maybe you're like my sister and sitting up to watch it through your window or maybe you're more like I used to be as a kid and looking for the closest place to hide until you discover the magic of watching the lightening draw designs across the night sky.
On your way out to school the next day you discover that the rain has filled up all the pot holes and what could be more fun then splashing in puddles as that muddy water sprays up around you and the cold liquid seeps into your jeans but you don't even realize because you're having too much fun!
It's fall again bloggers! Instead of hiding away inside your houses and complaining about the rain and cold, go out, celebrate, embrace your childhood, dance in the rain, splash in a puddle, take in the changing colors or then tell me your own way of falling for fall!
Think about it bloggers, remember when you were a kid and you used to rake up all the leaves then jump in the pile! You're in the air for less then a second and yet for that moment in time you're flying! You're a super hero or an airplane and nothing can touch you! When you land you're surrounded by these russet colors that seem to light up the world and make everything around you more alive.
Then when you go inside there's a bowl of hot soup and maybe a cup of cocoa on the counter. You can curl up next to the fire as you plot with your siblings what great Halloween costume you'll come up with this year. Or maybe you listen to your mom and dad planning out Thanksgiving dinner and wonder whose getting kicked out of their bedroom for Grandma and Grandpa this year.
A few days later there's a thunderstorm and maybe you're like my sister and sitting up to watch it through your window or maybe you're more like I used to be as a kid and looking for the closest place to hide until you discover the magic of watching the lightening draw designs across the night sky.
On your way out to school the next day you discover that the rain has filled up all the pot holes and what could be more fun then splashing in puddles as that muddy water sprays up around you and the cold liquid seeps into your jeans but you don't even realize because you're having too much fun!
It's fall again bloggers! Instead of hiding away inside your houses and complaining about the rain and cold, go out, celebrate, embrace your childhood, dance in the rain, splash in a puddle, take in the changing colors or then tell me your own way of falling for fall!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Incomplete Sentances
So as an author I should actually know how to complete a sentence however, as my family can attest, I often don't. I actually have several people in my life who are the same way, they start talking but never seem to be able to form the thought into a complete and coherent sentence structure, I'm sure an English teacher would be upset but I look at it a bit differently.
Think of it this way, when you don't complete your thought or sentence who in your life understands you? Nine times out of ten, it's people who are close to you, they know you well enough to know what you mean even when you're not sure yourself. And the opposite is true, the people you understand are people you know well.
Speaking of incoherent sentences, this might be a little confusing so let me just sum it up. We all have people in our lives who know us, maybe better then we think, those are the ones who can read our moods, finish our thoughts or interpret a look from across the room. Be grateful for these people every day, they're a treasure and a blessing who's value is immeasurable.
Think of it this way, when you don't complete your thought or sentence who in your life understands you? Nine times out of ten, it's people who are close to you, they know you well enough to know what you mean even when you're not sure yourself. And the opposite is true, the people you understand are people you know well.
Speaking of incoherent sentences, this might be a little confusing so let me just sum it up. We all have people in our lives who know us, maybe better then we think, those are the ones who can read our moods, finish our thoughts or interpret a look from across the room. Be grateful for these people every day, they're a treasure and a blessing who's value is immeasurable.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Changing Seasons
It's that time of year again, when the heat gives way to the chill, the sun plays peekaboo with the clouds and the lighting and thunder start to roll across the sky. For those of us in the Western Hemisphere that is.
There's so many changes going on around me as people trade shorts for sweaters, pool time for school time and fireworks for firesides, that I can't help but wonder if we're letting the Holy Spirit do His work to change our lives. So often we (and I'm as guilty about this as anyone) get so caught up in the little things, getting somewhere on time, making sure all the bills are paid, or wondering what on earth to make for dinner that we forget about all the blessings we have. It's not that those things aren't important, of course they are but don't get so caught up with those things that we forget to enjoy the amazing life that God has given us.
As seasons change there are some times of year that we tend to take stock of these things. At Thanksgiving we take time to name our blessings, at Christmas we remember all that we've been given, at Fourth of July we celebrate our freedom and at days like 9/11 we remember what it took to get us to this point but what about the rest of the year? What about every day?
1 Chronicles 16:34 says "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."
Think about that for just a moment, His love endures forever... that covers every single day, every single moment of our entire lives and beyond. How can we not be grateful for that?
In Psalms the well known verse says "This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
We know that he made every day but do we live like it?
Here's the thought for the day bloggers, as the seasons change let your hearts be changed also, remember to be grateful for what blessings God gives and take a moment to revel in the wonder of His enduring love.
There's so many changes going on around me as people trade shorts for sweaters, pool time for school time and fireworks for firesides, that I can't help but wonder if we're letting the Holy Spirit do His work to change our lives. So often we (and I'm as guilty about this as anyone) get so caught up in the little things, getting somewhere on time, making sure all the bills are paid, or wondering what on earth to make for dinner that we forget about all the blessings we have. It's not that those things aren't important, of course they are but don't get so caught up with those things that we forget to enjoy the amazing life that God has given us.
As seasons change there are some times of year that we tend to take stock of these things. At Thanksgiving we take time to name our blessings, at Christmas we remember all that we've been given, at Fourth of July we celebrate our freedom and at days like 9/11 we remember what it took to get us to this point but what about the rest of the year? What about every day?
1 Chronicles 16:34 says "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."
Think about that for just a moment, His love endures forever... that covers every single day, every single moment of our entire lives and beyond. How can we not be grateful for that?
In Psalms the well known verse says "This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
We know that he made every day but do we live like it?
Here's the thought for the day bloggers, as the seasons change let your hearts be changed also, remember to be grateful for what blessings God gives and take a moment to revel in the wonder of His enduring love.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Twelve Years Today
There are moments in life that are seared into our brains, never to be forgotten. For those old enough to remember these are things like Pearl Harbor Day, JFK's assassination, Columbine, or the World Trade Center Bombing. For those who are lucky enough to have lived them there are other kind of memories, like your wedding day, the day you first held that precious baby in your arms, the day you came to know the Lord as your savior or that day you had to say good-bye to a loved one. These are the days that we remember, days that we swear at the time we will never forget.
This was the mantra of that day twelve years ago, do you remember what our nation cried out? "Never Forget". And yet some people want to. Please understand that I'm not condemning these people, in fact I understand exactly where they're coming from. As a flawed human race we don't want to dwell on tragedy, we'd rather move on to all that's good in life but as Sir Winston Churchill once said "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." If we let today slip by without so much as a thought or a moment of prayer for those thousands of lives lost what kind of people does that make us? What does that say about our country?
Today I want to challenge you, as you go about your normal, everyday life to take a moment and let yourself remember what happened twelve years ago. To pray for the families of those brave men and women who gave up their lives both in New York City, D.C. and in Pennsylvania where
they're brave actions kept those terrorists from furthering their plan. Pray for our military men and women who are still out there, still fighting against the evil that attacked our country. And pray for our country, this great land of the brave and home of the free that so many have laid their lives down for, not such twelve years ago but over and over again throughout the years since this great nation was first founded. Above all I ask that you would pray for each other, that we, as a nation and as individuals would never forget.
I can still remember what I was doing that day when I first heard the news. I was with my mom and brother in our van and we heard the news on the radio but it wasn't until I got to school and our teacher explained the situation that I began to grasp the seriousness of this awful day. Even now as I write this I can see the image of those planes running into the Towers. I've been to Washington D.C. and I saw the Pentagon where the plane hit. I can tell you exactly what I was doing when I first heard the news that after ten years one of the men who orchestrated these attacks, Osama bin Laden, had been killed. I remember these things as if they had just happened, and I choose not to forget, not to dishonor the heroes of 9/11 that way. These men and women didn't wake up on September 11th, 2001 and just decide they would lay down their lives for their country but when the time came they made a choice that might be best described in the words of Patrick Henry, "Give me liberty or give me death!" They believed in this country and they believed in what it stood for, now the question is do we?
This was the mantra of that day twelve years ago, do you remember what our nation cried out? "Never Forget". And yet some people want to. Please understand that I'm not condemning these people, in fact I understand exactly where they're coming from. As a flawed human race we don't want to dwell on tragedy, we'd rather move on to all that's good in life but as Sir Winston Churchill once said "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." If we let today slip by without so much as a thought or a moment of prayer for those thousands of lives lost what kind of people does that make us? What does that say about our country?
Today I want to challenge you, as you go about your normal, everyday life to take a moment and let yourself remember what happened twelve years ago. To pray for the families of those brave men and women who gave up their lives both in New York City, D.C. and in Pennsylvania where
they're brave actions kept those terrorists from furthering their plan. Pray for our military men and women who are still out there, still fighting against the evil that attacked our country. And pray for our country, this great land of the brave and home of the free that so many have laid their lives down for, not such twelve years ago but over and over again throughout the years since this great nation was first founded. Above all I ask that you would pray for each other, that we, as a nation and as individuals would never forget.
I can still remember what I was doing that day when I first heard the news. I was with my mom and brother in our van and we heard the news on the radio but it wasn't until I got to school and our teacher explained the situation that I began to grasp the seriousness of this awful day. Even now as I write this I can see the image of those planes running into the Towers. I've been to Washington D.C. and I saw the Pentagon where the plane hit. I can tell you exactly what I was doing when I first heard the news that after ten years one of the men who orchestrated these attacks, Osama bin Laden, had been killed. I remember these things as if they had just happened, and I choose not to forget, not to dishonor the heroes of 9/11 that way. These men and women didn't wake up on September 11th, 2001 and just decide they would lay down their lives for their country but when the time came they made a choice that might be best described in the words of Patrick Henry, "Give me liberty or give me death!" They believed in this country and they believed in what it stood for, now the question is do we?
Monday, September 9, 2013
Let's Play A Game Final Post: Father, Pesky, Kite
Well bloggers, we all have them whether we like to admit it or not every one of us has a father. Maybe you don't speak to your father, maybe you don't even know him, or maybe (like me) you have a great relationship with him. But, no matter how amazing your dad is there's no denying the truth, every now and then all of them can be a real pesky nuisance. So the question becomes what in the world are you supposed to do with them? In this blog we'll explore some of those methods.
Method 1) Every now and then pesky fathers get this idea that they know what's best. There are few things that you should know before attempting to deal with this problem. First of all, they're probably right. Secondly, they're not likely to change their minds however take heart, there is hope! It comes in the form of illogical argument!
This is a bit of a confusing system so let me explain, first of all there are two kinds of people who excel at illogical argument, first, women, and second, teenagers, if this describes you then you may be in luck! The trick to illogical argument is that you don't actually have to make sense. All you have to do is make enough sense to confuse the pesky father then continue talking in circles until you confuse them so much they just shake their heads, throw up their hands and give up. But be warned! Depending on their stubbornness level this could be a long road.
Method 2) If you're looking for a shorter path around the pesky father then the road of illogical argument you might try this tried and true tactic. The Mother.
Sometimes when fathers are being especially pesky the best route is the not the most direct but rather the slightly roundabout direction. In some civilized circles this is called using a mediator but in reality it's easier to just say The Mother. When you come to a crossroads this is often the best method to employ. Let me give you a few simple steps.
1. Take a break from arguing, preferably before emotions get out of hand.
2. Step away and go find The Mother.
3. Explain your point in a calm, rational way or if that fails, try the illogical argument method but be warned that's taking quite a risk as mothers are less likely to fall for this so use this weapon from your arsenal extremely carefully.
4. Bring The Mother to your side then act like the vulnerable child and ask her to talk to the pesky father on your behalf, if you play to her sympathies you may get the answer your looking for but be careful, Mothers are smart and tend to catch on to this trick quickly.
5. Wait for the Mother to do her job and you're home free!
Method 3) Our next method that we'll explore today is the hardest to employ correctly so think long and hard before employing it. I like to call it by it's old, universal term, The Silent Treatment.
Occasionally when pesky fathers are being particularly difficult this may be the time to walk away. Now this is a very risky method so watch out. It often backfires but if played right, and if the pesky father is in the right mood then he may cave just to be on speaking terms with you again.
Method 4) Now when all else fails there is one more method, my personal favorite as a matter of fact, but also the one that requires you to bend just a little bit. I call this the Kite Method.
No, you don't actually have to go fly a kite with the pesky father but this method calls you to spend some quality time together. From fishing to playing a board game to just going for a drive together this will often help you and the pesky father calm tempers so that you two can have a rational conversation and possibly reach a compromise.
So there you have it bloggers, four tried and true methods to dealing with those pesky fathers from illogical arguments to the Kite Method. Now tell me your story! Have you used any of these in the past? What worked the best or tell me any other methods you have, I'm always up for new ideas!
Method 1) Every now and then pesky fathers get this idea that they know what's best. There are few things that you should know before attempting to deal with this problem. First of all, they're probably right. Secondly, they're not likely to change their minds however take heart, there is hope! It comes in the form of illogical argument!
This is a bit of a confusing system so let me explain, first of all there are two kinds of people who excel at illogical argument, first, women, and second, teenagers, if this describes you then you may be in luck! The trick to illogical argument is that you don't actually have to make sense. All you have to do is make enough sense to confuse the pesky father then continue talking in circles until you confuse them so much they just shake their heads, throw up their hands and give up. But be warned! Depending on their stubbornness level this could be a long road.
Method 2) If you're looking for a shorter path around the pesky father then the road of illogical argument you might try this tried and true tactic. The Mother.
Sometimes when fathers are being especially pesky the best route is the not the most direct but rather the slightly roundabout direction. In some civilized circles this is called using a mediator but in reality it's easier to just say The Mother. When you come to a crossroads this is often the best method to employ. Let me give you a few simple steps.
1. Take a break from arguing, preferably before emotions get out of hand.
2. Step away and go find The Mother.
3. Explain your point in a calm, rational way or if that fails, try the illogical argument method but be warned that's taking quite a risk as mothers are less likely to fall for this so use this weapon from your arsenal extremely carefully.
4. Bring The Mother to your side then act like the vulnerable child and ask her to talk to the pesky father on your behalf, if you play to her sympathies you may get the answer your looking for but be careful, Mothers are smart and tend to catch on to this trick quickly.
5. Wait for the Mother to do her job and you're home free!
Method 3) Our next method that we'll explore today is the hardest to employ correctly so think long and hard before employing it. I like to call it by it's old, universal term, The Silent Treatment.
Occasionally when pesky fathers are being particularly difficult this may be the time to walk away. Now this is a very risky method so watch out. It often backfires but if played right, and if the pesky father is in the right mood then he may cave just to be on speaking terms with you again.
Method 4) Now when all else fails there is one more method, my personal favorite as a matter of fact, but also the one that requires you to bend just a little bit. I call this the Kite Method.
No, you don't actually have to go fly a kite with the pesky father but this method calls you to spend some quality time together. From fishing to playing a board game to just going for a drive together this will often help you and the pesky father calm tempers so that you two can have a rational conversation and possibly reach a compromise.
So there you have it bloggers, four tried and true methods to dealing with those pesky fathers from illogical arguments to the Kite Method. Now tell me your story! Have you used any of these in the past? What worked the best or tell me any other methods you have, I'm always up for new ideas!
Friday, September 6, 2013
Let's Play A Game Post 3: Penguins, Racecar, Hotel
All right bloggers, this one was a bit random too but I'm an author so what better way to meet this challenge then with a story?
Once upon a time there was a penguin who drove a racecar. Mr. Penguin decided to go on vacation so he found the Iceberg Hotel online and was very excited about his upcoming trip. When the day finally came Mr. Penguin got in his racecar (which was not street legal) and drove to his hotel. He couldn't wait to slip and slide down the ice ramp and maybe even shoot down the black ice tunnel that was supposed to go at super sonic speeds! But when he went inside he was appalled to find that the hotel didn't have any other penguins inside but a lot of stuck-up seals!
"You can't stay in our hotel!" The lofty seal concierge told him, "There are no penguins allowed!"
"But what about the ice slide and the black ice tunnel?" Mr. Penguin asked.
"Those are for Seal children," the seal told him haughtily. "Not for penguins like yourself."
A very sad Mr. Penguin walked away, climbing back in his racecar sure that his special vacation was ruined. But he was so sad that he wasn't paying any attention to where he was driving so instead of getting on the road that would take him back home he ended up haplessly lost in some town he'd never even heard of before!
Quite certain that this vacation couldn't get any worse Mr. Penguin started looking for a place to ask directions. But then lo and behold, what a wondrous sight! Mr. Penguin saw a sign for a racetrack up ahead! Immediately he started towards the track, wondering if his vacation might be saved after all!
Pulling off the road he turned down the dirt driveway but he was shocked by the sight in front of him, for there was not just a racetrack but also an Ice Castles hotel! And wouldn't you know it but there was an ice slide even taller then the one at the Iceberg Hotel and they had lots of black ice tunnels, not just one, they even had a diving ramp to slide off of into the icy pool!
Mr. Penguin was so excited, he got to race all evening then go back to his hotel to play on the slid and tunnels before going to sleep on his perfectly chilled iceberg then getting up in the morning to do it all over again.
The End
Once upon a time there was a penguin who drove a racecar. Mr. Penguin decided to go on vacation so he found the Iceberg Hotel online and was very excited about his upcoming trip. When the day finally came Mr. Penguin got in his racecar (which was not street legal) and drove to his hotel. He couldn't wait to slip and slide down the ice ramp and maybe even shoot down the black ice tunnel that was supposed to go at super sonic speeds! But when he went inside he was appalled to find that the hotel didn't have any other penguins inside but a lot of stuck-up seals!
"You can't stay in our hotel!" The lofty seal concierge told him, "There are no penguins allowed!"
"But what about the ice slide and the black ice tunnel?" Mr. Penguin asked.
"Those are for Seal children," the seal told him haughtily. "Not for penguins like yourself."
A very sad Mr. Penguin walked away, climbing back in his racecar sure that his special vacation was ruined. But he was so sad that he wasn't paying any attention to where he was driving so instead of getting on the road that would take him back home he ended up haplessly lost in some town he'd never even heard of before!
Quite certain that this vacation couldn't get any worse Mr. Penguin started looking for a place to ask directions. But then lo and behold, what a wondrous sight! Mr. Penguin saw a sign for a racetrack up ahead! Immediately he started towards the track, wondering if his vacation might be saved after all!
Pulling off the road he turned down the dirt driveway but he was shocked by the sight in front of him, for there was not just a racetrack but also an Ice Castles hotel! And wouldn't you know it but there was an ice slide even taller then the one at the Iceberg Hotel and they had lots of black ice tunnels, not just one, they even had a diving ramp to slide off of into the icy pool!
Mr. Penguin was so excited, he got to race all evening then go back to his hotel to play on the slid and tunnels before going to sleep on his perfectly chilled iceberg then getting up in the morning to do it all over again.
The End
Let's Play a Game Post 2: Alligator, Dog, Laugh
All right bloggers I admit that this one took me a while but my family can attest to my stubbornness so I was determined to make it work. Hopefully you enjoy!
I love dogs, I've always had them and their very presence just seems to calm me when I'm upset but I only like big dogs. Little dogs freak me out, I mean you never know where they're going to come from and one moment they're no where to be seen then suddenly they're under your feet, launching their attack at your ankles! And trust me guys, your ankles getting bit hurts more then you might think it will! So what do little dogs and alligators have in common? The sneak attack!
Well little dogs make their sneak attack by yapping and distracting you by thinking that the worst thing about them is that very obnoxious sound then all the sudden their doing their best to sever major tendons or cause serious damage to any artery that they can reach!
Alligators have a bit of a different sneak attack, one moment you're simply swimming along in some beautiful lake or river, trying to cool off from the heat and then all of the sudden you're getting eaten by an alligator!
So here's what we've learned, alligators are a lot like little dogs and if this random, twisted logic hasn't made you laugh then go read the post 'I like books but I don't like bookstores' and maybe that will do the trick.
Have a great night bloggers but be sure to check back in to read the next post for penguins, racecars, and hotels.
I love dogs, I've always had them and their very presence just seems to calm me when I'm upset but I only like big dogs. Little dogs freak me out, I mean you never know where they're going to come from and one moment they're no where to be seen then suddenly they're under your feet, launching their attack at your ankles! And trust me guys, your ankles getting bit hurts more then you might think it will! So what do little dogs and alligators have in common? The sneak attack!
Well little dogs make their sneak attack by yapping and distracting you by thinking that the worst thing about them is that very obnoxious sound then all the sudden their doing their best to sever major tendons or cause serious damage to any artery that they can reach!
Alligators have a bit of a different sneak attack, one moment you're simply swimming along in some beautiful lake or river, trying to cool off from the heat and then all of the sudden you're getting eaten by an alligator!
So here's what we've learned, alligators are a lot like little dogs and if this random, twisted logic hasn't made you laugh then go read the post 'I like books but I don't like bookstores' and maybe that will do the trick.
Have a great night bloggers but be sure to check back in to read the next post for penguins, racecars, and hotels.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Let's Play A Game Post 1: Merry Silver Bells
Christmas is right around the corner! It's already September bloggers so in just three short months Santa Claus will be on his way with eight reindeer pulling his sleigh!
Out of all the holidays Christmas has always been my favorite, it means so much to me for so many different reasons but let me just try to explain a few.
Reason 1: Christmas is the time of year that we celebrate Christ's birth, now the fact that the Savior of the world came here in the first place is incredibly unimaginable but it gets better! Jesus didn't just come here as a king and a ruler like so many expected him too, he came as a baby, a helpless infant born to an ordinary young couple who were probably (like most first parents) absolutely terrified! I could continue on this subject for hours but I'll keep going.
Reason 2: The shepards, out of everyone in the Christmas story the shepards have always been my favorites. I mean think about it, your hanging out at work, enjoying some down time, hanging out with your friends and swapping stories when all the sudden the sky lights up with angels telling you not to be afraid! What's your reaction going to be? Because for my part just reading about the angels sends chills down my spine! But they don't stay cowered back in their fear, they hear what the angels have to say, they listen to the good news and immediatly they go to worship the Savior of the Universe! Immediatly! Think about that word for the moemnt, when was the last time that God called you to do something and you responded with that kind of urgency? For me, I usually like to spend some time arguing first. =)
Reason 3: Family. I adore my family, if you've been reading this blog you've probably figured that out by now but it's true, they are the most important people in my life. Especially as we started to get older and people started to move away I started to cherish our time together more and more. Christmas is one of those rare times that we get to see each other, to spend time together and to just love each other. Wether it's teasing each other, playing pranks, or catching up on each other's lives I always leave with a happy feeling in my heart knowing how much I'm loved and how much I love my family.
And real quick I'll list a couple of traditons I love!
Tradition 1: Baking with Mom.
Tradition 2: Singing Christmas carols with my Grandma when I was just a littl girl.
Traditon 3: Setting up the Christmas village.
Well bloggers that's my summary for Christmas for now but I want to know, what are some of your favorite Christmas traditons?
Out of all the holidays Christmas has always been my favorite, it means so much to me for so many different reasons but let me just try to explain a few.
Reason 1: Christmas is the time of year that we celebrate Christ's birth, now the fact that the Savior of the world came here in the first place is incredibly unimaginable but it gets better! Jesus didn't just come here as a king and a ruler like so many expected him too, he came as a baby, a helpless infant born to an ordinary young couple who were probably (like most first parents) absolutely terrified! I could continue on this subject for hours but I'll keep going.
Reason 2: The shepards, out of everyone in the Christmas story the shepards have always been my favorites. I mean think about it, your hanging out at work, enjoying some down time, hanging out with your friends and swapping stories when all the sudden the sky lights up with angels telling you not to be afraid! What's your reaction going to be? Because for my part just reading about the angels sends chills down my spine! But they don't stay cowered back in their fear, they hear what the angels have to say, they listen to the good news and immediatly they go to worship the Savior of the Universe! Immediatly! Think about that word for the moemnt, when was the last time that God called you to do something and you responded with that kind of urgency? For me, I usually like to spend some time arguing first. =)
Reason 3: Family. I adore my family, if you've been reading this blog you've probably figured that out by now but it's true, they are the most important people in my life. Especially as we started to get older and people started to move away I started to cherish our time together more and more. Christmas is one of those rare times that we get to see each other, to spend time together and to just love each other. Wether it's teasing each other, playing pranks, or catching up on each other's lives I always leave with a happy feeling in my heart knowing how much I'm loved and how much I love my family.
And real quick I'll list a couple of traditons I love!
Tradition 1: Baking with Mom.
Tradition 2: Singing Christmas carols with my Grandma when I was just a littl girl.
Traditon 3: Setting up the Christmas village.
Well bloggers that's my summary for Christmas for now but I want to know, what are some of your favorite Christmas traditons?
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Liar, Lunatic or Lord
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"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."...
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