Sunday, August 30, 2020

A Proverbs 31 Women

 Yesterday we hosted a bridal shower for one of my brest friend's who is also my roommate. A lot of hard work into it and the party was beautiful. People had fun and most importantly I think Kimberly was blessed by it. During the party we asked my mom to share a devotional. I liked what she said so much I asked her to type it up so I could share it on here too. Below are her thoughts. 



To the male readers:  This is written to women, but I believe there are definitely parts that apply to everyone.


Yesterday I spoke at a bridal shower; these are some of the thoughts I shared:


I started out by saying:  While preparing for this a meme crossed my path regarding a Biblical Woman (or wife):  It said:  You’re thinking Proverbs 31  ~  I’m thinking Judges 4 and 5
(If you don’t know what that’s referring to, I’ll wait while you grab your Bible and check.)


I promise, I’ll finish that at the end.


Proverbs 31:10-31 describes the “perfect” wife.   I want you to know that the perfect wife, I am NOT, even after 42 years of marriage.  Yet there are many aspects I want to live up to. Below are my comments, sometimes stated as a fact and sometimes as a question:


The first one is:  I have influence:  I can ruin kings – or my husband– and I have seen wives who have ruined their husbands – by tearing him down, with lack of encouragement, or by never (ever) believing in him.


Am I virtuous? Am I capable?  You Bet!  But only in my own areas. . .  


I am more precious than rubies!  To God and to those who love me.


Can my husband and others trust me?  Am I trustworthy?


Do I encourage the people in my life to bring out the good in them?


Am I the wind beneath my husband’s [roommates, best friend or siblings] wings?  Am I the woman behind the throne?  Encouraging him [her] as he/she does her job . . . whether it’s a public office (Proverbs says the City Gates) or something else.


Do I wear strength and dignity?


Do I speak wise words – It is my desire to!


TONGUE IN CHEEK:  Just so you know how perfect I am not:


  I have no clue how to spin (or even knit or crochet very well). . .


My food only comes as far away as the local grocery store


I only get up at dawn if dawn is after 7- 9 a.m.  – I will have you know I stay up late just fine though.


As far as preparing tasks for my servant girls . . .

I’m still waiting on the servants!

But:  Did I teach my children well?  The answer depends on your definition – one of my daughters is just now learning how to cook after being on her own for close to 15 years.


On a more serious note:

Am I KIND to others?  Do I treat those closest to me the way I treat strangers [Respectfully and with kindness} or do I walk all over them?


When she speaks her words are WISE:  My prayer is, “Please Lord give me wise words”.


Do I give instructions with KINDNESS?  Or do I bark like a drill sergeant?


She WATCHES over everything in her household:

She has her finger on the pulse of her home. . .How can you know what is going on in your home if you are not listening and talking with your husband ~ family ~ children?   PRACTICE NOW with those in your life!!!


THE BLESSING:  Her Children will stand and bless her – Her husband will praise her


The chapter ends with Charm is deceitful and beauty doesn’t last; BUT a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.


If I tried to touch on every verse in the Bible on being a wife I would run out of time (and listeners or readers), so instead I want to add two reminders:


FORGIVENESS:  Proverbs 17:9 says Love prospers when a fault is forgiven.  We are commanded to forgive 70x7 times – that’s 490 times; by about the 300th time you forget where you are with that fault and keep on keeping on.  Forgive – Forgive – Forgive!  Married or not this applies!


COMMUNICATION:  You will survive everything else when God is first, You FORGIVE (God commanded it) and you COMMUNICATE!


Not just talking ~~~ Not just listening  ~~~It’s an active participation


I started out saying You’re thinking Proverbs 31; I’m thinking Judges 4 -5:

Many think of a good wife as passive and subservient:  SHE ISN”T.


What I really mean is:  I want to be the kind of wife who is totally willing to drive a tent spike into a tyrant’s head should the need arise like Jael in Judges 4 or lead a nation like Deborah in Judges 4-5.  Or more realistically in my life:  hold the end of a 4x6; hand him the drill, or put the nail in the stud myself.


If you can’t handle me at my Judges 4 – 5, you don’t deserve me at my Proverbs 31.


Be the person God created you to BE!


Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sins and Consequences

This last weekend at my Grandpa's cabin we had an amazing time. I went for walks with different family members, taking the time to catch up with everyone. One day my mom had a chipmunk run right next to her foot, only a inch or two away, not afraid of us at all! It was a little moment but it was pretty cool.

I had so much time with my family. I spent time with my siblings and cousins playing cards and talking into the night. Laughed at my nieces and nephew and my cousin's kid as they ran all over the property, in and out of the tree house and played by the hour on the swing set. We spent hours out on the lake, taking kids on canoe and paddleboat rides or going out ourselves, floating in innertubes and swimming around. I even learned how to kayak and paddleboard last weekend! 

I also had lots of interesting conversations. One of those conversations, with my aunt, got me thinking and I knew that it would be something I wanted to talk about on here. We were talking about sin. I said that saying something mean to someone isn't any worse then saying it in your head. I mean sin is sin right? So why does it matter if you say it in your head or directly to someone?

My aunt corrected me though. She said that the sin is the same but the consequences are different. And I'm partially right; to God sin is sin and one is not worse or better then another. However, when you say something mean in your head it stays between you and God. When you say something mean to another person you incur consequences that weren't there before. Now you haven't just sinned against God, you've hurt someone else. 

When you speak harshly to someone you will still need to repent and ask God's forgiveness. You'll also to need to repair the damage you've done with the other person. Think about it for a second. If you get in a fight with a friend and they yell at you, then there's a break in the relationship. You may forgive them but it takes some time for the hurt to recede so the damage can be repaired.

My aunt wasn't saying that you should make it a habit to talk badly about people in your head. She was saying to guard your tongue. 

Proverbs 21:23

"Those who guards their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity."

When we have a whole bunch of family together for a week we often lose sleep. And we're out in the sun a lot, quickly losing our energy. We're not always eating right so soon we're sleep deprived, hungry and exhausted. It's a recipe for quick tempers and sharp words. This is when we really need this reminder and what prompted our conversation.

Maybe you have time with family coming up. Or a difficult coworker who grates on your nerves. Whatever your situation I urge you to keep my aunt's wisdom in the forefront of your mind. It's better to never think or say things against people at all. But we're human and we're all going to mess up. Next time you do though take my aunt's and the Bible's advice and think before you speak. You'll save yourself, and the other person, a lot of pain in the end.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Favorite Place on Earth

 My favorite place in earth is probably my Grandpa's cabin. It's a beautiful property set in the foothills of the mountains and right on a lake. 

We take out boats, dive in for a swim, go on walks, push the kids in the swingset or just lounge on the porch or inside.
But my favorite part of the cabin is the people. My mom's family goes up every year. As a kid I looked forward to it for forever. We would all crowd onto the property. My siblings, cousins and I would play for hours. At night Grandpa would gather us all together for evening devotions.
As an adult it got harder to get up there. In fact this weekend I'm going for the first time in 3 years.
So... you don't really get a good post this week. Because I'm going to be spending time at my favorite place in the world with some of my favorite people doing some of my favorite things. Boating, swimming, walking and playing with the kids.
I will try to get a post up for next week but I appreciate your understanding as I take this weekend to chill and spend time with family.
Here's the challenge though, I told you about my favorite place. So where's yours? Leave me a comment and tell me about it!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Exciting News!

 Hello friends! Some of you will remember that I originally started this blog to talk about my writing. That plan derailed since there hasn't been much going on with it for the last several years. Every now and then I share a snippet of a manuscript but not much more. Today that has changed!

For the last couple of months there has been a lot of work going on in the background. And to give credit where credit is due I have to tell you who's been doing all that work. First, my dad, he's the one that way back when finally convinced me to consider publishing. He's also the one who brainstorms and bounces around ideas with me. And he has done a ton of background work to get us here. Second, my amazing mom has taken on the role of agent/assistant and a few other titles lately. She's been working behind the scenes, with my blessing, to make contacts, do research and move this project forward. She has been amazing and I would never be able to share this post without the effort she has put in.

And on that note I'm pleased to announce that we are now just a few months (maybe less) away from publishing my very first novel!!!

The manuscript is off to the editor's for the (hopefully) final time. The final cover art was just approved this morning. The dedication and author's notes have been added. The plot holes have been filled and we are getting super duper to close to setting a release date! I can't wait for all of you to get to read this story that so much love and effort has been poured into. Sadly that day isn't today. But I do want to share a little bit about the book with you all today.

Here's the book's description that will eventually show up on the back cover.

Her trip to visit relatives was supposed to help her family heal, instead it led to a secret marriage contract and no escape.

Still grieving from her mother's recent death Karrine Sandor takes her little sister on a trip to Yagos, the country where they were born. Once there she learns about a secret marriage contract that states she will have to marry a stranger or lose guardianship of her sister.

Steffan Dalton has always known he would marry Karrine one day. He'd never imagined that she wasn't aware of their marriage contract too. Now he finds himself with a fiancĂ©e who wants nothing to do with him and a difficult teenage charge. 


Can these two strangers ever have any chance of a happy marriage? Or will their differences tear them apart? Will God work a miracle or will their own stubbornness keep them from discovering His best plan for their lives?


And finally here's the beautiful cover art designed. Original artwork by Rosario Tamayo-Garcia.

Friends, all of you who have been following this blog have been such an amazing support system. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you all going on this journey with me! I really hope that you're as excited as this "coming soon publication" as I am! Leave me a note in the comments and tell me what you think!

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Peace for the Moment

First I have to say I'm sorry. I completely missed getting a post up last week. I had good intentions but we all know where those can lead and next thing I know it's the beginning of the work week and I hadn't written a word. Actually I had written words, quite a few of them, but those were done in the process of editing one of my manuscripts and not in writing a blog post. More to come on that subject in upcoming weeks so stay tuned!

Recently my doctor told me that people don't like coming to her because they thought they were healthy until they came in for a visit and found out all the things that were wrong with them. Ignorance really can be bliss. This week I had similar feelings about my schedule. I didn't realize how busy I'd become until I got a new planner and started writing things down. Suddenly it makes a lot more sense why I'm tired at the end of the day! Writing things down on a schedule is a double edged sword for me. It helps give me a sense of what I've got coming up so I can deal with things, but if I let it, it will overwhelm me with trying to deal with everything that's coming up instead of breaking it down to one day at a time.

The last few weeks have been a combination of busyness for good reasons, stress for bad reasons and a whole lot of chaos that leads me to say "I don't how I got here, I'm not sure where 'here' even is and I really don't know where to go from here or where to even start!" It's in those moments that I start to get overwhelmed. 

So what are you supposed to do?

This week I got some great advice. It's advice I've heard before but I really needed the reminder. My friend told me to take life moment by moment. And in each moment that you're feeling overwhelmed ask for God's peace. If you're overwhelmed in another five minutes, ask for it again. And keep going that way until you make it through the day.

See friends, when life is hectic I tend to want to pray once and have God give me enough peace for the whole day. Sometimes He does. Often He doesn't. He lets my circumstances be a reminder that I can't do this on my own. I need His help. Every day, every moment, in every situation.

Right now when my life is so busy I need to remember that more then ever. Because it's only with His constant gift of peace that I'm going to make it through the chaos and make it to the end of each day.

Liar, Lunatic or Lord

Around this time of year, in churches all around the world, people are presented with a question. The same question that has been presented ...