Sunday, June 25, 2017

Stories of Your Life

There's this song on the radio, "Mended" by Matthew West. It's written as if Jesus is talking to His people and it has some of the most important reminders put to music. There's a couple of lines in particular that I want to share with you today. There's so much to this song that I may end up having to do another post later to talk about more of it.

"When you see broken beyond repair
I see healing beyond belief"

"You see your worst mistake
But I see the price I paid
And there's nothing you could ever do, to lose what grace has won"

"You see the scars from when you fell
But I see the stories they will tell"

Okay, I skipped around a bit in this song but there's a point to these lines I pulled out. 

How many times have you felt broken? Like you're at rock bottom and there's nothing you can do to pull yourself up again? It feels like no one, least of all God, would want anything to do with you and yet that's not how He looks at us. He looks at us (as it says later in the song) with mercy, with love. He looks at us and sees how He's able and willing to heal us if only we'll come to Him He'll put us back together, mend us, stronger then ever into a new creation.

What's your worst mistake? That one thing that more then anything else you wish you could go back and change. That decision or action that haunts you in the dark of the night when everyone else is asleep. That's the price that Jesus paid on the Cross. The moment you ask Him for forgiveness of your sins and ask Him to be Savior of your life, confessing He is Lord with your mouth and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9) He no longer holds that mistake against you. And more then that, nothing you ever do will change what His grace has already won for you. The payment on the cross was final, all we have to do is accept the free to us gift of salvation that He's offering.

The scars from when you fell- Earlier this week I was talking with a friend about how much I regret some of the actions in my life and yet, given the chance, I wouldn't change most of them because through them God has given me an opportunity to connect with people, especially teenagers. He's used those horrible decisions from my past to bring beauty to my life, connection and the opportunity to speak into someone else's life and maybe, help shape their future. Those rock bottom times, those worst mistakes, all of those are scars that He will turn into stories for us to tell.
Please don't misunderstand me, it's God doing the work but one His tools is my mistakes. And that's the stories that my past tells and how He uses them for His glory today.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Superhero Dads

I remember when I was a little girl and I would've sworn that my Daddy knew everything, could do anything and was just about as close to perfect as you could get! Now that I'm an adult I know he doesn't know everything, but I appreciate the wealth of knowledge he does have. I realize there are things he can't do, but I love the fact that he's willing to learn, and try and because he's always had that attitude there's an incredible amount of things he can do. And I know he's not perfect, but I also know that he lives each day following Jesus who is refining him and bringing him closer and closer to perfection all the time.

There's this T-shirt I saw on Facebook that talks about Dad being faster then Flash and stronger then Superman and more superhero comparisons that I can't remember. But you know what I love about Dad's? They're not superhero's. They're better.

Dad's are real. They're human and they mess up and make mistakes. My dad taught me by example, and with his advice, that's it's okay to make mistakes, but you should learn from those mistakes.

Dad's are present. Superman always has to fly off and save the world. Flash is always running somewhere to save strangers. Dad's work hard to be there for us. Even if they can't be there in person they call, email, Skype (not my Dad, he doesn't use Skype or social media but definitely email and phone calls) or other tools to try to be there for their kids even when they can't be with us.

Dad's are loving. As a kid I could be a brat, (who wasn't/isn't? I mean really) and sometimes Dad lost patience or even yelled but he always loved me. He never hesitated to tell me about his love, to give me a hug or reassure me that he forgave me, and that he would always be there for me and he's never broken that promise.

Dad's are protective. Superheros have to protect the whole world, and some Dad's do too. My Dad served in the U.S. Navy so yeah, there were times he was out there protecting others, but he's always tried to protect his family and sometimes it's the intention that matters. Dad's can't protect us from everything but they do their best, and the fact that they make that effort, that's what matters.

So thanks to Dad's everywhere for being our real life Superheros. And thanks to my Dad, for always being super and my hero! You're a Superhero in my book!

I know not everyone has a dad who's there for them, or who loves them or protects them or one that's present. First let me say I'm sorry. I don't know your situation but I pray that God comforts you as you come into Father's Day but I also pray that you realize He is your father, your heavenly father and He is perfect as no earthly father can ever be. Turn to Him for comfort, He's always waiting to wrap His arms around you and He'll never, ever, let you down.

If you had a Superhero Dad who you've lost I pray that you too are comforted this day and that you're thankful for the memories you have of him and that you turn to your Heavenly Father for comfort and love and those conversations that you can't have with your Dad any more. I also pray that someone will come into your life, not to replace your dad but to fill that void in your life and give you the advice, encouragement and love that your dad once gave you.

If you have a Superhero dad like mine who is still with you then make sure you give him a hug, or a call, and tell him how awesome he is and how grateful you are for him.

Lastly if you're a Superhero Dad, thanks, and Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

High as the Heavens by Kate Breslin

I don't do a lot of book reviews on here but I have to share with you all about this wonderful book that I just finished. It's called "High as the Heavens" by Kate Breslin.

I started reading it yesterday afternoon after I got home from work and was nearly halfway done before I went to bed. This morning I was so excited to curl up with a blanket and a cup of coffee to sink back into the story world of Brussles during World War 1 and find out what would happen next to Evelyn Marche and how she would handle it.

There are so many fantastic reasons that I want to recommend this to you but there's one quote in particular that struck my heart the moment I read it.
"Guilt can become a stumbling block to keep us from God's mercy. Our Lord is always ready to forgive, eager to take us back into the fold of His love. But sometimes we humans deny ourselves that grace, especially when our transgressions seem insurmountable."

How true is that? There have been many times in my life that I get tripped up on my guilt that keeps me from running to God for His love, mercy and forgiveness I desperately need.

If you want to read a fantastic, fast paced, wonderful book that will take you on a journey exploring this very issue through World War 1 then pick up Kate Breslin's new book!


Sunday, June 4, 2017

God's Words

Back when I was in college my RA gave me some verses to live by. Later I learned that they had been the life verses of my great-uncle. Today I want to share them with you.

Jeremiah 1: 4-9
The word of the Lord came to me, saying,
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew[a] you,
    before you were born I set you apart;
    I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.
“Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.”
But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.
Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth.

What words has God put in your mouth today? What is He asking you to speak, or share or communicate with those in your life?

Happy Sunday everyone, sorry I'm a day late (again ☺)

Liar, Lunatic or Lord

Around this time of year, in churches all around the world, people are presented with a question. The same question that has been presented ...