Well bloggers it's that time of year again, we say good-bye to one year and begin another in just two hours and 43 minutes Pacific Standard Time. Now is a time where many of us take a moment to make new goals, reflect on what has happened and celebrate a fresh start. I wanted to take a few moments to share some of my experinces with you.
Let's start with goals, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to get back in the habit of doing daily devotions even if it's only for a few minutes I want to spend time with my Lord. Here's another that you may be surprised to hear but I don't have a chance to write every single day, I want that to change so each day I'm going to try to at least jot down a few sentances on whichever project I'm working on.
Now reflection, this one's a little harder for me. So much has happened in 2013 and I can't believe how fast it's gone by! I moved to a new city, got a new job, got a new car, took a new direction in my writing career (I'm getting closer to publishing each and every day!) started this blog =) grieved with several close friends over their loss of miscarriges, celebrated with other friends as their children were brought into this world and with yet other friends who are expecting their little ones to arrive.
I attended the wedding of a dear friend, watched my amazing cousin publically propose to his girlfriend (she said yes by the way!) grew closer to the Lord in my personal relationship with him, watched some of my best friends do the same through their experince of going on a missions trip to Mexico.
I've learned so much, confronted demons that I've been hiding from, grew more confident in many aspects of my life, realized that old dreams long forgotted can come true and cried when others died yet celebrated when new ones were born. Spent time with family that I haven't seen in far too long and grown up a lot.
Now celebrating, there's not a good answer for this. I'm excited to see what 2014 will bring, I have so many exciting experinces coming up that I can't wait to share with you and I'm thrilled to be putting some of the hard times behind me. We learn from our mistakes, move on but never forget, that was my motto for this year and I hope to carry it on with me for many years to come.
So what's new for you bloggers? Who's heading out? Who's staying in? Who has goals? Who has reflections? Who's still struggling with guilt? For each of you I'll be saying a prayer, I may not know who you are but God does. Have a safe and fun night everyone!
Happy New Year!!!
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Liar, Lunatic or Lord
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