Sunday, November 24, 2013

Chapter 2

You know it seems that I've gotten pretty far off track what I wanted to write when I started this blog. In an effort to intergrate some stability I'm going to continue doing my monthly ministry moments (I'm really excited about Decembers) and I'd like to post monthly samples of my work. Right now I'm still working on publishing the Tisdale Chronicles online and although I've ran into some snags we're working on it and with God's blessing that will be coming soon. In the meantime I'd like to give you another sample of the first books, "Whispers of War". So here's Chapter 2.

Chapter 2

As they approached Paradise, Adam noted, not for the first time, that it looked more like an abandoned play fort then anything. He was well aware that the camp was in fact much more. He heard a distant whistle that sounded a lot like a robin calling to its mate, which he recognized as a warning call announcing their presence. No one got within a hundred yards of the camp undetected. Although they no longer had the use of electronics, Paradise had a top notch security system of trip wires, sentries, whistles and passwords. Sneaking up on the camp was virtually impossible and even if you did get that far, it wasn’t very likely that you’d survive to tell the tale.

As the group approached, a tall dark-haired man, dagger in hand, suddenly appeared, so quietly it gave the illusion he stepped out of thin air, he said nothing, but only stared at them, clearly waiting for something. It was Adam who spoke first.

“The angel Gabriel has sent us,” Adam told him calmly, after a moment the corner of the man’s mouth raised just a fraction.

“Come in then, servants of the King.” The passwords having been said correctly, the group relaxed.

“It’s good to see you again Scott,” Adam greeted him, as they entered the camp, that deceivingly looking unguarded, unless you knew what to look for. Then you would see the maze of buildings and trap doors that kept their new home running smoothly.

“And you three, we’re glad you’ve come,” with this greeting, Scott stepped back and seemed to melt away, as he disappeared into the shadows. The group walked into the camp and the door was closed quickly behind them.

From the outside, you would never be able to imagine what Paradise looked like. Even the inside was fairly deceiving; the living cabins and most of the buildings, including a bunker, were actually underground, the entrances were hidden by trap doors, some in the shell buildings, others outside. You’d never find any of them if you didn’t know where to look. It didn’t look like much, but Adam knew that it was quite literally a fortress. As soon as they entered the camp, a woman in her mid-thirties approached them, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt she would have looked like a typical 22nd century woman, except for the sword strapped to her side.

“So you’ve made it, a scout told us he’d spotted you an hour ago, were the woods clear?” Katy Clark asked as she approached the young people.

“Yes, ma’am and we also have a message from The Council and news from town.” Katy nodded, her look telling them she’d already guessed that. It would’ve been unusual to send a team just because of news and a message, but she didn’t ask any questions.

“Come on, I’ll take you to Eli, he’s out on the weapons range now.” No one responded, but Amy slipped from her brother’s side to walk near the older woman.

“How are things, Aunt Katy?” Amy asked softly, although the woman was not related to her, Amy had addressed her as ‘aunt’ for years. Her mother’s friend, she had been their neighbor, until she’d been fired from her job for her beliefs. When her former employer tried to have her arrested on a false charge of embezzlement, Katy, like so many others, had fled to Paradise.

“Wonderful as always,” Katy smiled at the young woman, her optimism showing through the worry of why they had been sent. “How are your parents and things back in town,” her smile faded when Amy’s blue eyes, so much like her brothers, darkened.

“Not well,” Amy told her softly she would’ve continued but they had reached the range and Eli was approaching. Katy said nothing but squeezed Amy’s hand gently, a silent promise that they’d talk more soon.

“Well what do we have here?” The big man called Eli asked as he approached. He had been the first to come to Paradise and The Council had left the running of the camp to him. He was huge, standing about 6’3 and weighing about 240 pounds, he looked terrifying, but Amy knew that underneath the dark beard and gruff voice, he had a heart of gold.

“We have news and a message,” Kyle told him, much as he’d said to Katy. Eli nodded gravely; he’d known this day would come.

“Let’s go into the Hall, we can talk there.”

The building, commonly called the Hall, was a huge common room where important matters were often discussed; no one said a word as they silently followed Eli towards the building. They’d been traveling all morning and although they were tired they gave no thought to rest or cleaning up. This is what they’d been trained for. First, they must report the news, then help ready the camp, there were too many lives at stake to waste time.


By the time the first scouts arrived, at around four the next morning, there was a hearty stew and warm beds awaiting them. After eating, they gratefully fell asleep having reported that the first group was about an hour behind them. When the people started arriving they came in a steady but staggered stream, the camp’s main occupants fed and comforted them, before showing them to their cabins. Adam was among the greeters, while Kyle helped serve and Amy worked steadily alongside her aunt to comfort the frightened people and tuck the little ones in. She was exhausted and it’d started to show by the time she finally caught sight of her mother.

Carrying a young boy of four, Marie was trying to encourage the young mother staggering behind her, as Amy approached she could hear the words her mother was speaking.

“It’s okay Clarisse, we’re almost there, we’re in the camp now and we’ll get something to eat and then get some sleep. Things will look better in the morning.” Amy remembered that Clarisse was the only believer in her family; the child’s father had left when their son, Jack, was still a baby and when Clarisse had come to Christ a little over a year ago, her parents had disowned her turning her out into the street until the community of believers had taken her in. A wave of compassion swept over Amy for the young woman, the same age as she was who already carried the burden of motherhood. Immediately, she approached the trio and took the child from her mother’s tired arms.

“Mama, Clarisse, there’s food right over there,” she inclined her head to the right where Kyle was dishing up the stew.  Go get something to eat and I’ll get Jack off to bed. Someone will stay with him until you can get there.” Clarisse looked like she wanted to argue, but Marie sent her daughter a grateful smile and ushered the young mother towards the makeshift tables.

Amy whisked the child down to a cabin, making sure he was settled in by an empty bunk where his mother could sleep. She wanted to stay, but knew there were many more in need of her help, so finding another woman who was still up with a scared child, she asked her to watch Jack until either his mother or Marie arrived.


Adam didn’t know what time it was when he finally caught sight of the last travelers. He was exhausted and although Eli had offered to relieve him several times he chose to stay and keep on. Among the men in the last group was Council member Mark Drake, he’d chosen to stay behind and keep an eye for anyone trying to follow the weary Christians. When he finally got to the perimeter Adam greeted him warmly.

“Anything?” he asked, praying that it was all clear.

“Not that I could see, let’s hope the snow erases any trace we may have left.”

It was some time before Adam got any sleep, by the time he had helped Kyle and the others cleaning up, it was time for the sentries to change and the traps to be set up. Both boys wanted to tag along but Eli overruled them telling them to get some sleep.

“There will be plenty of time to learn the workings of the camp and check the traps and whatever else after you’ve gotten some sleep. You’ll be of no use to anyone if you collapse on your feet from exhaustion, now off to bed!” Although the words were a bit harsh, the twinkle in his eye belied the scolding and the pair gladly fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

Hope you're enjoying the story so far, keep an eye out for more sneak peeks as we get closer to releasing the novel online!

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