Friday, January 29, 2016


Where does inspiration come from? It's kind of funny isn't it? All the different places it comes from. Sometimes it's the reflection of sunshine on a lake, or raindrops on a leaf, maybe it's snow gracing the mountains. Other times it's a song on the radio or a verse that just pops out like a direct message from God, or a seemingly random conversation with someone at the grocery store.

Inspiration comes in so many different way, from so different sources. Today my inspiration came from watching the gerbils I'm taking care of for a friend. They run around like crazy, pushing their bedding up into the corner so they can burrow down just so. Really my inspiration had nothing to do with what they're doing or what they look like it just has to do with the fact that they amuse me and that is enough to inspire me to write.

So what will inspire you today? A butterfly? A child's laughter? A flower on the side of the road? Inspiration is everywhere, God's always offering you little surprises to make you smile, you just have to look for them.

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