Thursday, November 25, 2021

A Day of Thanksgiving

 Hello! I know it's been a really long time since I posted on here. There's been a zillion things going on. And those things are just a few of the things I'm very grateful for this Thanksgiving. I thought it would be worth writing at least a few of them down.

-First and foremost I'm always grateful for my faith. My relationship with Christ is what gives meaning to my life, it makes the hard times bearable and brings reason to the struggles. I know that life isn't perfect but He allows me to go through difficulties but He always has a plan for my life.

-Secondly, I'm always amazing grateful for my family. They're my built in support system and they've never let me down. I'm very blessed to have them.

-Third, my friends. I have some of the best friends in the whole world. I wouldn't know what to do without them.

-Fourth, my church. This year I started attending a new church. It took me a while to start getting involved but now I've joined a small group, met some amazing people, and I truly look forward to attending each week. 

-Fifth, my new job. In July I took a promotion at the same company but in a different department. The last four months as a front office lead with Physical Therapy have been fantastic. Due to unforeseen circumstances, things have been incredibly busy and hectic but it's also been amazing. I get to work with a great team doing something I really love. I'm excited to continue growing in my career.

-Sixth, my newest book! I'm very happy to announce that "Conflicted Attractions" Book 2 in the Yagos series has been released on Amazon! I'm so thankful for everyone who's worked on this project with me and made this dream a reality.

-Seventh, I'm thankful for our country. I don't mean to list it so far down this list but it is a sincere statement. We live in an amazing country and I'm extraordinarily thankful for the freedoms we have and the men and women who have fought and died to protect them.

-Eighth,  I'm thankful for my house. The heat isn't great. I wish I had a dishwasher. It's not perfect but it's home and I'm thankful for the sanctuary it offers as a place for me to unwind and relax.

-Ninth, I'm thankful for adventures. One of my favorite things to do is to go for a drive or a hike or find somewhere new. This year some of my friends and I went kayaking for about five hours. We went down a river that had a dam so we had to get out and pull the kayaks over before continuing. We made it all the way to the ocean before we turned around and came back. Then we headed to the opposite side of the river, into a lake before going back to the dock. It was an absolute blast. I'm so thankful we get to do things like that.

-Tenth, I'm thankful for reading. I love writing and creating my own stories but I also love finding myself swept away in the stories I read. I'm so grateful for all the places I've "visited" or adventures I've "been on" through books. It's an amazing gift, the gift of reading, and I'm so thankful for the easy accessibility of books today.

So that's my list of ten things I'm thankful for. What about you? What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Whatever it is I hope that you take a moment to dwell on those things. 

Happy Thanksgiving my friends!

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