Sunday, April 11, 2021

Texting Connections

My family is a little strange. Actually, probably more then a little. They're very strange, they always have been but that's not the point of today's post. A year or two back my brother decided that we should start a group chat with our siblings. We all agreed to download this specific app so we could text. First we had a chat with just the five of us siblings, then we started one that had the five of us plus our sister-in-laws. 

It's given us all a chance to talk to each other, to joke and to surprisingly grow closer as we virtually spend time together. A few months ago we expanded our groups again. My mom joined the app and we set up a thread that she could relay information to us about things with the extended family, asking us questions about things she was getting rid of from our childhood, or other random things she wanted to share with us. Finally a couple of months ago, another significant change happened. My dad joined.

Now you have to understand that my dad hates texting. So we were all a little concerned that Texas would reach a record snowfall in July this summer, or something else equally catastrophic, due to this strange turn of events. However when nothing immediately catastrophic happened we were able to start talking as a whole family.

If you had told me two years ago that I would be in contact withe majority of my family members every few days I would've called you crazy. If you had told me that texting with my family would draw us closer together I would've said you were insane. If you would've told me that my dad would willingly text with all of his kids I would've asked if you know where had frozen over as well.

And yet here we are. If there's one thing my family chat has taught me it's that you don't have to spend time in person to connect with someone. Yes, there's no replacement for human contact, that's true. However, you can connect with people in surprising ways. The other day my brother posted this message.

"Basically 99% of what is said is somehow harassing, joking with, making fun of, pushing buttons, and being mean in a fun and amusing way. 1% of this is actually valid information that needs to be spread. However since starting the thread a couple of years ago, before you and Mom joined the lack-of-conversation, your 5 children and 3 daughter-in-laws have become closer, and communicate more often and for longer. It allows us to stay in contact with one another..."

He went on but that was the gist of what he was saying. The point is that even though texting is not our ideal way of communicating, we're all spread out across the country. So this is a way that we can all talk and "hang out" together. It's an unexpected blessing to be sure. But one of I'm very grateful for. 

Today, find a way to connect with someone you love. If you can't spend time with them in person then talk on the phone, video chat, or even just text. It's an amazing way of being able to talk and make those connections.

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