Saturday, July 15, 2017


I was talking with a friend of mine when she said "I think accomplishing X has given me my mojo back! I've gotten this, this and that done!" Okay that's not exactly what she said but it's the right idea.

Have you ever been in a slump? You feel like you can't quite break out of that rut you've fallen into? Things just aren't going right and you keep trying but you just can't quite figure out how to set things back right? Trust me, we've all been there! When you get to that point there's a few things you should try to remember-

1. You are not alone!
     -Everyone, and I do mean everyone, goes through this at some point or another. I have never met a person who hasn't had these moments. (And if you're reading this and you've never had this kind of thing happen than it's probably going to happen sooner rather than later. Sorry friend, it's a part of life.) This kind of feeling is normal so don't let yourself think that there's something wrong with you or that you're the only one in the world who this happens to. That's a lie from Satan, don't believe him!

2. Stop trying to solve all your big problems right away!
     -So often what happens to either cause or exasperate this problem is when you're trying so hard to solve all of your big problems so when little ones come up it overwhelms you and you can't handle anything. Take a deep breath, prioritize your problems and maybe even make a list to decide what needs to be done first but let me just give you a head's up here, the fastest way to get things done is one step at a time. Otherwise you'll be running around like crazy and at the end of the day you won't feel accomplished because you've only done bits and pieces of lots of different things but haven't finished anything! That only adds to the frustration, it doesn't solve it. 

3. Accomplish a small task.
     -One of the things that I always thinks helps when I'm in this mood is to accomplish some small tasks. Do the dishes. Fold and put away the laundry. Clean my desk. Vacuum the floor. Check the oil in my car. Get in a workout. Whatever it is completing that small task can often give you that sense of accomplishment you need to get you out of your funk!

4. Do something creative.
     -Now this isn't for everyone but it might be worth a shot. Do something creative, particularly something outside your comfort zone. (This advice came from a different friend a while back.) Change up your scenery! If you like to paint with oils, use watercolor, if you prefer to draw with charcoal, try colored pencils. Maybe you're a writer like me so if you write non-fiction try your hand at flash fiction instead or visa versa. Whatever it is just try being creative and mixing things up a bit.

5. Pray.
     -As always this is the best advice that I can give you no matter the situation. Pray about it. Ask friends to pray with you. Leave me a comment and I'll pray for you! But take your situation to the Lord, He'll always be the one you can turn to for help.


  1. I really enjoyed this post. It is such a great reminder! We are not alone, one thing at a time, give yourself a win, and pray pray pray! Thank you for sharing! <3

    1. So glad that you liked this post and that it encouraged you!


Liar, Lunatic or Lord

Around this time of year, in churches all around the world, people are presented with a question. The same question that has been presented ...