Saturday, January 14, 2017

Since I Haven't Mentioned It...

Since I haven't mentioned it in a while let's talk about my writing career. I don't know if you can call it a career or not but it's heading that direction, and it's the reason I started this blog oh so long ago. Any more I don't post about it very often because there are so many other things in my life that I like to share with all of you but for those of you who are curious here's an update.

As some of you know I wrote a series of five books (not published yet) titled "The Tisdale Chronicles". Well a few years ago through some very useful but not so fun critiques and conversation I learned there were some serious flaws in the manuscripts in the way of timeline issues and character development problems, parts that dragged and parts that just got skipped over. So began the very long, dreaded journey of re-writes. 

After a hard fought battle the first manuscript has been completed and is now in the editing stages. YAY!!!!!!

However after that mountaintop victory came a much steeper valley as I dug into the second manuscript. At first I started writing, stopped, realized the whole thing was a mess and had to scrap 70 some pages. Ahhhhhh! So then began the process of creating a new plot and timeline withing the existing story structure. Phew! That wasn't easy! Then I went back to writing, stopped again and realized I'd lost sight of the characters motivations. Throw in some procrastination, (which the holidays didn't help) and I finally got that part done. Now it's back to the timeline and then off to write another day.

So there's the update for those of you who are interested. 

As always friends, thanks for your encouragement and support, I can't wait till I get to announce that the books are finally available. We're getting closer every day!


  1. All the work ahead of you can seem so daunting but it is super inspirational to see the drive and passion you have for these stories! I can't wait to get them in my hand and dive in!!!

    1. Thank you! It's a crazy amount of work but you know how that is, your encouragement means so much to me!


Liar, Lunatic or Lord

Around this time of year, in churches all around the world, people are presented with a question. The same question that has been presented ...