Saturday, October 8, 2016


There's this song by Matthew West called More and it has this line in the chorus that I sing over and over in my head.

"I love you more then the sun
And the stars that I taught how to shine
You are mine, and you shine for me too..."

Whenever I'm having a hard time or feeling discouraged I sing that line, to remind myself that God does love me. Because when I'm wondering why God has answered some prayers but not others, when I struggle to understand why He's withheld some of the things I need or at least think I need and when everything within me wants to cry out, asking God why He's putting me through hard times what I need is to remember His love for me.

Because the stars are His, I am His, my present and my future are His and whatever He puts me through or allows me to go through He's still in control and I need to remember that because whatever I might go through He's already given me the greatest gift of all time. His love. And in the end, and even in the present, that's what truly matters.

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