One of the best things about Christmas is the laughter! The laughter of friends, of family, of children, as jokes fly back an forth between family members and kids shriek with excitement at they open their presents. Christmas isn't complete without a lot of laughter!
Sometimes the laughter starts early though.
Standing in the kitchen with some friends the other day we were chatting when one of the kids ran in. With a wide-eyed, panicked look on her face she stared at us in horror, "Mom! Mom they're saying we're going to get 1,500 to 2,000 feet of snow!"
Laughing I shook my head, "No kid that's the altitude!"
Maybe it was one of those things you had to be there to appreciate but this sweet girl didn't even mind that we were laughing. She was just happy that we were having a good time, even at her expense! And that's a great start to this Christmas friends, I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow with your family and friends! So may God bless you tomorrow as you celebrate the birth of our Savior!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Merry Christmas!
Do you say Merry Christmas? How about Happy New Year? Maybe Happy Holidays or Season's Greetings? These days it seems like there are fewer and fewer people saying "Merry Christmas" because they're afraid of offending someone. If you don't celebrate Christmas then that is your choice but why judge someone who does? Because make no mistake my friends being offended by someone wishing you best wishes by way of giving you a sincere and friendly greeting is judging them. If you don't celebrate Christmas then all you have to do when someone wishes you a "Merry Christmas" is smile and say "thanks". You don't need to say it back, you don't need to explain that you don't celebrate it if you don't want to, just return their kindness with your own and then everyone can move on.
Which brings me to why I'm so joyful. I'm joyful because I know the true meaning of Christmas and I love celebrating that my Savior loved me so much he left all the glory of heaven to come to this earth as a helpless babe where He took on my sins and died on the cross so that I could be forgiven and that someday I will live forever with Him in heaven.
Secondly I'm joyful that I live in a country where I do have the freedom to say Merry Christmas!
So my friends whether you celebrate it or not let me just wish you a Merry Christmas!
Which brings me to why I'm so joyful. I'm joyful because I know the true meaning of Christmas and I love celebrating that my Savior loved me so much he left all the glory of heaven to come to this earth as a helpless babe where He took on my sins and died on the cross so that I could be forgiven and that someday I will live forever with Him in heaven.
Secondly I'm joyful that I live in a country where I do have the freedom to say Merry Christmas!
So my friends whether you celebrate it or not let me just wish you a Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Christmas Trees and More
This weekend I had the privilege of hanging out with friends all afternoon and evening to start decorating their home for Christmas. First we went to the Christmas tree lot to find the perfect tree. With six kids and two parents trying to make the decision it took some time to find just the right one, it had to have full branches with no gaps, be tall enough but not too tall, be the right kind of tree and of course have good color with no brown spots. But after some searching we found the right one and got it loaded up in the trailer.
Next was a stop to pick up pizza for dinner and hot chocolate for the trip because what is more Christmassy then hot chocolate?
Making our way back to the house we began the process of decorating the house. With plenty of places to put things and plenty of people wanting to decorate their own way it was quite the experience but with Christmas music playing in the background it was plenty of fun!
Finally it was time to decorate the tree, with the lights on their Mom passed out the ornaments so the kids could put them on, even the baby helped!
By the time we finished decorating we sat down to watch Miracle on 34th Street a Christmas movie for the ages! =)
While their family puts the angel on top of the tree before they put the ornaments on my family also put the angel on last. Everyone has their own version of Christmas traditions. But no matter the traditions it's the fun and joy that brings families together and it was an honor and a privilege to be part of the tradition with this amazing family.
One of my favorite Christmas traditions was when we were kids. My brothers and sister and I would always sleep by the Christmas tree at my grandparents house on Christmas Eve. I remember climbing into my sleeping bag, with my head on the pillow and staring up at the tree, all lit up with the angel on top and the stockings on the wall with presents underneath. The anticipation of wondering what would be in those packages was almost as much fun as actually getting to do it.
I love the joy of Christmas you see in a kid's eyes. I hope to always hang on to that joy and wonder of this wonderful season.
Next was a stop to pick up pizza for dinner and hot chocolate for the trip because what is more Christmassy then hot chocolate?
Making our way back to the house we began the process of decorating the house. With plenty of places to put things and plenty of people wanting to decorate their own way it was quite the experience but with Christmas music playing in the background it was plenty of fun!
Finally it was time to decorate the tree, with the lights on their Mom passed out the ornaments so the kids could put them on, even the baby helped!
By the time we finished decorating we sat down to watch Miracle on 34th Street a Christmas movie for the ages! =)
While their family puts the angel on top of the tree before they put the ornaments on my family also put the angel on last. Everyone has their own version of Christmas traditions. But no matter the traditions it's the fun and joy that brings families together and it was an honor and a privilege to be part of the tradition with this amazing family.
One of my favorite Christmas traditions was when we were kids. My brothers and sister and I would always sleep by the Christmas tree at my grandparents house on Christmas Eve. I remember climbing into my sleeping bag, with my head on the pillow and staring up at the tree, all lit up with the angel on top and the stockings on the wall with presents underneath. The anticipation of wondering what would be in those packages was almost as much fun as actually getting to do it.
I love the joy of Christmas you see in a kid's eyes. I hope to always hang on to that joy and wonder of this wonderful season.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Christmas Joy
Just as much as November is a month of thankfulness December is a month to be joyful, to remember God's great gifts and take joy in our everyday, crazy lives! So often it's easy to be stressed out as you're trying to get things ready for Christmas, wrap presents, clean up that guest room and make sure you have all the cooking done! But Christmas isn't about the stress or the busyness or the holiday parties that go along with this time of year. It's about being thankful for the greatest gift any of us have ever received. Jesus Christ's willing sacrifice on the cross for our sins but before Jesus' resurrection could happen on Easter Sunday Jesus had to die on the cross on Good Friday but years before that came Christmas...
A young woman and her young husband. Have you ever read the Christmas story? Have you heard about how there was no room at the inn for this pregnant young lady who was about to give birth to the child of God? Have you ever read about the angel's who appeared to declare Jesus' birth on earth? The shepherds who received that message? Or the wise men who traveled from the East to see the baby Jesus? The king, Herod, who wanted to kill the baby? The people in the temple who rejoiced at His birth or the earthly parents Jesus was entrusted to who were given such a huge responsibility or raising this child. And through it all there was God, His hand can be seen in this whole story just as His hand can be seen in our lives.
So check it out. In your Bible you can read the Christmas story in Matthew 1:18- 2:23 and Luke 1:5- 2:40.
But although Jesus Christ's birth is the reason we celebrate many of us choose to have that celebration with family and we have traditions and memories that are some of the many reasons we're joyful.
I'm joyful this week for my family. They've always been there for me and I know I will always have their love because they love me with the love of Christ. My family is one of the most important things in my life and I have many, many memories of them that coincide with the Christmas season, over the next few weeks I'll share some of those memories, traditions, songs and favorites things that make me love Christmas time and I hope you'll do the same by leaving your memories, traditions, etc. in the comments below.
I grew up in the Northwestern United States and if you don't know much about our weather we don't get a whole lot of snow this far west. But one year I was in Elementary school and we got probably three or four inches of snow, maybe a little more. Too many people that wouldn't be much but to us it was cause for celebration. My parents had some cross country skis in our garage and my siblings and I pulled out those skis that none of us knew how to use and we "skied" all over our property that year. I don't think any of us ever really got the hang of it and we probably spent more time pushing each other on the skis then we actually did skiing but we had so much fun playing in "all that" snow! It was a Christmas I'll never forget.
A young woman and her young husband. Have you ever read the Christmas story? Have you heard about how there was no room at the inn for this pregnant young lady who was about to give birth to the child of God? Have you ever read about the angel's who appeared to declare Jesus' birth on earth? The shepherds who received that message? Or the wise men who traveled from the East to see the baby Jesus? The king, Herod, who wanted to kill the baby? The people in the temple who rejoiced at His birth or the earthly parents Jesus was entrusted to who were given such a huge responsibility or raising this child. And through it all there was God, His hand can be seen in this whole story just as His hand can be seen in our lives.
So check it out. In your Bible you can read the Christmas story in Matthew 1:18- 2:23 and Luke 1:5- 2:40.
But although Jesus Christ's birth is the reason we celebrate many of us choose to have that celebration with family and we have traditions and memories that are some of the many reasons we're joyful.
I'm joyful this week for my family. They've always been there for me and I know I will always have their love because they love me with the love of Christ. My family is one of the most important things in my life and I have many, many memories of them that coincide with the Christmas season, over the next few weeks I'll share some of those memories, traditions, songs and favorites things that make me love Christmas time and I hope you'll do the same by leaving your memories, traditions, etc. in the comments below.
I grew up in the Northwestern United States and if you don't know much about our weather we don't get a whole lot of snow this far west. But one year I was in Elementary school and we got probably three or four inches of snow, maybe a little more. Too many people that wouldn't be much but to us it was cause for celebration. My parents had some cross country skis in our garage and my siblings and I pulled out those skis that none of us knew how to use and we "skied" all over our property that year. I don't think any of us ever really got the hang of it and we probably spent more time pushing each other on the skis then we actually did skiing but we had so much fun playing in "all that" snow! It was a Christmas I'll never forget.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Last of November
This one Thanksgiving my older sister was home visiting and our awesome Mom who never watches movies agreed to sit down with Cassy and I and actually watch a movie. It was a few years ago and we haven't done it again so you can hardly call it a tradition but it was still fun. Sissy and Mom and I just hanging out and watching a movie, definitely a Thanksgiving memory to be cherished.
Nov. 29- I'm thankful for the beginning of the Christmas season! I pulled out the Christmas boxes today and later I'll be able to start decorating!
Nov. 30- I'm thankful for time to sleep in and get refreshed.
Nov. 29- I'm thankful for the beginning of the Christmas season! I pulled out the Christmas boxes today and later I'll be able to start decorating!
Nov. 30- I'm thankful for time to sleep in and get refreshed.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
I Choose to be Thankful
Long before I was born my family was having Thanksgiving dinner at my grandparents house. My parents, Dad's sister and brother-in-law and the two daughters they had at the time. Their younger daughter at the time was about two, while all the adults were sitting around talking this little two year old slipped off her chair.
Earlier that day Grandma had been painting with oil paints and left her paintbrushes on the windowsill. The toddler walked over, picked up the paintbrush and started painting the wall. Who knows which adult noticed it first but my aunt was not exactly thrilled with her daughter's creativity. But Grandma just waved off her anger and apologies saying, "Oh it's no big deal." Granddad went to the shop and got some turpentine and cleaned off the wall as my Dad and aunt stared at their parents in shock. Finally they looked at each other and said "Would they have been this calm about it when we were kids?"
And that friends is the blessing of having grandkids.
Nov. 22- I'm thankful for being able to go to church and worship my Lord freely and my prayers are with those who can't say the same.
Nov. 23- I'm thankful for those willing to listen.
Nov. 24- I'm thankful for medicine when I'm not feeling up to par.
Nov. 25- I'm thankful for the revelations God gives us just when we need them most to make wise decisions.
Nov. 26- I'm thankful for this holiday that I can celebrate with my family.
Nov. 27- I'm thankful for quality time with loved ones.
Nov. 28- I'm thankful for special moments that turn into cherished memories, like getting ice cream with your Dad, no matter how old you are!
Earlier that day Grandma had been painting with oil paints and left her paintbrushes on the windowsill. The toddler walked over, picked up the paintbrush and started painting the wall. Who knows which adult noticed it first but my aunt was not exactly thrilled with her daughter's creativity. But Grandma just waved off her anger and apologies saying, "Oh it's no big deal." Granddad went to the shop and got some turpentine and cleaned off the wall as my Dad and aunt stared at their parents in shock. Finally they looked at each other and said "Would they have been this calm about it when we were kids?"
And that friends is the blessing of having grandkids.
Nov. 22- I'm thankful for being able to go to church and worship my Lord freely and my prayers are with those who can't say the same.
Nov. 23- I'm thankful for those willing to listen.
Nov. 24- I'm thankful for medicine when I'm not feeling up to par.
Nov. 25- I'm thankful for the revelations God gives us just when we need them most to make wise decisions.
Nov. 26- I'm thankful for this holiday that I can celebrate with my family.
Nov. 27- I'm thankful for quality time with loved ones.
Nov. 28- I'm thankful for special moments that turn into cherished memories, like getting ice cream with your Dad, no matter how old you are!
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Give Thanks to God
Every other Thanksgiving my extended family gets together and every time Grandpa leads us in singing the Doxology.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all ye creatures here below
Praise Him all ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
And every time after we get done singing it one family member (always the same one) says, "I've never heard that before!" Every time I say "You say that every time!" And then two years later we repeat the tradition.
Nov. 15- I'm thankful for transportation. We can get from one place to another so quickly via cars, planes, buses, trains and so many other ways. It's truly astounding the resources we have at our disposal that make our lives so much more convenient.
Nov. 16- I'm thankful for God's gifts. Go often will bless us in unexpected ways, sometimes it seems like we've praying for days, months, even years with no answer and maybe our faith begins to waver but then God sends some unexpected gift that we never saw coming. Often we're tempted to question it. To say "Well that's great God but couldn't you have done that earlier? Or done this instead?" Other times we're so overwhelmed that we forget to say thank you like the story of the lepers in Luke chapter 10. Ten men were healed but only one returned to thank Jesus. Other times we just say thank you and although it doesn't always solve all of our problems we're grateful and thankful that God reveals Himself to us in those unexpected ways.
Nov. 17- I'm thankful that we're given the privilege of approaching the throne of Lord Most High. We are able to approach the throne to lift up our hearts and prayers to those in Paris. Although I chose not to publish a post about these attacks I have been praying for comfort for the families and friends who have lost loved ones, lifting up prayers on behalf of those who were injured and asking that God would swiftly bring the terrorists who committed these terrible attacks to justice. But I've also been praying for the other thousands of men, woman and children who are suffering due to terrorism around the world. It's because of Jesus' sacrifice and God's love that we're given the relationship as the Father's children to be able to approach the throne and lay all of these requests at His feet.
Nov. 18- I'm thankful for opportunities. God gives us opportunities all the time, the opportunity to smile at someone and maybe improve their day, the opportunity to show His love, the opportunity to give a helping hand and so many other things. Sometimes it's a questions from a friend that leads to an opportunity that could really help us, or sometimes it's just whether or not we take a moment to smile at the tired cashier and make their day a little brighter by being kind. The opportunities are there, but too often we forget to look. So I'm also thankful for the times when God opens my eyes.
Nov. 19- I'm thankful for a helping hand. This morning a helping hand came in the form of my parents offering help on a new writing project I want to start. Thanks guys!
Nov. 20- I'm thankful for my extended family. I got to see a few of my amazing aunts this morning for just a few minutes and despite the short meeting I always appreciate my time with them. From my aunts, uncles and cousins to my awesome grandparents, great-aunts, great-uncles and so on I'm so very grateful for my incredible family that God has blessed me with!
Nov. 21- I'm thankful for coffee, it really helps when you need to wake up to start work.
Nov. 18- I'm thankful for opportunities. God gives us opportunities all the time, the opportunity to smile at someone and maybe improve their day, the opportunity to show His love, the opportunity to give a helping hand and so many other things. Sometimes it's a questions from a friend that leads to an opportunity that could really help us, or sometimes it's just whether or not we take a moment to smile at the tired cashier and make their day a little brighter by being kind. The opportunities are there, but too often we forget to look. So I'm also thankful for the times when God opens my eyes.
Nov. 19- I'm thankful for a helping hand. This morning a helping hand came in the form of my parents offering help on a new writing project I want to start. Thanks guys!
Nov. 20- I'm thankful for my extended family. I got to see a few of my amazing aunts this morning for just a few minutes and despite the short meeting I always appreciate my time with them. From my aunts, uncles and cousins to my awesome grandparents, great-aunts, great-uncles and so on I'm so very grateful for my incredible family that God has blessed me with!
Nov. 21- I'm thankful for coffee, it really helps when you need to wake up to start work.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
This one Thanksgiving we were sitting around the table and my brother said "Hey Dad, can you toss me a roll." Dangerous words in our family as Dad picked up the roll and threw it across the table at my brother, thankfully he caught it as the rest of us alternated between staring at Dad in shock and laughing uproariously. Dad just grinned and with a twinkle in his eye said "You said to toss it."
Nov. 8- I'm thankful knowledge, Biblical knowledge, common sense, knowledge gained from a good education and knowledge gained from practical experience. I'm thankful for the people who took the time to teach me, who passed down their wisdom to me and care enough about me to want me to learn from their mistakes.
Nov. 9- I'm thankful for friends, old and new, those I see often, those I hardly ever see and those I'll never see again this side of heaven. I'm thankful for the memories I've shared with them, the fun we've had and the bond that has held us together.
Nov. 10- I'm thankful for technology that allows us to connect with each other. Emails that pass on support and advice from across the world. Phone calls that allow us to hear a loved one's voice from thousands of miles away and video calls that can bring us together when our arms don't reach far enough for a hug.
Nov. 11- I'm thankful for all those who have or are serving in the United Sates Military, thank you for your service and sacrifice and thank you to your families for their sacrifices. It is through your devotion and dedication that we are able to enjoy the freedom and safety of our everyday lives.
Nov. 12- I'm thankful for creativity. God has given us so many different ways to be creative, movies, stories, music, art, dance, cooking, photography and so many others. I'm so thankful not just that God has given me a creative streak with my writing but also that He has given so many others this gift so the rest of us can enjoy what they come up with.
Nov. 13- I'm thankful that God uses me. I'm an imperfect human being but God uses me to be help others, sometimes I'm called to be an encourager, sometimes I'm called to speak the truth in a difficult situation, sometimes I'm called to write about an issue so others can become aware, find support and learned to deal with that problem. However it is that God is calling me on any particular day I'm grateful that Creator uses me and that He "works together all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose".
Nov. 14- I'm thankful for great conversations with great people.
Nov. 8- I'm thankful knowledge, Biblical knowledge, common sense, knowledge gained from a good education and knowledge gained from practical experience. I'm thankful for the people who took the time to teach me, who passed down their wisdom to me and care enough about me to want me to learn from their mistakes.
Nov. 9- I'm thankful for friends, old and new, those I see often, those I hardly ever see and those I'll never see again this side of heaven. I'm thankful for the memories I've shared with them, the fun we've had and the bond that has held us together.
Nov. 10- I'm thankful for technology that allows us to connect with each other. Emails that pass on support and advice from across the world. Phone calls that allow us to hear a loved one's voice from thousands of miles away and video calls that can bring us together when our arms don't reach far enough for a hug.
Nov. 11- I'm thankful for all those who have or are serving in the United Sates Military, thank you for your service and sacrifice and thank you to your families for their sacrifices. It is through your devotion and dedication that we are able to enjoy the freedom and safety of our everyday lives.
Nov. 12- I'm thankful for creativity. God has given us so many different ways to be creative, movies, stories, music, art, dance, cooking, photography and so many others. I'm so thankful not just that God has given me a creative streak with my writing but also that He has given so many others this gift so the rest of us can enjoy what they come up with.
Nov. 13- I'm thankful that God uses me. I'm an imperfect human being but God uses me to be help others, sometimes I'm called to be an encourager, sometimes I'm called to speak the truth in a difficult situation, sometimes I'm called to write about an issue so others can become aware, find support and learned to deal with that problem. However it is that God is calling me on any particular day I'm grateful that Creator uses me and that He "works together all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose".
Nov. 14- I'm thankful for great conversations with great people.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
A Month For Being Thankful
The Bible says "be anxious in nothing but in all things give thanks..." we should always be thankful but in November, the month of Thanksgiving, I like to be extra aware of what I'm being thankful for. For some this is a hard time of year as winter sets in and financial burdens meet with the cold weather, the heat and electric bill rise and the kids need new winter clothes. All combined with that how-are-we-going-to-afford-Christmas-presents-this-year worry. So remembering to be thankful can be a bit of a challenge which is also what makes it so important.
In years past I've followed in the footsteps of many family members and friends and written one thing each day of Facebook of what I was thankful for. This year I want to do something a little different. Instead of writing on my Facebook what I'm thankful for I want to share it with you my friends. Once or twice a week I'll post on here something I've been thankful for each day of the week as well as sharing one of my past Thanksgiving memories. Since today is officially the end of the first week of November it seems like the perfect time to start.
Two years ago I was living in a city away from my family. My brother and sister-in-law lived in the next town over but because it was Thanksgiving they'd gone to visit family. I was working that day so the parents of some friends invited me over to celebrate with them. My friends weren't there this wonderful couple that had "adopted" me didn't mind. After work I drove out to their house and I was able to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with their family. Their generosity and love meant I wasn't alone during the holiday and gave me a lot to be thankful for.
Nov. 1- I'm thankful for the freedom to be able to go to church and worship as I choose. That's a freedom that too often I can take for granted but that many in the world aren't able to claim.
Nov. 2- I'm thankful for friends who open up their home to me, their hospitality and love is a blessing in my life.
Nov. 3- I'm thankful for my Dad and the time we get to spend together, whether it's watching a T.V. show or just talking in the car, his love and advice is a constant support in my life.
Nov. 4- I'm thankful my Mom, the books she finds to share with me, the silly conversations we have, the serious prayers she offers up on my behalf and her love and support that have always and will continue to help guide me as I make decisions.
Nov. 5- I'm thankful for my siblings, three older brothers, one older sister and three sister-in-laws plus the "extra" kids that have come through our home but never left our hearts. From the fun memories of our childhood to the loving advice they give me as we moved into adulthood they are a constant source of amusement, love, and support to me and some of the most special people in my life.
Nov. 6- I'm thankful for laughter, no matter how stressful or tiring a day can be having someone or something that makes you laugh never fails to lift my heart.
Nov. 7- I'm thankful for my grandparents. My Grandma Betty and Granddad lived near us when I was young and though they've since passed away I cherish the memories I have them and the stories I hear. My other grandparents, Grandpa and Grandma, lived close when I was a teenager and the time that we spent getting to know each other, having coffee in the mornings and the visits we have now, the people I saw them interact with and the faith they daily live out and the help, advice, answers and teasing and love they never fail to show are just some of the many reasons I love them and am so glad they're in my life.
In years past I've followed in the footsteps of many family members and friends and written one thing each day of Facebook of what I was thankful for. This year I want to do something a little different. Instead of writing on my Facebook what I'm thankful for I want to share it with you my friends. Once or twice a week I'll post on here something I've been thankful for each day of the week as well as sharing one of my past Thanksgiving memories. Since today is officially the end of the first week of November it seems like the perfect time to start.
Two years ago I was living in a city away from my family. My brother and sister-in-law lived in the next town over but because it was Thanksgiving they'd gone to visit family. I was working that day so the parents of some friends invited me over to celebrate with them. My friends weren't there this wonderful couple that had "adopted" me didn't mind. After work I drove out to their house and I was able to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with their family. Their generosity and love meant I wasn't alone during the holiday and gave me a lot to be thankful for.
Nov. 1- I'm thankful for the freedom to be able to go to church and worship as I choose. That's a freedom that too often I can take for granted but that many in the world aren't able to claim.
Nov. 2- I'm thankful for friends who open up their home to me, their hospitality and love is a blessing in my life.
Nov. 3- I'm thankful for my Dad and the time we get to spend together, whether it's watching a T.V. show or just talking in the car, his love and advice is a constant support in my life.
Nov. 4- I'm thankful my Mom, the books she finds to share with me, the silly conversations we have, the serious prayers she offers up on my behalf and her love and support that have always and will continue to help guide me as I make decisions.
Nov. 5- I'm thankful for my siblings, three older brothers, one older sister and three sister-in-laws plus the "extra" kids that have come through our home but never left our hearts. From the fun memories of our childhood to the loving advice they give me as we moved into adulthood they are a constant source of amusement, love, and support to me and some of the most special people in my life.
Nov. 6- I'm thankful for laughter, no matter how stressful or tiring a day can be having someone or something that makes you laugh never fails to lift my heart.
Nov. 7- I'm thankful for my grandparents. My Grandma Betty and Granddad lived near us when I was young and though they've since passed away I cherish the memories I have them and the stories I hear. My other grandparents, Grandpa and Grandma, lived close when I was a teenager and the time that we spent getting to know each other, having coffee in the mornings and the visits we have now, the people I saw them interact with and the faith they daily live out and the help, advice, answers and teasing and love they never fail to show are just some of the many reasons I love them and am so glad they're in my life.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
My Story
Well I said I was going to tell you my story so here it is friends!
I was raised in a Christian home by wonderful Christian parents who taught me the Bible and lived out their faith. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior when I was very young. As I grew up I was like a lot of Christian kids, I went to church every Sunday, attended Sunday school, went through AWANA and moved on to youth group when I was old enough. At church I learned more about Jesus Christ but with my friends I wanted to fit in so I ignored my faith and tried to "be cool". Like a lot of teenage girls I craved attention and I didn't realize that the only way I would get the love and attention I wanted was through a personal relationship with Christ.
At some point I stopped eating very much, it started out as nothing really, just didn't feel like eating in front of people but then I discovered that not eating got me attention. People worried about me, my friends tried to get me to eat or checked in on me but like most eating disorders it went from being a simple attention getting thing and moved into an addiction or a habit. I started lying to people, telling friends that I'd eaten at home, telling family I'd eaten at school. I ate some places but not others but by the grace of God my problem didn't get nearly out of control as it could've, He intervened first.
Hypoglycemia is a fancy word for when your blood sugar crashes too often. It runs in my family and I wasn't immune. When my blood sugar kept crashing and I started getting dizzy, even blacking out sometimes it wasn't long before my friends and family started noticing that something wasn't right. They became much more aware of making sure I was eating, taking care of me but even though I became physically better I wasn't dealing with the real issue, the issue of my heart.
At seventeen I went to a conference called "Acquire the Fire" with my youth group. As the speaker was talking about forgiveness I got angry. When my friend sitting next to me stood up to go to the floor and pray that God would help him forgive I stood to, to walk out. I was so angry, later I realized the person I was really angry with was myself, and God, I blamed the people closest to me for my problems. Instead of walking out of the conference I ended up on the back steps crying harder then I ever have before. That's when I met Corina.
Corina and Ivan were youth leaders from a different church but when Corina saw me crying she sat down next to me. She followed the Holy Spirit's prompting and waited out my tears to comfort me. She asked me if I was a Christian and right at that moment I said "I don't know." The more we talked the more I poured my heart out and eventually we got to the root of the issue. Love. I asked Corina "Why would God love me?" The way I saw it I'd never done anything that would make God want to love me. Corina pointed to the bottom of the steps where her husband was sitting with their small son. She pointed to the little boy and said "That's my son and no matter what he does in his life I will always love him. If that's the way I feel about my son imagine how God feels about you. You're His child!"
That's the most important lesson I've ever learned, God doesn't love me or you because of what you do, because of what you can do or have done. He doesn't love us because He has to but because He wants to. He created us, we are His children and He loves us as His children. End of story.
That day, April 4th, 2009 I gave my life back to Christ and chose to become more then just a Christian in name only. I became of disciple of Christ, committing to give Him my life and follow Him.
It hasn't always been easy, that's for sure. There's up and downs but I recognize that Jesus Christ loves me and nothing I ever do will change that. But because I love Him in return I choose to live my life to bring glory and honor to His name.
I was raised in a Christian home by wonderful Christian parents who taught me the Bible and lived out their faith. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior when I was very young. As I grew up I was like a lot of Christian kids, I went to church every Sunday, attended Sunday school, went through AWANA and moved on to youth group when I was old enough. At church I learned more about Jesus Christ but with my friends I wanted to fit in so I ignored my faith and tried to "be cool". Like a lot of teenage girls I craved attention and I didn't realize that the only way I would get the love and attention I wanted was through a personal relationship with Christ.
At some point I stopped eating very much, it started out as nothing really, just didn't feel like eating in front of people but then I discovered that not eating got me attention. People worried about me, my friends tried to get me to eat or checked in on me but like most eating disorders it went from being a simple attention getting thing and moved into an addiction or a habit. I started lying to people, telling friends that I'd eaten at home, telling family I'd eaten at school. I ate some places but not others but by the grace of God my problem didn't get nearly out of control as it could've, He intervened first.
Hypoglycemia is a fancy word for when your blood sugar crashes too often. It runs in my family and I wasn't immune. When my blood sugar kept crashing and I started getting dizzy, even blacking out sometimes it wasn't long before my friends and family started noticing that something wasn't right. They became much more aware of making sure I was eating, taking care of me but even though I became physically better I wasn't dealing with the real issue, the issue of my heart.
At seventeen I went to a conference called "Acquire the Fire" with my youth group. As the speaker was talking about forgiveness I got angry. When my friend sitting next to me stood up to go to the floor and pray that God would help him forgive I stood to, to walk out. I was so angry, later I realized the person I was really angry with was myself, and God, I blamed the people closest to me for my problems. Instead of walking out of the conference I ended up on the back steps crying harder then I ever have before. That's when I met Corina.
Corina and Ivan were youth leaders from a different church but when Corina saw me crying she sat down next to me. She followed the Holy Spirit's prompting and waited out my tears to comfort me. She asked me if I was a Christian and right at that moment I said "I don't know." The more we talked the more I poured my heart out and eventually we got to the root of the issue. Love. I asked Corina "Why would God love me?" The way I saw it I'd never done anything that would make God want to love me. Corina pointed to the bottom of the steps where her husband was sitting with their small son. She pointed to the little boy and said "That's my son and no matter what he does in his life I will always love him. If that's the way I feel about my son imagine how God feels about you. You're His child!"
That's the most important lesson I've ever learned, God doesn't love me or you because of what you do, because of what you can do or have done. He doesn't love us because He has to but because He wants to. He created us, we are His children and He loves us as His children. End of story.
That day, April 4th, 2009 I gave my life back to Christ and chose to become more then just a Christian in name only. I became of disciple of Christ, committing to give Him my life and follow Him.
It hasn't always been easy, that's for sure. There's up and downs but I recognize that Jesus Christ loves me and nothing I ever do will change that. But because I love Him in return I choose to live my life to bring glory and honor to His name.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Writing Your Story
How do you write your story? Or a better question, why would you want to? I remember wondering that when I filled out my application for Bible college and they asked for my testimony. It sort of made sense that they wanted to hear how I came to Christ but years later I learned that's not where your testimony or your story ends.
One of the first time I shared part of my story in a public setting was when I wrote an article. I wasn't really sure that it would do any good but then I got a comment from a total stranger thanking me for my article, for sharing my story. See even though it's your story other people can relate to it and God can help them through you. It's one of the most amazing phenomenons I've ever seen.
Let me see if I can explain this better. Say that you had a struggle with insecurity (something I think we can all relate to) maybe your problem got so bad that it really started affecting your life. You were constantly wondering what other people thought of you or if they were talking about you, maybe it affected your job, your relationship with your family, your friends, with your coworkers. But then through the grace of God something changed, you learned to be confident in the person God made you, confident in who you'd become and confident that Christ is still working in you. Through that experience your whole life changed but there's still that voice in the back of your head that says, "No one wants to hear my story. No one cares about that." But people do! Somewhere in the world there is someone who needs to hear that story, someone that your story of how Christ has changed your life will help, someone who will be reached and inspired by how God has changed you.
So why tell your story? Because God can use it.
How do you write your story, just by telling what's happened. If you're a Christian then you realize that you wouldn't be who you were without Christ. So telling your story should be about what He's done in your life.
In my next post I'll share my story, who knows, maybe someone else needs to hear it.
One of the first time I shared part of my story in a public setting was when I wrote an article. I wasn't really sure that it would do any good but then I got a comment from a total stranger thanking me for my article, for sharing my story. See even though it's your story other people can relate to it and God can help them through you. It's one of the most amazing phenomenons I've ever seen.
Let me see if I can explain this better. Say that you had a struggle with insecurity (something I think we can all relate to) maybe your problem got so bad that it really started affecting your life. You were constantly wondering what other people thought of you or if they were talking about you, maybe it affected your job, your relationship with your family, your friends, with your coworkers. But then through the grace of God something changed, you learned to be confident in the person God made you, confident in who you'd become and confident that Christ is still working in you. Through that experience your whole life changed but there's still that voice in the back of your head that says, "No one wants to hear my story. No one cares about that." But people do! Somewhere in the world there is someone who needs to hear that story, someone that your story of how Christ has changed your life will help, someone who will be reached and inspired by how God has changed you.
So why tell your story? Because God can use it.
How do you write your story, just by telling what's happened. If you're a Christian then you realize that you wouldn't be who you were without Christ. So telling your story should be about what He's done in your life.
In my next post I'll share my story, who knows, maybe someone else needs to hear it.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Through the Fog Part Two
Last post we talked about how God brings us through the fog but now I want to talk about why we have fog in our lives. I don't want to sound insensitive in what I'm about to say but I do want to share the thoughts on my heart so please bear with me.
This last weekend I heard someone say that we don't have joy unless we go through pain, in other words we don't understand what we have or we don't appreciate it as much if we've never had anything else. (Just for the record I don't think this applies to heaven, the Bible talks about no more tears of sadness and so I think there we'll experience all sorts of joy without having to go through the bad stuff first.) For example, if you had been born blind you wouldn't be able to really understand color but now imagine that you were miraculously healed, think how fascinated you would be by those colors that other people take for granted all the time. Does that make sense?
Well I think the fog in our lives cane be the same way. Sometimes God allows us to go through things to teach us, to help us grow, to encourage us, or to encourage others. One of my favorite sayings is "beauty from the ashes". God does that all the time. He takes the ashes of our lives, our dreams, our hopes, and he restores them, restores us and makes something more beautiful then we could imagine out of our pain.
Why do we go through fog? I don't know. But God does and He has a plan for us and that fog is all part of it. He has not abandoned you, He's still with you and He still loves you. He's still listening, He still sees you, He's still the One who called you and He is the One who redeems you and He will bring you through the fog.
This last weekend I heard someone say that we don't have joy unless we go through pain, in other words we don't understand what we have or we don't appreciate it as much if we've never had anything else. (Just for the record I don't think this applies to heaven, the Bible talks about no more tears of sadness and so I think there we'll experience all sorts of joy without having to go through the bad stuff first.) For example, if you had been born blind you wouldn't be able to really understand color but now imagine that you were miraculously healed, think how fascinated you would be by those colors that other people take for granted all the time. Does that make sense?
Well I think the fog in our lives cane be the same way. Sometimes God allows us to go through things to teach us, to help us grow, to encourage us, or to encourage others. One of my favorite sayings is "beauty from the ashes". God does that all the time. He takes the ashes of our lives, our dreams, our hopes, and he restores them, restores us and makes something more beautiful then we could imagine out of our pain.
Why do we go through fog? I don't know. But God does and He has a plan for us and that fog is all part of it. He has not abandoned you, He's still with you and He still loves you. He's still listening, He still sees you, He's still the One who called you and He is the One who redeems you and He will bring you through the fog.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Through the Fog
On the train to go visit my precious goddaughter for her birthday I looked out the window early in the morning and noticed how foggy it was as we went across a bridge. It was so thick you could scarecely see anything and I smiled, thinking what a strange kind of beauty there was in the sight. It was eerie and made me shiver, glad for the warmth of the train but it was still beautiful. But then a thought began to form of how that fog is so much like our lives.
So often we are going through some difficulty in our lives and we wonder "where is God" we can't see Him through the fog of our own pain. We can't see His hand at work or His plan beginning to form because we can't see beyond our own circumstances. But as the train continued down the tracks the fog began to lift and slowly the view became more clear. Aren't our lives the same?
God will bring us through the fog, maybe it's taking longer then we hoped, maybe it seems like the fog is getting worse and not better but the fog had not blinded the Lord, we simply need to keep reaching out for His hand and trust Him to guide us through it.
So often we are going through some difficulty in our lives and we wonder "where is God" we can't see Him through the fog of our own pain. We can't see His hand at work or His plan beginning to form because we can't see beyond our own circumstances. But as the train continued down the tracks the fog began to lift and slowly the view became more clear. Aren't our lives the same?
God will bring us through the fog, maybe it's taking longer then we hoped, maybe it seems like the fog is getting worse and not better but the fog had not blinded the Lord, we simply need to keep reaching out for His hand and trust Him to guide us through it.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
What's Heaven Like?
What's heaven like? The truth is I don't know but the more events I see happening around the world the more I believe it won't be that long until I find out. So I find myself anticipating and wondering what it will be like.
The Bible tells us of streets of gold, the crystal sea, the tree of life, and many other small details that we can start piecing together a picture. But I wonder about what it doesn't say. Our lives on earth are pretty simple, as Christians we have church, work, our families, time with friends, and building our relationship with Christ as well as reaching out to others. How many of those things will translate to heaven?
In heaven we'll dwell with Christ, so I can't imagine any need for church. We'll constantly be with other believers, we won't need to go to a building to find that fellowship. So if there's not church what is there?
Will there be jobs? I don't know. But I like to think there will be, I'm not sure what exactly there will be but in the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve were tasked with taking care of the animals and the garden so I imagine that there will be some sort of jobs or tasks in heaven we can do. I don't think there will be need for a paycheck and since we know the Bible says there will be no tears in heaven I doubt any of us will dislike what we're doing but I don't think we'll be sitting idle either.
What about our families and friends? The body of Christ, the church, is our family, our brothers and sisters in Christ, God is our Father, so our families and friends will still be part of our lives because they will be the people we're in heaven with. For many of us that means our families will be different people then the ones we call family on earth for others our earthly families will be in heaven with us.
How about building our relationship with Christ? We'll be with Christ! (Can you imagine how amazing that will be?) So will we still have more to learn? I don't know but maybe, either way I have to believe that if we do have more to learn that process will look a lot different in heaven then it does here on earth.
And reaching out to others, again, we'll be in heaven! Who will there be to reach out to? I imagine we'll still be spending time with each other but there won't be anyone to tell the good news of Christ to since we'll all be together in heaven with Christ.
Anyways, I don't know what heaven will be like but I look forward to when it's time to find out. Thanks for letting me ramble, as always, my friends. I hope you're as excited to find out what God has in store for you, on earth and in heaven, as I am!
The Bible tells us of streets of gold, the crystal sea, the tree of life, and many other small details that we can start piecing together a picture. But I wonder about what it doesn't say. Our lives on earth are pretty simple, as Christians we have church, work, our families, time with friends, and building our relationship with Christ as well as reaching out to others. How many of those things will translate to heaven?
In heaven we'll dwell with Christ, so I can't imagine any need for church. We'll constantly be with other believers, we won't need to go to a building to find that fellowship. So if there's not church what is there?
Will there be jobs? I don't know. But I like to think there will be, I'm not sure what exactly there will be but in the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve were tasked with taking care of the animals and the garden so I imagine that there will be some sort of jobs or tasks in heaven we can do. I don't think there will be need for a paycheck and since we know the Bible says there will be no tears in heaven I doubt any of us will dislike what we're doing but I don't think we'll be sitting idle either.
What about our families and friends? The body of Christ, the church, is our family, our brothers and sisters in Christ, God is our Father, so our families and friends will still be part of our lives because they will be the people we're in heaven with. For many of us that means our families will be different people then the ones we call family on earth for others our earthly families will be in heaven with us.
How about building our relationship with Christ? We'll be with Christ! (Can you imagine how amazing that will be?) So will we still have more to learn? I don't know but maybe, either way I have to believe that if we do have more to learn that process will look a lot different in heaven then it does here on earth.
And reaching out to others, again, we'll be in heaven! Who will there be to reach out to? I imagine we'll still be spending time with each other but there won't be anyone to tell the good news of Christ to since we'll all be together in heaven with Christ.
Anyways, I don't know what heaven will be like but I look forward to when it's time to find out. Thanks for letting me ramble, as always, my friends. I hope you're as excited to find out what God has in store for you, on earth and in heaven, as I am!
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Prayers for those at Umpqua Community College
This morning as many of you know there was an incident at Umpqua Community College leaving ten dead and at least seven injured. I won't go discuss politics here about what could have led up to this or what could have prevented it the fact is it happened and many are hurting in its wake.
In times like this the easy thing to do is to rail at God, demand to know why, demand to know why he didn't stop it. Job, in the Bible, wanted those same answers. He lost his possessions, his wealth, his children then his friends and even his wife turned on him. He asked God why and God basically told him that He doesn't have to explain Himself. At first that answer seems unfair to me but here's what I know, God was there during that shooting, He did not abandon them He was there the whole time. We live in a fallen world and bad things will continue to happen until Jesus returns.
I can't give those people hurting answers as to why this happened but I can pray for them and I hope you'll join me in lifting up this prayer on their behalf.
Lord, be with those who are hurting today. Wrap your arms around them and let them feel your presence. Comfort them in their time of need, give them strength in the days to come, catch their tears and hold them close as they weep. Show them your glory through this tragedy, use this pain to bring about something of beauty that none of us could ever have imagined. Use this time to bring glory to your name and to restore the city of Roseburg, the state of Oregon, and this country, the United States of America, back to you.
God I ask you to be with the families and friends of the victims of this tragedy and show them how to make the difficult but necessary decision to forgive.
Father be with the families and friends of the shooter, provide comfort in the wake of confusion and pain and show them your love in the difficult days ahead.
Heal the school Lord, heal the city, heal the state, heal our country.
Bring these people to know and love you.
Thank you Lord that we know you have a plan and that you have not abandoned us.
In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
In times like this the easy thing to do is to rail at God, demand to know why, demand to know why he didn't stop it. Job, in the Bible, wanted those same answers. He lost his possessions, his wealth, his children then his friends and even his wife turned on him. He asked God why and God basically told him that He doesn't have to explain Himself. At first that answer seems unfair to me but here's what I know, God was there during that shooting, He did not abandon them He was there the whole time. We live in a fallen world and bad things will continue to happen until Jesus returns.
I can't give those people hurting answers as to why this happened but I can pray for them and I hope you'll join me in lifting up this prayer on their behalf.
Lord, be with those who are hurting today. Wrap your arms around them and let them feel your presence. Comfort them in their time of need, give them strength in the days to come, catch their tears and hold them close as they weep. Show them your glory through this tragedy, use this pain to bring about something of beauty that none of us could ever have imagined. Use this time to bring glory to your name and to restore the city of Roseburg, the state of Oregon, and this country, the United States of America, back to you.
God I ask you to be with the families and friends of the victims of this tragedy and show them how to make the difficult but necessary decision to forgive.
Father be with the families and friends of the shooter, provide comfort in the wake of confusion and pain and show them your love in the difficult days ahead.
Heal the school Lord, heal the city, heal the state, heal our country.
Bring these people to know and love you.
Thank you Lord that we know you have a plan and that you have not abandoned us.
In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Advice to Writers
Going through a writing course with an awesome teenager I know we were working on the first lesson and I paused the video to give her a piece of hard earned advice. A piece of advice I've heard from many writers and I'll pass on to other writers now.
There is only one unbreakable rule in writing. Do you know what it is?
Every rule is breakable! Every one! Maybe you'll have a character who doesn't use perfect grammar all the time. Maybe you'll have a character who uses big words that have your readers constantly running to the dictionary. Maybe you're going to write something that no one has ever even thought of before and you're going to create a whole new genre of books. Great! Go for it! Have fun!
Oh and just for the record, have fun, isn't a rule either, because there are times that writing isn't fun, it's difficult, but don't give up, it's worth it to see the finished product once you finally finish.
So kick up your heels and dance a little jig, or if you're as clumsy as me have one of your characters do it, because you've just been set free. There are no absolutes, no matter what anyone tells you. You're the author, and it's up to you what happens in your story.
There is only one unbreakable rule in writing. Do you know what it is?
Every rule is breakable! Every one! Maybe you'll have a character who doesn't use perfect grammar all the time. Maybe you'll have a character who uses big words that have your readers constantly running to the dictionary. Maybe you're going to write something that no one has ever even thought of before and you're going to create a whole new genre of books. Great! Go for it! Have fun!
Oh and just for the record, have fun, isn't a rule either, because there are times that writing isn't fun, it's difficult, but don't give up, it's worth it to see the finished product once you finally finish.
So kick up your heels and dance a little jig, or if you're as clumsy as me have one of your characters do it, because you've just been set free. There are no absolutes, no matter what anyone tells you. You're the author, and it's up to you what happens in your story.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Does He Understand?
Have you ever been going through something in your life and cried out to God? Wondering why He doesn't seem to answer, and wondering if He can understand? How could God, who created the earth, the universe, understand what one mere human, even His child whom He loves, is going through? It doesn't seem possible does it? But it is.
Jesus Christ came in human form, the bible says that he experienced every temptation that is common to man. Everything we've been through Christ has been there with us. When I was ten my granddad passed away and although I don't remember a lot about him or his funeral I remember the poem that was read at his funeral. It's one that I've fallen back on a lot in my life.
It's called "Footprints in The Sand" by Mary Stevenson and if you've never read it I encourage you to look it up. Here's the gist of it though.
It talks about walking on the beach with the Lord as scenes from the author's life flash before her and for each scene there's a set of footprints in the sand but she notices that during the lowest times of her life there's only one set of footprints and she begins to wonder why when she needed Him most the Lord would abandon her. So she asks Him and the Lord tells her, when you see only one set of footprints it was then that I carried you.
How many times have you been going through something and wondered why God wasn't with you? How many times have you felt alone? But He hadn't abandoned you my friend, He was carrying you and He still is, walking beside you, holding your hand and carrying you when you are too weak to walk on your own.
Now to bring this back full circle I've wondered at times in my life how Jesus Christ, the Son of God who is God, could ever feel distant from God. How could he understand that feeling of isolation that I struggle with when my life gets too difficult?
If there's anyone who would understand this it's Jesus. The man who gave up all of heaven's glory to come live the life of a servant, he was mocked by his family, despised by the religious leaders of his day, dismissed by his hometown, betrayed by his best friend, abandoned by another best friend, Peter, who swore he would never reject him, and was doubted by those who had followed him faithfully for years. Yet he still chose death on the cross, separation from God as he took on the sin of the world, so that we could be free and we could live in eternity with our Creator and our Savior.
Don't doubt that Jesus understands what you're going through my friend, wonder if you can understand what He went through for you.
Jesus Christ came in human form, the bible says that he experienced every temptation that is common to man. Everything we've been through Christ has been there with us. When I was ten my granddad passed away and although I don't remember a lot about him or his funeral I remember the poem that was read at his funeral. It's one that I've fallen back on a lot in my life.
It's called "Footprints in The Sand" by Mary Stevenson and if you've never read it I encourage you to look it up. Here's the gist of it though.
It talks about walking on the beach with the Lord as scenes from the author's life flash before her and for each scene there's a set of footprints in the sand but she notices that during the lowest times of her life there's only one set of footprints and she begins to wonder why when she needed Him most the Lord would abandon her. So she asks Him and the Lord tells her, when you see only one set of footprints it was then that I carried you.
How many times have you been going through something and wondered why God wasn't with you? How many times have you felt alone? But He hadn't abandoned you my friend, He was carrying you and He still is, walking beside you, holding your hand and carrying you when you are too weak to walk on your own.
Now to bring this back full circle I've wondered at times in my life how Jesus Christ, the Son of God who is God, could ever feel distant from God. How could he understand that feeling of isolation that I struggle with when my life gets too difficult?
If there's anyone who would understand this it's Jesus. The man who gave up all of heaven's glory to come live the life of a servant, he was mocked by his family, despised by the religious leaders of his day, dismissed by his hometown, betrayed by his best friend, abandoned by another best friend, Peter, who swore he would never reject him, and was doubted by those who had followed him faithfully for years. Yet he still chose death on the cross, separation from God as he took on the sin of the world, so that we could be free and we could live in eternity with our Creator and our Savior.
Don't doubt that Jesus understands what you're going through my friend, wonder if you can understand what He went through for you.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
The Pure Heart of a Young Girl
Some dear friends of mine homeschool their children, and it's my honor and privilege to help them out in a few small ways. And every now and then one of the kids will ask if they can show me an assignment. The other day their mom had them write letters to their favorite companies to tell them how much they appreciated their products as a way to teach them about letter writing in their English class.
So I got there one day and the twelve year old asked if she could show me the letter she'd written to her favorite company who makes the dance clothes she loves so much, and what I read melted my heart.
This girl could've written about anything, she could've just said "I like the clothes you make" and left it at that. She didn't. She wrote about how much she loves dance, in fact yesterday was her first day of dance class for this school year but then she shared her dream with them. Izza's dream is to first become a dance instructor, then to become a physical therapist so that she can accomplish her goal to give dance lessons to kids with disabilities. Disabilities like Downs Syndrome like her baby sister has.
Twelve years old and this girl has already figured out how to use her love for dance and turn it into something that will bless others. She has a pure heart and in Matthew 5:6 Jesus said "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God."
Cherish those around you that do have pure hearts, encourage their dreams and never forget to pray for them.
So I got there one day and the twelve year old asked if she could show me the letter she'd written to her favorite company who makes the dance clothes she loves so much, and what I read melted my heart.
This girl could've written about anything, she could've just said "I like the clothes you make" and left it at that. She didn't. She wrote about how much she loves dance, in fact yesterday was her first day of dance class for this school year but then she shared her dream with them. Izza's dream is to first become a dance instructor, then to become a physical therapist so that she can accomplish her goal to give dance lessons to kids with disabilities. Disabilities like Downs Syndrome like her baby sister has.
Twelve years old and this girl has already figured out how to use her love for dance and turn it into something that will bless others. She has a pure heart and in Matthew 5:6 Jesus said "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God."
Cherish those around you that do have pure hearts, encourage their dreams and never forget to pray for them.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
The Gift of Godly Parents
You know friends as a kid I can remember going to find birthday presents for my friend and my brothers and sister, I had so much fun with it! But as an adult I don't do this as often anymore. If I come across something for one of them near their birthday but now I pretty much only give my family gifts for Christmas but that doesn't that birthday's aren't important. It's a way for the people you love to celebrate you and one of my favorite ways to do this is to write tributes to people close to me. Typically that's not something I would post on this blog but the tribute I want to write today is a very special kind. A tribute to my parents.
My parent's birthday's are just a couple of weeks apart, Dad's first, then Mom's, so I'm choosing to write this between the two so it's for both of them.
God gives us each different gifts in our lives. Some are given the gift of a beautiful voice they can use to praise Him, some the gift of writing to bring glory to His name, some the gift of speaking to teach others about Him but one of the best gifts He's ever given me is the gift of my godly parents. Parents who raised me to love the Lord, to follow Him, to serve Him with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.
Dad and Mom taught me about faith, about trusting God even when you felt like you were walking off a cliff and there was no bridge visible. They made an effort to raise me in church so that I would be around people who loved the Lord and would set an example for me to follow in their footsteps. And my own parents set that example for me too, showing me how to step out in faith, how to follow the Lord, to study His word and how to listen for that still, small voice that is the Holy Spirit showing me the way.
Mom, you showed me so many things about faith, and life, I can't say thank you for all of them but thank you for teaching me to call out to God in my distress. That no matter what storms are in my life or how hopeless and alone I feel that He is still with me, walking beside me, and carrying me when I can't walk on my own.
Dad, how can I begin to list all that you've taught me? Thank you for all the late night talks, the lengthy conversations, the patient explanations as you explained one spiritual concept after another to me, as you answered my questions and helped me learn not just about my faith but about why I believe what I believe.
Guys, I can never say thank you enough for everything you've taught me, and modeled for me. All I can say is thank you God, for the godly parents you gave me, who love you, who follow you and who have taught me to do the same.
Love you Mom and Dad! And Happy Birthday!
My parent's birthday's are just a couple of weeks apart, Dad's first, then Mom's, so I'm choosing to write this between the two so it's for both of them.
God gives us each different gifts in our lives. Some are given the gift of a beautiful voice they can use to praise Him, some the gift of writing to bring glory to His name, some the gift of speaking to teach others about Him but one of the best gifts He's ever given me is the gift of my godly parents. Parents who raised me to love the Lord, to follow Him, to serve Him with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.
Dad and Mom taught me about faith, about trusting God even when you felt like you were walking off a cliff and there was no bridge visible. They made an effort to raise me in church so that I would be around people who loved the Lord and would set an example for me to follow in their footsteps. And my own parents set that example for me too, showing me how to step out in faith, how to follow the Lord, to study His word and how to listen for that still, small voice that is the Holy Spirit showing me the way.
Mom, you showed me so many things about faith, and life, I can't say thank you for all of them but thank you for teaching me to call out to God in my distress. That no matter what storms are in my life or how hopeless and alone I feel that He is still with me, walking beside me, and carrying me when I can't walk on my own.
Dad, how can I begin to list all that you've taught me? Thank you for all the late night talks, the lengthy conversations, the patient explanations as you explained one spiritual concept after another to me, as you answered my questions and helped me learn not just about my faith but about why I believe what I believe.
Guys, I can never say thank you enough for everything you've taught me, and modeled for me. All I can say is thank you God, for the godly parents you gave me, who love you, who follow you and who have taught me to do the same.
Love you Mom and Dad! And Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
The Ultimate Peer Pressure
Kids hear about peer pressure all the time, drugs, alcohol, dating, skipping class, lying to their parents, smoking... you get the idea. When I was a kid one of the most frequently heard comments when talking about peer pressure was usually something like "Well just because everyone else does something doesn't mean you should, if all your friends drove off a bridge would you?" And they're right, just because everyone else does something doesn't mean you should. But have you ever thought about where all this started?
I mean think about peer pressure isn't a new thing. If you're a teenager you've been dealing with it for sometime now. Chances are your parents did too (even if they won't admit it) and your grandparents and your great-grandparents and so on. It's been around for pretty much forever.
What was the first sin in the garden? Satan, through the serpent pressured Eve to eat of the fruit from the tree that she was forbidden to eat from. Granted the pressure didn't exactly come from Eve's peers but considering there were only two humans in existence at that point it's kind of easy to understand why. (And besides the next sin was when Eve gave the fruit to Adam and he ate it too, that's peer pressure.)
But I think there's an example in the Bible of what I like to call the "Ultimate Peer Pressure" and it all starts with the Israelites in 1 Samuel chapter 8. The prophet Samuel, God's prophet, had been leading the nation of Israel but the Bible says that when he got old he appointed his sons to lead the nation however his sons didn't follow in his ways and they were dishonest so the people had an idea.
The elders of Israel came to Samuel and demanded that he give them a king. Now keep in mind that God was the king of Israel, this is His chosen nation and He had been the one to rule over them. He appointed prophets and rulers but God was the one in charge.
Samuel was upset and understandably so at the people of Israel's demands so he prayed about it and God said to listen to the people and give them what they demanded. God knew their hearts were unfaithful to Him but he told Samuel to warn the people what a king would do. Still they persisted.
1 Samuel 8: 19-20 But the people refused to listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.”
Talk about peer pressure! The people of Israel had God as their king! God Himself was ruling them but instead they demand a human king! A flawed, broken individual who was full of sin and would most assuredly fail them. But even with a warning they persisted and Saul was appointed as their king. And if you read on in the Bible, or even look at the Israleites today you will see that they are still paying the consequences for that action. But even through all that God is still with them.
I mean think about peer pressure isn't a new thing. If you're a teenager you've been dealing with it for sometime now. Chances are your parents did too (even if they won't admit it) and your grandparents and your great-grandparents and so on. It's been around for pretty much forever.
What was the first sin in the garden? Satan, through the serpent pressured Eve to eat of the fruit from the tree that she was forbidden to eat from. Granted the pressure didn't exactly come from Eve's peers but considering there were only two humans in existence at that point it's kind of easy to understand why. (And besides the next sin was when Eve gave the fruit to Adam and he ate it too, that's peer pressure.)
But I think there's an example in the Bible of what I like to call the "Ultimate Peer Pressure" and it all starts with the Israelites in 1 Samuel chapter 8. The prophet Samuel, God's prophet, had been leading the nation of Israel but the Bible says that when he got old he appointed his sons to lead the nation however his sons didn't follow in his ways and they were dishonest so the people had an idea.
The elders of Israel came to Samuel and demanded that he give them a king. Now keep in mind that God was the king of Israel, this is His chosen nation and He had been the one to rule over them. He appointed prophets and rulers but God was the one in charge.
Samuel was upset and understandably so at the people of Israel's demands so he prayed about it and God said to listen to the people and give them what they demanded. God knew their hearts were unfaithful to Him but he told Samuel to warn the people what a king would do. Still they persisted.
1 Samuel 8: 19-20 But the people refused to listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.”
Talk about peer pressure! The people of Israel had God as their king! God Himself was ruling them but instead they demand a human king! A flawed, broken individual who was full of sin and would most assuredly fail them. But even with a warning they persisted and Saul was appointed as their king. And if you read on in the Bible, or even look at the Israleites today you will see that they are still paying the consequences for that action. But even through all that God is still with them.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Gift or Giver?
I have a wonderful devotional book that a friend gave me for my birthday called "Grace For The Moment" by Max Lucado. One day when I opened it up to read my devotional for the morning it talked about how we often focus on the gifts instead of the giver. As I went throughout the day I started to think about Mr. Lucado's words and some of my own thoughts began to form.
Often when my life is difficult or frustrating I think about what heaven will be like, streets of gold, the crystal sea and so on. I get so excited about what a wonderful place it is and how excited I am to go there someday that I forget the most important thing about heaven. I'm going to be there with God!
I can walk beside Jesus, talk to my Heavenly Father, learn about the Holy Spirit's role in my life. As a human I was created to worship God, to be in communion with Him but while I'm on earth I will always fall short in that relationship. When I get to heaven sin will no longer damage that relationship. For all of eternity I will dwell in the house of the Lord, with the Lord FOREVER!
Can you imagine how amazing that will be? I can't but I know that I want to take Mr. Lucado's advice and focus on the one who gives the gifts instead of the gifts themselves.
This is kind of a confusing subject I admit so let me put in another way. Every year when I'm buying Christmas gifts I look for the perfect gift for each person. I want to find exactly the right gift for each person. It's not so much about the gift but about what it represents, that perfect gift represents that I have a relationship with them, that I know them well enough to buy them that perfect gift. I want them to be excited about the gift but I would be hurt if they focused so much on the gift that they didn't even bother to say thanks.
Often when my life is difficult or frustrating I think about what heaven will be like, streets of gold, the crystal sea and so on. I get so excited about what a wonderful place it is and how excited I am to go there someday that I forget the most important thing about heaven. I'm going to be there with God!
I can walk beside Jesus, talk to my Heavenly Father, learn about the Holy Spirit's role in my life. As a human I was created to worship God, to be in communion with Him but while I'm on earth I will always fall short in that relationship. When I get to heaven sin will no longer damage that relationship. For all of eternity I will dwell in the house of the Lord, with the Lord FOREVER!
Can you imagine how amazing that will be? I can't but I know that I want to take Mr. Lucado's advice and focus on the one who gives the gifts instead of the gifts themselves.
This is kind of a confusing subject I admit so let me put in another way. Every year when I'm buying Christmas gifts I look for the perfect gift for each person. I want to find exactly the right gift for each person. It's not so much about the gift but about what it represents, that perfect gift represents that I have a relationship with them, that I know them well enough to buy them that perfect gift. I want them to be excited about the gift but I would be hurt if they focused so much on the gift that they didn't even bother to say thanks.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Grandma's Wisdom
Update: I am back from my road trip, safe and sound and after a good night's sleep in my own bed I'm feeling refreshed and ready to get back to real life!
During my road trip this last week one of the stops I made was to spend some time with my extended family. At one point I was sitting in a chair next to my Grandma as she was reading her Bible. Suddenly looking up from her Bible she smiled and told me that she been reading in Mark 5 when Jesus restores a demon-possessed man.
If you'll remember Jesus addresses the demon and says (And I'm paraphrasing a little here) "What is your name?"
The demon replies "My name is Legion, for we are many."
Then the demon asks Jesus to send them into a herd of pigs nearby and Jesus gave them permission then the pigs run down into the lake and drowned.
Grandma told me that for years she's been confused by this passage because those pigs had to have belonged to someone. And to be honest this has bothered me also. But as Grandma was reading this passage again something occurred to her they were in Israel, the people who owned the pigs were Jews and the Jews were forbidden from having pigs because they were unclean animals according to the Old Testament law! The Jews who owned the pigs were breaking the law that God had given them.
This piece of wisdom from Grandma reminds me that there are consequences to every decision we make. I would be wise to keep that in mind throughout my days. And maybe someday I'll be able to pass on my own tidbits of wisdom as I read my Bible and my granddaughter sits near.
If you'll remember Jesus addresses the demon and says (And I'm paraphrasing a little here) "What is your name?"
The demon replies "My name is Legion, for we are many."
Then the demon asks Jesus to send them into a herd of pigs nearby and Jesus gave them permission then the pigs run down into the lake and drowned.
Grandma told me that for years she's been confused by this passage because those pigs had to have belonged to someone. And to be honest this has bothered me also. But as Grandma was reading this passage again something occurred to her they were in Israel, the people who owned the pigs were Jews and the Jews were forbidden from having pigs because they were unclean animals according to the Old Testament law! The Jews who owned the pigs were breaking the law that God had given them.
This piece of wisdom from Grandma reminds me that there are consequences to every decision we make. I would be wise to keep that in mind throughout my days. And maybe someday I'll be able to pass on my own tidbits of wisdom as I read my Bible and my granddaughter sits near.
Friday, August 14, 2015
Road Trips
Road trips, what do they mean? When I was a kid they meant lots of blankets so we could build forts in the back of the van. They meant stress and you tried to decide what to back, anticipation as you got ready for your trip and excitement as you finally arrive and head out for your new adventures.
As an adult they mean something different. It's means finding the right music station or bringing C.D.'s along, making sure you have a map so you don't get lost, checking the oil and water in your car to ensure you don't break down on the side of the road. There's still all the stress of packing, the anticipation of getting ready and the excitement of new adventures but as an adult there's so much more then that.
On the road trip I'm on it includes all sorts of adventures like suddenly being asked to babysit so a parent can be taken to the Emergency Room, a screaming ten month old because we took her to see Mommy at work and then she could see Mommy but couldn't go to her, swimming in an icy cold lake and hiking with all sorts of different family members.
This road trip is a little different though because I decided to do something fun, hide my dragons and my old friend Tiger at my various stops then let people try to find them. Just as an example I posted some down below that I sent to some friends so they could do a "search and find". Hint: There is one blue and purple dragon, one green and orange one and Tiger is a gray calico cat.
But whatever the road trip holds one thing remains the same, I pray for safe travels, for a good time and most importantly that I would be a light wherever I go, with whoever I'm with and whatever I'm doing. Sometimes it's hard and I know I've failed more then once on this road trip but that's when I'm so grateful to remember that no matter what God is always there waiting with open arms to forgive me of my shortcomings. Praise the Lord!
And now friends I'm off again to have a few more adventures on this crazy trip before it's back home to reality and I find some new adventures to write to you about!
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Brother's Birthday
Saturday was my brother's 30th birthday and being the loving sister I am I decided to make it unforgettable. So I put together a little package for him. Now just for the record I don't really think that 30 is that old but... I still had to do something to make him feel special. So I sent him a package...
Inside was a card that said something along the lines of "There's one thing that separate the men from the boys" and you open it up and it says "Age" hahaha!
Then I wrote down twelve items and reasons for each one of them. I can't remember all of them but here's a few.
1. A planner so he doesn't forget his schedule in his old age.
2. Post-it notes so he can leave himself notes.
3. Sticky letters so he won't forget the alphabet.
4. A flashlight for frequent trips to the restroom.
5. Noisemakers for an "at home hearing test".
6. Batteries for his hearing aids.
And the list continues!
All the fun things that a loving sister would send to her brother to make sure that he has an unforgettable 30th birthday party!
Inside was a card that said something along the lines of "There's one thing that separate the men from the boys" and you open it up and it says "Age" hahaha!
Then I wrote down twelve items and reasons for each one of them. I can't remember all of them but here's a few.
1. A planner so he doesn't forget his schedule in his old age.
2. Post-it notes so he can leave himself notes.
3. Sticky letters so he won't forget the alphabet.
4. A flashlight for frequent trips to the restroom.
5. Noisemakers for an "at home hearing test".
6. Batteries for his hearing aids.
And the list continues!
All the fun things that a loving sister would send to her brother to make sure that he has an unforgettable 30th birthday party!
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
What's Your Assingment?
Every day I have to consider my agenda in order to prioritize my day. Do I need to work, do laundry, or run errands? But how often do I ask for God for my assignment from Him? I remember in school my teachers used to give me homework every day and I would work hard to complete it but too often I ignore the homework that God gives me. Instead of waking up in the morning and saying "Father, what do you want me to do today?" I think, "All right what's my plan, and I make my schedule but I forget about the most important part of my day! What God wants me to do!
So here's a challenge, for myself as well as you. When you wake up in the morning and planning your day, or when you're working at your calendar and planning your week or month remember to pray. Remember to ask God to show you the assignment He has for you, every day, week, month and year.
All you have to do is ask.
So here's a challenge, for myself as well as you. When you wake up in the morning and planning your day, or when you're working at your calendar and planning your week or month remember to pray. Remember to ask God to show you the assignment He has for you, every day, week, month and year.
All you have to do is ask.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
A couple of days ago there was a tragic accident not far from where I live. Six young people crashed coming around a corner, one young woman was killed. She was only twenty years old. The driver was the oldest and he was only twenty-five years old. The youngest kids were just sixteen. They were kids, the driver was drunk, he made a stupid decision. Two of the kids made a stupid decision when they chose to ride in the back of the truck but that's just what it was, a stupid decision, a mistake.
Most of us assume that we'll have time to learn from our mistakes. We assume that life won't end while we're driving home, that we won't suddenly find ourselves standing before the Lord's judgment seat. I don't imagine that young woman, so young, was expecting to die on her way home that day and I don't imagine that anyone else in that car ever imagined that one stupid mistake would ever lead to such a tragedy,
But the thing is that life can end that quickly. You can be hit by lightening while you're out on a walk, an icy road can send your car into a tree, a heart attack could take you to eternity before you even know what's happening.
Please understand my friends, I'm not trying to be morbid but I want you to be prepared. Are you ready for what happens after death? Are you ready to meet your maker? In John 14:6 Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." Have you met Jesus, have you confessed your sins and accepted Him as your Savior? Are you ready if your car crashes tomorrow? If you're not you need to be.
If you need someone to talk to about more then this please feel free to leave me your email address in a comment below and I'll be sure to contact you more about salvation.
Most of us assume that we'll have time to learn from our mistakes. We assume that life won't end while we're driving home, that we won't suddenly find ourselves standing before the Lord's judgment seat. I don't imagine that young woman, so young, was expecting to die on her way home that day and I don't imagine that anyone else in that car ever imagined that one stupid mistake would ever lead to such a tragedy,
But the thing is that life can end that quickly. You can be hit by lightening while you're out on a walk, an icy road can send your car into a tree, a heart attack could take you to eternity before you even know what's happening.
Please understand my friends, I'm not trying to be morbid but I want you to be prepared. Are you ready for what happens after death? Are you ready to meet your maker? In John 14:6 Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." Have you met Jesus, have you confessed your sins and accepted Him as your Savior? Are you ready if your car crashes tomorrow? If you're not you need to be.
If you need someone to talk to about more then this please feel free to leave me your email address in a comment below and I'll be sure to contact you more about salvation.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Monster in the Woods
You know God blesses us in so many ways every day, sometimes our blessings are sunshine for our potluck or rain for our garden, sometimes blessings are hard to find but other times they're very, very, obvious. The other night was one of those obvious blessings for me with a conversation with a three year old.
This adorable little blonde I sitting across form me at the dinner table and with conversations flying around us she managed to get my attention to tell me her story.
"Miss Katt."
"Yes Ellie?"
"I saw a monster in the woods."
"You did?" Trying to hide a smile I nodded, "When was this?"
"I walked into the woods and I saw a monster," she told me, matter-of-factly.
Amused I couldn't help but smile this time, "Oh... and what did the monster say?"
"I said 'hi', and he said 'Hi Ellie, you better go back to your mommy now or I'm going to eat you.' So I came back."
Hahaha I have to admit that I couldn't help but laugh at this adorable little girl so calmly telling me all about her encounter with the monster. I have no idea how a three year old managed to come up with a story like that but somehow she did.
And the fun didn't stop there! With stories like that the kid's going up to be a writer!
So whether it's a kid's monster in the woods, the smiling clerk at the grocery store, the wacky weather, or the song on the radio remember to look for the Lord's blessings in your everyday life, you might be surprised at where they show up.
This adorable little blonde I sitting across form me at the dinner table and with conversations flying around us she managed to get my attention to tell me her story.
"Miss Katt."
"Yes Ellie?"
"I saw a monster in the woods."
"You did?" Trying to hide a smile I nodded, "When was this?"
"I walked into the woods and I saw a monster," she told me, matter-of-factly.
Amused I couldn't help but smile this time, "Oh... and what did the monster say?"
"I said 'hi', and he said 'Hi Ellie, you better go back to your mommy now or I'm going to eat you.' So I came back."
Hahaha I have to admit that I couldn't help but laugh at this adorable little girl so calmly telling me all about her encounter with the monster. I have no idea how a three year old managed to come up with a story like that but somehow she did.
And the fun didn't stop there! With stories like that the kid's going up to be a writer!
So whether it's a kid's monster in the woods, the smiling clerk at the grocery store, the wacky weather, or the song on the radio remember to look for the Lord's blessings in your everyday life, you might be surprised at where they show up.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
My nieces were visiting for a few days and the three year old is this adorable little girl with quite the imagination. One day I'm in my room and she comes in and starts playing with my dog's toy. A little confused I watch her for a few minutes as she throws the toy a few feet away then runs to pick it up and throws it again.
Finally I say, "What are you doing E?"
"I playing with the doggie!"
Now I'm a little confused because my dog isn't in the room. "The doggie's on the porch honey."
"No Auntie," she says, "My doggie!"
"What doggie E?" I finally ask, still having no idea what on earth this child is talking about.
"Who's Pal?"
"My doggie!"
It took a while but I finally figured out that Pal is her imaginary dog that she was playing with, tossing the toy for and then having to go pick it up herself because obviously the pretend do isn't very good at playing catch.
So encourage your kids imagination because you'll be the one who gets the rewards of watching how they use it.
Finally I say, "What are you doing E?"
"I playing with the doggie!"
Now I'm a little confused because my dog isn't in the room. "The doggie's on the porch honey."
"No Auntie," she says, "My doggie!"
"What doggie E?" I finally ask, still having no idea what on earth this child is talking about.
"Who's Pal?"
"My doggie!"
It took a while but I finally figured out that Pal is her imaginary dog that she was playing with, tossing the toy for and then having to go pick it up herself because obviously the pretend do isn't very good at playing catch.
So encourage your kids imagination because you'll be the one who gets the rewards of watching how they use it.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
60 Years and Counting
Ten years ago I had the pleasure of celebrating, with my family and many friends, my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary. At the time I admit that I didn't completely understand the significance of the event. But in the last ten years I've had siblings, friends, and cousins all say their own vows, I've seen dear friends struggle through problems in their marriages, watched my parents counsel young couples who are working towards their own wedding day and seen my parents celebrate thirty-seven years (next month) of their own struggles and adventures in their marriage.
Saturday I once again had the wonderful opportunity to celebrate my grandparents 60th anniversary. I watched a touching slideshow that my cousin put together, depicting their lives as they started out growing up, Grandpa as the oldest of six kids, Grandma the oldest of five. Then as they got older, met in college, got married in their twenties, had five beautiful girls of their own, who have all gotten married and have collectively given them eighteen grandchildren (I'm #12) Grandpa and Grandma have faithfully served the Lord, first on their own, then together for the last sixty years and He has blessed them for their service.
My grandparents are in their eighties now and although I hope to have many more years with them I can be confident that when they are called home they will be greeted with the words I hope someday to hear myself, "Well done good and faithful servants."
But even if these amazing people were to be called home tomorrow they can be confident that their legacy will live on. The legacy of service they have instilled in the daughters, their grandchildren, and the hundreds maybe thousands of others they have influenced over the years, the legacy of love they have shown their whole lives and the legacy of dedication to their Lord and to their marriage. Because through camp trailers and tiny houses, five daughters, and eighteen grandchildren, these two have weathered the storms and I'm proud to be called part of their family.
So here's to you Grandpa and Grandma! To sixty years and counting, may your love and wisdom see us all through many more storms to come.
Saturday I once again had the wonderful opportunity to celebrate my grandparents 60th anniversary. I watched a touching slideshow that my cousin put together, depicting their lives as they started out growing up, Grandpa as the oldest of six kids, Grandma the oldest of five. Then as they got older, met in college, got married in their twenties, had five beautiful girls of their own, who have all gotten married and have collectively given them eighteen grandchildren (I'm #12) Grandpa and Grandma have faithfully served the Lord, first on their own, then together for the last sixty years and He has blessed them for their service.
My grandparents are in their eighties now and although I hope to have many more years with them I can be confident that when they are called home they will be greeted with the words I hope someday to hear myself, "Well done good and faithful servants."
But even if these amazing people were to be called home tomorrow they can be confident that their legacy will live on. The legacy of service they have instilled in the daughters, their grandchildren, and the hundreds maybe thousands of others they have influenced over the years, the legacy of love they have shown their whole lives and the legacy of dedication to their Lord and to their marriage. Because through camp trailers and tiny houses, five daughters, and eighteen grandchildren, these two have weathered the storms and I'm proud to be called part of their family.
So here's to you Grandpa and Grandma! To sixty years and counting, may your love and wisdom see us all through many more storms to come.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Chasing Rainbows
Some people figure out what they want to do at an early age and never stray from that path. I've never been one of those people. I tend to go from one adventure to another, one job to another, doing the work I can find in whatever place God leads me and I love it! That's how I live my life and I'm okay with that. Here's the thing though there's always going to be people who look at that kind of life and shake their heads 'cause they don't get it, and that's all right. But sometimes when they ask me what I'm doing and it's always a different thing then the last time they asked they kind of give you that look that says 'What are you doing with your life?'
So next time someone asks what you're doing with your life here's a new kind of response to give them. Tell them "I'm chasing rainbows!" And when they give you that confused look give them this explanation.
A rainbow was God's promise to Noah that He would never again flood the entire earth. Today it's still a reminder to us not just of that promise but of all the promises that God has made to us. Including the promise in Matthew 6:33 "Seek first my kingdom and my righteousness and all these things shall be given unto you."
Chasing rainbows means trust God to provide for us wherever He sends us. If he sends me to Timbuktu to work in a coffee shop He'll take care of me there, if He sends me to Africa to work as a safari guide (I'll have to get over my fear of snakes!) He'll take care of me there. All I have to do is trust Him to send me where He wants me and to take care of me wherever that is.
So my life goal is chasing rainbows and you know what? That's okay! Maybe your rainbow is a wonderful career, maybe it's raising a family or maybe it's working odd jobs, whatever your rainbow is just enjoy it and keep trusting Him and trusting His promises!
So next time someone asks what you're doing with your life here's a new kind of response to give them. Tell them "I'm chasing rainbows!" And when they give you that confused look give them this explanation.
A rainbow was God's promise to Noah that He would never again flood the entire earth. Today it's still a reminder to us not just of that promise but of all the promises that God has made to us. Including the promise in Matthew 6:33 "Seek first my kingdom and my righteousness and all these things shall be given unto you."
Chasing rainbows means trust God to provide for us wherever He sends us. If he sends me to Timbuktu to work in a coffee shop He'll take care of me there, if He sends me to Africa to work as a safari guide (I'll have to get over my fear of snakes!) He'll take care of me there. All I have to do is trust Him to send me where He wants me and to take care of me wherever that is.
So my life goal is chasing rainbows and you know what? That's okay! Maybe your rainbow is a wonderful career, maybe it's raising a family or maybe it's working odd jobs, whatever your rainbow is just enjoy it and keep trusting Him and trusting His promises!
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Staying Strong
"So Kattarin tell me about your friends."
"Because if I know about your friends then I'll know about you."
This is how a conversation started out between my great-uncle Bob and myself ten years ago. By the end of the conversation he had become one of my favorite people and to this day after only a handful of talks in the last ten years he's still one of people I respect most in my life.
Ten years ago I didn't understand what Uncle Bob's point was. I didn't think that my friends could really play such a big part in my decisions but I was wrong. The people we surround ourselves with will play a huge part in our lives, from the decisions we make to the past times we enjoy.
Let me put it this way. If all of your friends like to go swimming and you don't then at first you just go to the river or the pool with them. You stay on the shore, watching them splash and play around in the water. But eventually you get tired of staying out of the water, you want to be with your friends and after a while, maybe a month, maybe a year, you jump in too. It's human nature.
The last couple weeks I've attended a graduation ceremony, two graduation parties, and had three other people close to me celebrate graduations from college. The other day I looked at one of these young women who had just graduated and I started thinking about what a wonderful young lady she has grown up into but I also thought about how many decisions she'll be facing soon in the next few years at college.
Who she surrounds herself with will play a big part in the decisions she makes. As her friends head out of their homes some of them are making decisions that are contrary to everything they've been taught for the last eighteen years.
My advice for that young woman, for all young people who are heading out to college or the work force or the military or whatever other life path, I encourage you to stay strong, hold to what you believe, surround yourself with people that will build you up and tell you the truth, share God's word with you and encourage you to make the right decision. If you have people in your life who are bringing you down then maybe it's time you revaluated not just your life path but also who you want to walk down that path with.
Stay strong my friends, my prayers are with you.
"Because if I know about your friends then I'll know about you."
This is how a conversation started out between my great-uncle Bob and myself ten years ago. By the end of the conversation he had become one of my favorite people and to this day after only a handful of talks in the last ten years he's still one of people I respect most in my life.
Ten years ago I didn't understand what Uncle Bob's point was. I didn't think that my friends could really play such a big part in my decisions but I was wrong. The people we surround ourselves with will play a huge part in our lives, from the decisions we make to the past times we enjoy.
Let me put it this way. If all of your friends like to go swimming and you don't then at first you just go to the river or the pool with them. You stay on the shore, watching them splash and play around in the water. But eventually you get tired of staying out of the water, you want to be with your friends and after a while, maybe a month, maybe a year, you jump in too. It's human nature.
The last couple weeks I've attended a graduation ceremony, two graduation parties, and had three other people close to me celebrate graduations from college. The other day I looked at one of these young women who had just graduated and I started thinking about what a wonderful young lady she has grown up into but I also thought about how many decisions she'll be facing soon in the next few years at college.
Who she surrounds herself with will play a big part in the decisions she makes. As her friends head out of their homes some of them are making decisions that are contrary to everything they've been taught for the last eighteen years.
My advice for that young woman, for all young people who are heading out to college or the work force or the military or whatever other life path, I encourage you to stay strong, hold to what you believe, surround yourself with people that will build you up and tell you the truth, share God's word with you and encourage you to make the right decision. If you have people in your life who are bringing you down then maybe it's time you revaluated not just your life path but also who you want to walk down that path with.
Stay strong my friends, my prayers are with you.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Dog Wash
So one of the hardest parts of taking care of my dog is giving her a bath. I have a small shower and trying to get her to stay in there while I shampoo her fur and then get her rinsed off is nearly impossible. When I do manage it I ended up soaked from head to toe! Then I have the fun battle of trying to towel her off before she can start shaking and get everything else soaking wet! In other words it's a major headache.
However there's a car wash place not far from me that advertised doggie washes. Intrigued I talked to my dad who had used this service before and he said it worked out pretty well. So I decided to give it a shot. I got my sixty pound dog all loaded up in the backseat of my little car, made sure I put towels in the back to dry her off and headed into town.
First I parked my car in one of the bays and climbed out, not sure what I was doing I started reading the signs, hoping to find directions. But there was nothing about the doggie wash! Then someone walks up and tells me I should park in one of the others bays to wash my car because it's bigger, realizing they worked there I said, "Oh I'm just here to wash my dog?"
And the guy is like "Oh, okay."
Then he starts to walk off and I'm like, "Wait! Do I wash the dog here?"
At this point I'm pretty sure the guy wanted to start laughing but he didn't and he showed me another door that said "Doggie Wash!" Wouldn't you know it, I had driven right beside it and hadn't even seen it! So he takes me inside and shows me how to get it set up.
I had ten dollars in quarters and he gave me dollar coins, telling me that way I didn't have to put so many coins in. For some reason it took me until I was almost done to realize that 40 quarters is equal to 10 $1 coins and he was just trying to save me time.
So I get the dog, up the ramp into the bathtub type thing and start putting in coins but I can't get any water to come out. A little confused I finally went back out and asked, "Do I have to put in all the coins to get it to start?"
At this point the guy was laughing, but in a nice way, and he's like, "Yeah, you do."
Finally I just grinned, "Sorry, I swear I should've been born with blonde hair!" (I have brown hair by the way.)
Thankfully he just laughed and in only ten minutes I had my doggie all washed up and dried off and got her back in the car, much to her relief.
Still... despite the confusion this adventure did turn out to be far easier then trying to wash the dog at home!
However there's a car wash place not far from me that advertised doggie washes. Intrigued I talked to my dad who had used this service before and he said it worked out pretty well. So I decided to give it a shot. I got my sixty pound dog all loaded up in the backseat of my little car, made sure I put towels in the back to dry her off and headed into town.
First I parked my car in one of the bays and climbed out, not sure what I was doing I started reading the signs, hoping to find directions. But there was nothing about the doggie wash! Then someone walks up and tells me I should park in one of the others bays to wash my car because it's bigger, realizing they worked there I said, "Oh I'm just here to wash my dog?"
And the guy is like "Oh, okay."
Then he starts to walk off and I'm like, "Wait! Do I wash the dog here?"
At this point I'm pretty sure the guy wanted to start laughing but he didn't and he showed me another door that said "Doggie Wash!" Wouldn't you know it, I had driven right beside it and hadn't even seen it! So he takes me inside and shows me how to get it set up.
I had ten dollars in quarters and he gave me dollar coins, telling me that way I didn't have to put so many coins in. For some reason it took me until I was almost done to realize that 40 quarters is equal to 10 $1 coins and he was just trying to save me time.
So I get the dog, up the ramp into the bathtub type thing and start putting in coins but I can't get any water to come out. A little confused I finally went back out and asked, "Do I have to put in all the coins to get it to start?"
At this point the guy was laughing, but in a nice way, and he's like, "Yeah, you do."
Finally I just grinned, "Sorry, I swear I should've been born with blonde hair!" (I have brown hair by the way.)
Thankfully he just laughed and in only ten minutes I had my doggie all washed up and dried off and got her back in the car, much to her relief.
Still... despite the confusion this adventure did turn out to be far easier then trying to wash the dog at home!
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Pirates in Plays
This has been a crazy week! Monday the sixteen month old I've been watching just had a tough day. She got mad at me when I told her she couldn't steal her sister's food so she screamed at me for half an hour! The next day she ran back and forth through the living room screaming, for no apparent reason! Although I have to admit that if her brother and sisters' and I weren't laughing so hard she probably wouldn't have kept it up as long as she did!
Then last night I had the wonderful opportunity to see the entire fifth grade at a local elementary school perform a play called 'Pirates to the Rescue'. It was based on "Gilligan's Island" which just happened to be one of my favorite old T.V. shows to watch reruns of with my grandma when I was a kid.
I have to admit that at first I was a little skeptical but since one of the kids that I've watched grow up asked me to be there I agreed. These kids, did a fantastic job! They sang songs, they danced, they only missed a couple of lines and they poured their hearts into it, they were awesome!
I know that this seems like a silly thing to blog about but I was really proud of them. They did a great job! So next time a kid invites you to a play or a recital, clear your calendar, it may not be Broadway but you'll enjoy it and you'll be incredibly proud by the time it comes for the final bow.
Then last night I had the wonderful opportunity to see the entire fifth grade at a local elementary school perform a play called 'Pirates to the Rescue'. It was based on "Gilligan's Island" which just happened to be one of my favorite old T.V. shows to watch reruns of with my grandma when I was a kid.
I have to admit that at first I was a little skeptical but since one of the kids that I've watched grow up asked me to be there I agreed. These kids, did a fantastic job! They sang songs, they danced, they only missed a couple of lines and they poured their hearts into it, they were awesome!
I know that this seems like a silly thing to blog about but I was really proud of them. They did a great job! So next time a kid invites you to a play or a recital, clear your calendar, it may not be Broadway but you'll enjoy it and you'll be incredibly proud by the time it comes for the final bow.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
And I'm Back!
Hey all!
Wow I can't believe it's been almost a year since I posted on here! The last few weeks I've been trying to figure out how to start posting again but I kept running into this problem. What to write?
So here's what I came up with, I'm just going to write whatever's going on. Like an open letter to friends.
It may be a piece of advice, a small devotional, maybe a song I think you should look up or a story about the hilarious kids in my life. It'll be a strange mishmash of subjects I'm sure but one thing I know, it won't be boring!
So thanks guys, for understanding my need for a break and now for traveling through this crazy journey of life with me! And I'd love to hear from you so if you have any input please leave me a comment!
Talk soon!
Wow I can't believe it's been almost a year since I posted on here! The last few weeks I've been trying to figure out how to start posting again but I kept running into this problem. What to write?
So here's what I came up with, I'm just going to write whatever's going on. Like an open letter to friends.
It may be a piece of advice, a small devotional, maybe a song I think you should look up or a story about the hilarious kids in my life. It'll be a strange mishmash of subjects I'm sure but one thing I know, it won't be boring!
So thanks guys, for understanding my need for a break and now for traveling through this crazy journey of life with me! And I'd love to hear from you so if you have any input please leave me a comment!
Talk soon!
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Liar, Lunatic or Lord
Around this time of year, in churches all around the world, people are presented with a question. The same question that has been presented ...
"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."...
Galatians 5:6 "For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, there is no benefit in being circumcised or being uncircumcised. What is im...
Last week I got a call from a close friend of mine. She was talking about how a woman from her church was encouraging her to start a new min...