Thursday, August 22, 2013


All right guys so here's the thing, one of the main reasons I started this blog was to connect with you! My fans, those of you who are here with me right now at the beginning of this exciting adventure on the road to publication and those who will join us later when they read some of these books at the recommendation (hopefully) of their friends, friends just like you!
But... I can't connect with you if I don't know what you're thinking. Sadly I haven't mastered the art of mindreading just yet (although telepathy does come into play in some of my books =) more on that later) so you have to talk to me! Leave me comments, tell me what you're thinking, let me know what you want to talk about, hear about, or what I should blog about!
Give me ideas, suggestions, and opinions, I may not get a chance to respond to all of you but trust me I'll see the comments.
And the best part? You can remain hidden in the shadows of cyber space if you choose and still get your voice out there! So come on, tell me what you're thinking! I'll be waiting to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. A sneak peek at your books is always a good thing...(my not so subtle hit...;) )


Liar, Lunatic or Lord

Around this time of year, in churches all around the world, people are presented with a question. The same question that has been presented ...