Sometimes we take things for granted, whether it's the food we have on our table, having friends help us get ready for a date or having someone take the time to read to us when we're children and teach us the importance of the written word.
Too often we're so busy with all the things that we have to get done that we don't take the time to look around and appreciate all the things that we already have. Now don't get me wrong guys, I'm not telling you to ignore your responsibilities or forget about the important work you have, even the apostle Paul said "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat." in 2 Thessalonians but we're also reminded to "...give thanks to the Lord..." in 1 Chronicles.
I may not be making much sense so let me try to clear it up.
Life is hard, for everyone, everywhere, we all have different struggles and we all have different blessings. I was blessed with an incredible family who gave me the most amazing childhood and have continued to love and support me into my adult life. If you've ever wondered what it takes to get the courage for me to write let me tell you, God and my family, without them you'd never be reading any of this =).
But not everyone's so lucky.
As I look back at my childhood there are so many things that stand out to me, memories that come flooding back that I can now see shaped me in the woman I am today, including my love for books!
Whether you have a family of your own or you're still a child yourself take a moment, not just today but every day, to cherish those around you and be grateful for all that God has given you. I know that seems like a trite and redundant message but remember that your actions today can shape someone's tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
You Asked For It!
You asked for it, you got it! These aren't complete chapters but just a taste of what's too come! Enjoy! And tell me what you think!
CHILDREN OF THE THRONE (Book 1 of The Royal Andrasian Chronicles)
CHILDREN OF THE THRONE (Book 1 of The Royal Andrasian Chronicles)
Chapter 1- Matthew
1 Year Later
“Are you sure that there’s no other option?” Queen Elizabeth
of Andrasia asked her husband, King Nathan, as she stared into the precious
face of their newborn son.
“I’m sorry darling,” he whispered, his own voice cracking as
he held out his arms for the child. “We don’t have a choice.”
Pressing a kiss mingled with tears to the child’s forehead
she handed her newborn son to his father, “May Al-Razz be with you my child.”
Nathan took the baby and watched with a heavy heart as his
wife turned away from him, curling up in a ball and sobbing into her pillow.
Holding back his own tears he went to where his siblings were waiting for him
just outside the bedroom.
He let each of them hold the baby for a moment before sending
his youngest sister, Nichole, and his sister-in-law, Anna, in to tend to
Elizabeth while his brother, Jason, and his two brother-in-laws, Christopher
and Stephen walked with Rachel and himself down to the stables where they had
several servants waiting for them.
Rachel held the baby while Nathan mounted up on Mesremize,
his unicorn, before settling a sling around his neck and placing his son snugly
inside. Gideon, one of their most trusted servants, held Rachel’s horse while
she mounted. In moments they were ready.
“We’ll see you when we get back,” Jason told him, his eyes
telling of his sympathy even though he didn’t say it out loud. Nathan nodded
and clasped his brother’s arm before riding into the tunnels that led away from
the palace.
The portal that would carry them to Earth, America to be more
exact, stood in front of them but they couldn’t go through just yet. Taking
clothes out of the bag the brother and sister carefully disguised themselves,
they wouldn’t want to attract attention where they were going.
“I’m sorry Nathan.”
The voice behind them made them both jump as they turned and
bowed to their leader, Kasdrin, diplomat of Al-Razz.
“Rise King Nathan, rise Queen Rachel. May I hold the child?”
Silently Nathan handed the baby over and everyone turned to
watch as Kasdrin held him close, saying a few words that were too quiet for
them to hear.
“How long Kasdrin?” Rachel asked quietly, her voice broken
but with a note of strength that reminded everyone she was a queen of Andrasia.
“How long will he be away for?”
Kasdrin sent her a sympathetic look, “On his eighteenth
birthday if it is safe enough for the child to come home then he will be
returned to your family. I’m sorry Nathan, I know that isn’t what you wanted to
Nathan nodded, “We understand Kasdrin.”
“What did you name him Nathan?”
“Matthew Jason der Madraline, Royal Prince of Andrasia.”
Chapter 2- Twins
“I don’t know if I can do this again Nathan,” Elizabeth
sobbed as he sat down on the bed next to her. “How can I give them up when I
already miss Matthew and Tucker so much?”
It had only been eighteen months since they had taken their
little boy to Boston to be given to his new family. Six months after that
Rachel had given birth to Tucker Nathan der Madraline, Prince of Andrasia. He
had been sent with two servants to Switzerland, the same world as Matthew but
on the completely other side. The thought of giving up another child was nearly
And Elizabeth had given birth to twins so they weren’t just
losing one child this time but two.
“I know that it’s hard darling,” he whispered. “But things
have only gotten worse since we sent our son away. We can’t keep the twins
here, not with the way things are. Gideon’s already found a good home for
“And they’ll be together?”
“That’s the plan,” he promised glancing at the two babies
who, even in sleep, clung to each other. “Nichole and I will take the eldes-“
“Skies Nathan! Can’t you say their names?” Elizabeth
demanded, “We’re in our bedroom!”
Understanding where the outburst came from he stroked her
dark hair back, “It’s not safe darling. You know that. If someone overheard and
managed to track the girls…”
“I know,” she cut him off and gave a heavy sigh. “I just wish
I could hear their names out loud.”
There was nothing to say so he just hugged her, holding his
wife and daughters close until there was a knock on the door. Nichole, his
youngest sister looked inside.
“I’ll be right there,” he promised but Elizabeth shook her
“No,” she spoke up. “No, Nicky bring the others in.”
“Are you sure Lizzy? You must be exhausted.”
Elizabeth laughed lightly but there was no amusement in the
sound, “I am dear one but at least for a moment we can be together. I want to
introduce you to your nieces.”
Nichole disappeared for a moment then came back with her
husband, Stephen at her side. Jason and Anna were just behind them followed by
Rachel and Christopher. They all gathered around the bed to take turns holding
the girls. No one spoke or even jumped when Kasdrin appeared suddenly.
“Arise kings and queens of Andrasia,” he beckoned when they
all knelt then added, “Except for you Elizabeth, you’d better stay right where
you are. May I hold the princess’?”
Nathan took first the eldest and handed her to Kasdrin who
settled her gently in the crook of his arm. Both girls started to fuss until he
put the younger one in Kasdrin’s other arm and they were together again,
immediately they both settled down.
“What are their names?” Kasdrin asked quietly, Nathan opened
his mouth but no words came out. “What are your daughters’ names Nathan?” He
asked again, this time speaking telepathically.
Nathan grinned, “Juliana Nichole der Madraline and Colleen
Rachel der Madraline, Royal Princess’ of Andrasia. Juliana is the eldest.”
Kasdrin nodded, handing Colleen to Elizabeth and Juliana to
Nathan, addressing all the royals at once but still speaking in their minds,
“Things in the forest have gotten worse. I’m afraid you won’t be able to take
Colleen that way to get to the portal. Take Julia to the beach like you did
with Tucker, and Colleen over the mountain like you did with Matthew. But you
must hurry if you’re to make it back in time for the meeting tomorrow night
with the diplomats.”
“Will you be traveling with us Kasdrin?” Jason asked their
leader who shook his head.
“Sadly no, I have to go check on those at the orphan camp,
may Al-Razz be with you.”
Elizabeth put one hand on Juliana and held Colleen close,
“May Al-Razz guide you and reunite us at the end of the journey. I love you my
precious girls and I’ll miss you every day until you come home to me. Please,
come home to me someday.”
Something’s wrong, Rachel addressed her brother, Jason who
automatically reached up to hold on a little tighter to the baby in the sling
around his neck. They’d been out of the tunnels about half an hour but still
had quite a ways to go before they reached the portal.
“What is it?”
Not sure exactly, she admitted. But I think we’ve got
“Queen Rachel! King Jason!” Lord Saddress who had accompanied
them called out urgently, they couldn’t see him but they knew he was somewhere
close by, keeping an eye on things as they traveled. “You have to turn around!”
“What’s wrong Saddress?” Jason demanded, drawing his sword.
“Is there trouble?”
“Some rebels are blocking the pass. It’s too dangerous to try
to bring the child this way, you have to turn around!”
“But where are we going to take her?” Rachel asked just as a
howl pierced the air and sent shivers down her spine. Safely tucked against her
uncle’s chest little Colleen started to cry as they tried desperately to shush
her, heeling their mounts around and heading as far from danger as they could
“More trouble!” Lord Saddress called. “My pack is reporting
trouble all around the country! Every major road and passageway is being
patrolled, there’s nowhere to go! We have to get the child of out of here!”
But how? Rachel asked again.
“I know somewhere to go,” Saddress cut in. “But we won’t be
able to get her to her sister. They’ll have to be separated, the rebels are
looking for twins, they’re safer on their own.”
It seemed cruel to separate the girls but their safety had to
come above all else so after a moment both royals gave a nod of approval and
they headed down the mountain.
“They should’ve been here by now,” Nichole fretted as she
paced the hotel room, trying to calm Juliana with a bottle while the child
continued to cry. “Where are they?”
“I don’t know,” Nathan admitted. “But they only have another
hour and then we have to go with or without them.”
Nichole frowned as the child’s screams intensified, “She
wants her sister Nate.”
“I know,” he sighed and held out his hands. “Give her to me
for a bit, you should try to get some sleep.”
The young queen kissed the princess’ forehead before handing
her to her father and gratefully lying down in the bed. Juliana quieted a bit
but wouldn’t stop her fussing. She kept reaching out, searching for a twin that
wasn’t there.
“Hush now little one,” Nathan tried to quiet her. “Colleen
misses you too but if she’s not here it’s for a good reason. I promise Juliana,
now try to quiet down. We don’t want you crying when you go to meet your
adopted family do we?”
“Have you been able to get a hold of Nathan?” Jason asked as
they waited in the small shelter for the boat to arrive.
“No,” she sighed. “But I guess I should.”
“Can you reach him if he’s… out?”
She shrugged and focused on her older brother, Nathan can you
hear me?
“Rachel! Where are you? We just gave Juliana to Gideon to
take her to the family. What happened?”
The rebels, they’re everywhere. They cut us off and we can’t
get the portals. We have to take her elsewhere.
It’s not safe to tell you now but trust me. I’ll explain
later, will you make it back for the meeting?
“Yeah, will you?”
She bit her lip, trying to decide how she could manage it.
Only if you trust me. I can’t take her all the way and still make it back but
if we’re not there then people will start asking questions.
There was a moment’s pause and then, “I trust you Rach and
they’re safety is more important than who takes them. If you have a way to keep
her safe then do it. I’ll see you tonight.”
I’m sorry Nathan, but with the rebels everywhere it’s too
dangerous to leave them together.
“I know, I just wish they didn’t have to be apart.”
“So do we know what this is all about?” Claire Taylor asked
her Army officer husband, Jeffery, as she absently handed their three and a
half year old, Billy, his favorite toy to get him to quiet down. “We haven’t
heard anything more about adopting a child in months. Why now?”
“I don’t know,” Jeffery admitted. “But they want to see us
right away and we did say that we wanted a little brother or sister for Billy.”
“Well yeah but I didn’t think that we’d actually be getting
one!” Claire laughed, “And we’re moving to California in three weeks!”
Jeffery smiled at her as he pulled on his boots and laced
them up, “Does that mean if they offer us a baby you want me to say no?”
“Absolutely not!” Claire objected then laughed out loud,
“Okay, okay! I get your point!”
“We getting a baby?” Little Billy asked making his parents
“I guess we’re going to find out,” Claire admitted. “Why
don’t we go with you?”
Jeffrey smiled and leaned down to pick up their son, “I was
kind of hoping you’d say that. Come on, let’s go find out if we have a baby or
“Didn’t Gideon say it was a family?” Nathan asked as he and
Nichole pulled their coats tighter around themselves, trying to stay warm in
the cold Washington winter weather as they sipped their hot tea at the outside
table across the street from the small church.
“I believe so, something about they go to this church and
they’ve talked to the pastor about adoption several times.”
Together they watched as a tall man helped his wife out of
the car before taking out a little boy. Both mother and father took one of his
hands then swung him up into the air, his laughter reached across the street to
their ears.
“They look nice,” he said, trying to sound sure of himself.
“Elizabeth would like that she’ll have an older brother.”
“She already does,” Nichole whispered, looking at him with
tears in her eyes that she refused to let fall. “But now she’ll have two.”
They waited a while longer, watching as the family came back
out again. The mother was holding Juliana’s baby carrier while the father
carried the little boy on his shoulders who was trying to look down into the
baby carrier.
“Come on Nicky,” Nathan took her by the hand. “Let’s go
“She’ll come back to us Nate,” she promised. “Someday, she’ll
come back to us.”
“Are you sure about this Rachel?” Todd asked as she pressed a
kiss to Colleen’s forehead and passed him to Jason.
“We don’t have a choice,” she replied. “You’re my best friend
Todd and you’ve always been a friend to the family. You have to do this,” she
looked down at where Saddress was sitting at her feet, “Both of you. Saddress,
you’ll be her guardian now. As long as she remains in this world she will be in
danger. Promise me you’ll take care of her?”
“Yes your majesty,” he bowed low. “I will protect the child
and when the other one comes home I’ll protect her too. My family has guarded
yours for a long time Queen Rachel and that tradition will continue for as long
as our families live.”
“Thank you Lord Saddress,” she curtsied to him then looked at
Todd. “Take her to Valadrine Todd, King Eric and Queen Alice will know what to
do. They have two boys of their own. They know what it means to want to protect
your child no matter what.”
“But then you must never speak of it again,” Jason reminded
“I know,” Todd nodded. “I’ll take the child to them but I’ll
leave Saddress to guard her. For her own safety it’s better that I don’t know
who she goes to.”
Rachel’s face contorted for a moment before she kissed Todd’s
cheek and Jason handed the baby over before the two men clasped hands.
“Good-bye little one, I love you,” Rachel told Colleen.
“Come home to us darling girl,” Jason bid her. “We’ll be
waiting for you.”
“I don’t know if we’re the right people for this your
majesty,” Lord Brian admitted to King Eric as he stared at the screaming baby
in Queen Alice’s arms.
“Is she all right?” Lady Melissa, Brian’s wife, asked in
The Valadrinian queen smiled at her, “Why don’t you take her
for a bit Melissa. See if she’ll calm down for you.”
“If you’re sure,” she shrugged and took the child in her
arms. The little girl opened her eyes and stared at her in wonder, reaching out
her arms she tried to pull on the lady’s hair and Melissa smiled. “Well you
sure are a little thing aren’t you darling?”
“She likes you,” Queen Alice said with a smile. “And I know it
seems strange to suddenly ask you to adopt a child but that little one is a
“She’s one of Queen Elizabeth’s isn’t she?” Lord Brian asked,
realizing the impact of what they were being asked to do.
“She is,” King Eric confirmed. “But she must not know the
truth. Not until Andrasia is safe. Lord Saddress will go everywhere you do, he
and his pack will be protect her. I’d like you to take a trip for a year and
when you get back you’ll have little girl. No one will assume she’s yours but
no one will ask questions. When the time’s right you’ll be given an ambassador
“As your daughter Colleen will be raised to learn the
protocols of not just Valadrine but also Andrasia, Tamnia, the islands and the
ways of the different races. That will come in handy when she goes home.”
“What will happen then?”
Brian sighed, “I know it seems strange but you won’t suddenly
be ex-communicated from her life. You will still be her parents, she’ll just
have two sets.”
“I know you never planned on having children,” Alice said
gently. “But as a favor to the royal family of both Valadrine and Andrasia will
you raise Colleen?”
Brian and Melissa exchanged a look before they both nodded,
“Yes your majesties.”
“Well Billy what do you think of your new sister?” Jeffrey asked
his son.
“Pippa!” The three and a half year old declared.
“Her name’s Juilana sweetheart,” Claire gently corrected as
they all stood over the cradle they’d pulled out of the attic to set up.
Looking down at the sleeping child she traced a finger down the little girl’s
cheek. “Juliana Nichole Taylor.”
“Pippa!” Billy laughed. “Sissy’s Pippa!”
Jeffrey laughed and kissed his wife, “Well I guess that
settles it then, she may be our Juliana but she’s Billy’s Pippa.”
Thursday, August 22, 2013
All right guys so here's the thing, one of the main reasons I started this blog was to connect with you! My fans, those of you who are here with me right now at the beginning of this exciting adventure on the road to publication and those who will join us later when they read some of these books at the recommendation (hopefully) of their friends, friends just like you!
But... I can't connect with you if I don't know what you're thinking. Sadly I haven't mastered the art of mindreading just yet (although telepathy does come into play in some of my books =) more on that later) so you have to talk to me! Leave me comments, tell me what you're thinking, let me know what you want to talk about, hear about, or what I should blog about!
Give me ideas, suggestions, and opinions, I may not get a chance to respond to all of you but trust me I'll see the comments.
And the best part? You can remain hidden in the shadows of cyber space if you choose and still get your voice out there! So come on, tell me what you're thinking! I'll be waiting to hear from you!
But... I can't connect with you if I don't know what you're thinking. Sadly I haven't mastered the art of mindreading just yet (although telepathy does come into play in some of my books =) more on that later) so you have to talk to me! Leave me comments, tell me what you're thinking, let me know what you want to talk about, hear about, or what I should blog about!
Give me ideas, suggestions, and opinions, I may not get a chance to respond to all of you but trust me I'll see the comments.
And the best part? You can remain hidden in the shadows of cyber space if you choose and still get your voice out there! So come on, tell me what you're thinking! I'll be waiting to hear from you!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Sometime God gives us little surprises, I got a few of them today. A random act of kindness where someone brought me dessert at work as a complete surprise, a wonderful compliment from a coworker and then a multi-colored cake from my roommate when I got home (yes you read that right she colored the cake four different colors).
The point isn't these incidents that happened although they were wonderful, the point is that our actions, whether good or bad, affect people. Even when we don't realize it what we say or do makes a difference. We can cause a child to doubt or trust by how we explain something, we can change the outcome of someone's day by snapping at them instead of taking the time to hear them out or we let people know that they're not alone in this world, that someone cares just through a simple smile or a listening ear.
It's not as easy as it sounds, often time we get so caught up in what's going on in our own lives that we don't think about what other people might be going through but I'm reminded of the story of Jesus and the woman at the well.
Before Jesus returned to Galilee he was in Judea, he left because the Pharisees were trying to cause problems (again). So he went back to Galilee which is where he was talking to this Samaritan woman.
Jesus was preaching, teaching to people and the Pharisees (and others) were trying to kill him. If ever there was a time for the excuse of being too busy or having too much on your mind to talk to someone surely it was now but Jesus didn't push her away, in fact he addressed her! Next time you think that you're tempted to brush someone off or think you're too busy for a simple smile or a kind word maybe you should reflect on the example that our Lord set for us.
I'm not saying it will be easy, it's hard for me too, but it is something to keep in mind.
Now I'm sure you all know the story so I won't go into it here but if you do want to look it up it's in John 4.
That's all for now! Good night world!
The point isn't these incidents that happened although they were wonderful, the point is that our actions, whether good or bad, affect people. Even when we don't realize it what we say or do makes a difference. We can cause a child to doubt or trust by how we explain something, we can change the outcome of someone's day by snapping at them instead of taking the time to hear them out or we let people know that they're not alone in this world, that someone cares just through a simple smile or a listening ear.
It's not as easy as it sounds, often time we get so caught up in what's going on in our own lives that we don't think about what other people might be going through but I'm reminded of the story of Jesus and the woman at the well.
Before Jesus returned to Galilee he was in Judea, he left because the Pharisees were trying to cause problems (again). So he went back to Galilee which is where he was talking to this Samaritan woman.
Jesus was preaching, teaching to people and the Pharisees (and others) were trying to kill him. If ever there was a time for the excuse of being too busy or having too much on your mind to talk to someone surely it was now but Jesus didn't push her away, in fact he addressed her! Next time you think that you're tempted to brush someone off or think you're too busy for a simple smile or a kind word maybe you should reflect on the example that our Lord set for us.
I'm not saying it will be easy, it's hard for me too, but it is something to keep in mind.
Now I'm sure you all know the story so I won't go into it here but if you do want to look it up it's in John 4.
That's all for now! Good night world!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
A sample
As promised this blog is for my work as an author so I wanted to give you a guys a sample of the first book in the Tisdale Chronicles, a series that will soon be available online (details to come). Look below to read the first chapter in Whispers of War and tell me what you think! As always I'd love to hear from you!
January 2, 2131 Two years after the Flare
“Is it true Adam?” Amy demanded of her twin brother as soon
as he walked in the front door, having just returned from a trip to town in a
search for information. He said nothing but silently held the morning newspaper
out for her to read, squeezing her shoulder as he slipped by. She didn’t
question where he was going or try to make him stay though she desperately
wanted to; the others had to be informed. She took but a moment to scan the
headlines to see the truth spelled out in the black ink taking up the page.
Senate Declares War on
She took a moment to pray and then quickly followed her
brother, The Council would be meeting and they would have to decide what was to
be done. One thing she knew, no longer were any of them safe, America had
turned against them.
As she walked towards the living room she could hear the
loud voices through the door as everyone tried to talk at once. She slipped in
to sit next to her mother near the back. Her brother was at the front after
having given his report, he sat beside her father and the other the men on The
“What are we going to do?” Sarah, a young girl of fifteen,
asked her voice shaking as she voiced the question on everyone’s mind.
Immediately the room silenced as all eyes turned to The Council. The five
elected leaders exchanged glances and Bill Lincoln, stood to address the crowd
“It doesn’t appear we have much choice, as most of you know
we came up with a plan for just such an event months ago. It’ll be just a
matter of time before they come looking for us. We’ve never made a secret of
our faith and although we don’t know if they’ve tracked us to this house or
not, we have to assume we’ve been compromised. Get together only what you can
carry we’ll have to retreat to the camp as soon as we can get out of here.
We’ll leave as soon as it’s dark, which gives you about eight hours. Get
yourselves ready, and make sure you leave no trace of where we’re going. This
is war, and we won’t be able to help anyone if we’re dead.” He said a quick prayer
before letting them go; Amy hung behind waiting for the room to clear before
“Amy?” her father asked, as she walked farther into the
room, the other men turned and Bill motioned for her to speak.
“Send me ahead to set up the camp.”
“Why should we send you?” Mark Drake asked quietly, she took
no offense at the question, knowing that it was standard to ask similar
questions before they could decide whether or not to send her. The safety of
too many people was dependent on making sure the camp was set up securely and
they couldn’t afford any mistakes.
“If you’re sending Adam you should send me too, we work well
together and we know how to look out for each other. History has proven that
people tend not to notice a girl and guy traveling together but they will
notice two men, I’m a logical choice.”
For a moment Amy thought they were going to just ignore her
request, but then Steve Williams spoke up.
“We’re sending Adam and Kyle, why don’t we ask them what
they think.” Amy didn’t reply she wasn’t surprised to learn that Kyle would be
going with Adam; Kyle Marks was a good fighter with an uncanny ability to get
around undetected and shadows in his eyes that suggested he had untold secrets
from his time before joining their little community. She had worked with him in
the past and they’d always gotten along, but whether or not he thought she’d be
an asset for this mission remained to be seen. Mark went to get the two who
were preparing some food for the journey. When they came into the room Adam
caught sight of his sister and smiled, not surprised she had volunteered. “Kyle,
Adam, Amy’s volunteered to go with you to set up the camp, any comments?” Bill
wasted no time in asking after telling Amy to wait outside.
“No objections here, I’ve worked with her before, she’s good
and most people won’t think twice if they see two guys and a girl together,
just the two of us may raise suspicion.” Kyle replied easily,” Amy is level
headed and can talk herself out of just about any situation.”
“Same here, it’s always nice to know she’s got my back,”
Adam threw in, not looking at his father. Bill nodded before dismissing them so
The Council could confer. The two young men went outside to wait with Amy. She
looked up as they walked out into the hallway, glancing up to meet her
brother’s gaze.
“I was wondering how long it would take you to volunteer for
this trip,” Adam remarked leaning against the wall next to her.
“Couldn’t let you two go out and have all the fun without
me, now could I?” Amy responded, leaning on the wall opposite them, Kyle
laughed. Since he didn’t have siblings, it always fascinated him to watch the
Collins twins interact. They were always teasing each other and playing pranks,
but in a fight you’d think they could read each other’s mind with how well they
anticipated the other’s minds. After having lost both his parents in a raid
last year, he had been told of the group of Christians in Eastern Washington
who were rumored to take in orphans. These people had become the closest thing
he had left to family. As he watched them go back and forth he shook his head,
with them around life was never boring. He was just about to say so, when Mark
Drake stuck his head out the door.
“We’re ready for you.”
The young people immediately ceased their banter as they
entered the room to hear The Council’s decision.
“Amy,” Bill started as soon as they came in and shut the
door. “You will go with Kyle and Adam to set up the camp. On the way you’ll
need to make sure that the road is clear, we can’t let these people walk into a
trap. If you encounter a problem, you three will choose one of you to come back
and tell us, if you can’t get away try to leave some signal not to come.
Remember to leave markers at the checkpoints. Do you understand?” When all
three said they did he nodded, “All right then, we’ll leave you to get ready,
you’ll need to leave within the hour.” As The Council members and Kyle filed
out Dave Collins, the twins’ dad, hung back.
“Amy, why don’t you go let your mother know the change of
plans,” he requested. Realizing that he wanted to speak to her brother alone,
the young woman nodded and slipped out.
“Dad, I didn’t ask her to come,” Adam started as soon as his
sister had left.
“You didn’t discourage her either,” Dave responded, trying
not to let his warring emotions show on his face. It was bad enough having his
son volunteer for these missions, but having his daughter out there too… It was
just too much.
“You heard Kyle both of us would rather have her watching
our backs than anyone else.” Adam argued, knowing where the conversation was
going. “I know you don’t want her to be in danger, but we’ll all be looking out
for each other and you know as well as I do, that if you had said no, she
would’ve come up with a mission just as dangerous, if not more so. At least
this way Amy has us to watch out for her.” His father turned back to face him
an incredulous expression on his face.
“Do you think my only concern is for your sister?” He went
on without waiting for an answer. “Don’t you realize that it’s hard enough to
send you on these missions, without having to watch both of my children go into
danger?” David crossed the room to grasp his son by the shoulders and stared
hard into his face. “Adam, I never wanted this life for us. I never dreamed
that this would happen, but now…” he stopped as his voice broke. Adam blinked
at the sheen in his father’s eyes.
“I know Dad, but we’re here now and the Lord has given these
skills to Amy, Kyle, and I for a reason. We fight well together; you have to
let us do our job.” For a moment David said nothing, his son sounded much more
mature then his nineteen years, he studied him for a moment, the dark blue eyes
and curly black hair kept short so as not to get in his way in a fight.
Everything they did, down to the clothes they chose and the way they kept their
hair, was done deliberately so as to help them blend in and not interfere with
their fighting. He was trained well, they all were and now the time had come
for war, he couldn’t protect his children any longer. He gave a curt nod and
then pulled him against him for a brief, hard hug.
“Go then, get ready, and the Lord be with you.” Adam looked
into the eyes of the familiar face and offered a smile, there would be no
good-bye or tears. They had to believe they would be reunited, if not at the
camp, then one day in eternity. Otherwise they were fighting for nothing.
The small band of three took off within the hour as planned
and started along the back roads to where the camp was set. They knew that the
hardest part of their journey would be getting there. Once they had arrived, they would be greeted
by the small group of friends who had been left to guard the camp. The group of
men, women and their families who already resided at the camp, nicknamed Paradise, were those who had lost their
jobs and had false charges brought up against them. They had fled from the
false accusations and with the help of The Council, Paradise had been
The three young people traveled swiftly, not daring to slow
down, but keeping their senses on high alert so as not to miss anything. So far
the agents and officers the government had sent out had stuck mostly to town,
but now, with war officially declared, no one knew if they had spread out to
search the forest or not. One thing was for certain, the further they got from
town the safer they were sure to be.
Amy didn’t know how long they’d been walking when Kyle
suggested they rest for a minute; she agreed, sitting down and watching as her
brother grabbed his compass.
“The second check point is just over there,” he told them
after a minute of consulting the instrument. Because of the solar flare that
had hit the earth two years earlier, the electronic devices they used to take
for granted, were now obsolete, making the once simple task of keeping people
appraised of their progress now much more difficult. Since an alternate plan
was needed, they’d set up check points. They varied depending on the location,
this one was a tree. Amy took from her backpack a small green rock and took it
over to the tree, while the boys scouted the area she dug in the dirt a bit
until she found what she was looking for. A little notch on the underside of an
exposed root flipped opened a trap door. The area inside was only about an inch
square and the whole process of creating it would seem quite pointless if you
didn’t know why it was there. She placed the rock inside the hole and closed it
back up, making sure to conceal the root and erase her footsteps. When the rest
of their company came later that night, they would send scouts ahead. The
scouts would go to each check point, if they found a green rock, they would
know that the team had made it this far and it was safe to continue, but if
they found a white rock it would mean danger and that something had gone wrong.
At that point they would keep going, but the group would split up and take
different routes, and if they found no rock then they would immediately assume
that the team had been captured. They would go to a different location until
more information could be obtained; the alternate camp was so secret that only
The Council and its occupants knew its location. In the event of capture, no
one on the team would be able to tell them where their people were headed.
The plan was not perfect, Amy mused, as they quietly picked
up their packs and started the journey again, but it was the best they had.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
I like books but I don't like bookstores
I wanted to balance out some of the heavier stuff I posted so here's one of my many quirks.
I love books! Obviously, since I'm an author, but I mean I really love books! I've been reading for as long as I can remember. My Fuzzy Blanket was my favorite book from the time I was three or four and I read it more times then I could possibly count. Before that I was listening to my mom read to me. Books have always been a comfort to me, I love reading my old favorites, exploring different worlds, meeting new friends and characters, cheering on a hero or sneering at a villain, I mean let's be honest how can you not?
So of course I love getting new books, writing them, reading them, discovering new authors, waiting for the next book in a series, you get the idea.
But... I hate bookstores!
Every bookstore I've ever been in (except for the ones set up at conferences or conventions) have towering shelves that are set close together and filled to the brim and the walkways are narrow. Every turn brings you further away from the sunshine and before long you have no idea where you are! If you played Marco, Polo in a bookstore the game would go on forever!
To make matters worse the shelves are so tall they block out the lights and every thing becomes dim, casting shadows around and concealing the monsters that lurk in corners. (Cousins of those who hide under the bed.)
When I go into a bookstore it's like I'm walking into a trap. I know something evil is waiting for me but I can't quite put my finger on what. And then I get a little further away from the door, edging towards that magical section that reads "Fiction" and I start to realize, I'm going to get lost in here, which isn't so unusual because I get lost everywhere, but then I look around, my breath gets a little quicker, my heart races a little faster, my hands are starting to tremble because if I get lost I'm never getting out alive!
The shelves will close in on me, those monsters hiding in the shadows will wait for their moment until it's just the right time and I'm all alone and then they'll attack! It'll be just like one of those horror films that I refuse to go see because they'll give me nightmares for weeks and then, the worst of all woes, my life begins to flash before my eyes as I hear a voice say, "Can I help you Miss?"
Oh, it's just the clerk.
I love books! Obviously, since I'm an author, but I mean I really love books! I've been reading for as long as I can remember. My Fuzzy Blanket was my favorite book from the time I was three or four and I read it more times then I could possibly count. Before that I was listening to my mom read to me. Books have always been a comfort to me, I love reading my old favorites, exploring different worlds, meeting new friends and characters, cheering on a hero or sneering at a villain, I mean let's be honest how can you not?
So of course I love getting new books, writing them, reading them, discovering new authors, waiting for the next book in a series, you get the idea.
But... I hate bookstores!
Every bookstore I've ever been in (except for the ones set up at conferences or conventions) have towering shelves that are set close together and filled to the brim and the walkways are narrow. Every turn brings you further away from the sunshine and before long you have no idea where you are! If you played Marco, Polo in a bookstore the game would go on forever!
To make matters worse the shelves are so tall they block out the lights and every thing becomes dim, casting shadows around and concealing the monsters that lurk in corners. (Cousins of those who hide under the bed.)
When I go into a bookstore it's like I'm walking into a trap. I know something evil is waiting for me but I can't quite put my finger on what. And then I get a little further away from the door, edging towards that magical section that reads "Fiction" and I start to realize, I'm going to get lost in here, which isn't so unusual because I get lost everywhere, but then I look around, my breath gets a little quicker, my heart races a little faster, my hands are starting to tremble because if I get lost I'm never getting out alive!
The shelves will close in on me, those monsters hiding in the shadows will wait for their moment until it's just the right time and I'm all alone and then they'll attack! It'll be just like one of those horror films that I refuse to go see because they'll give me nightmares for weeks and then, the worst of all woes, my life begins to flash before my eyes as I hear a voice say, "Can I help you Miss?"
Oh, it's just the clerk.
His Truth
As I'm sitting here in my hotel room at the Oregon Christian Writer's Summer Conference 2013 I'm listening to Pandora, Casting Crowns "Voice of Truth" is playing and it's the perfect song to describe the situation I just went through.
I had a meeting with an agent today and let's just say that it didn't go well. At all. But afterwards I met Stephanie, God brought her into my life at just the right time to open my heart to hear His truth.
My goal with my writing is to reach people, to make a difference and guess what guys? There's lots of ways to do that! Including this very blog! So watch out because you'll be seeing some of my work up here very soon. Keep checking this site for future updates.
But as I've said before this site isn't just about my writing, it's about the One who inspires me and has given me this gift and passion in the first place. So next time you're struggling or something doesn't go your way or plans fall apart keep your eyes open because God will use situations for His good and His glory and that's not something you want to miss.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
I had a meeting with an agent today and let's just say that it didn't go well. At all. But afterwards I met Stephanie, God brought her into my life at just the right time to open my heart to hear His truth.
My goal with my writing is to reach people, to make a difference and guess what guys? There's lots of ways to do that! Including this very blog! So watch out because you'll be seeing some of my work up here very soon. Keep checking this site for future updates.
But as I've said before this site isn't just about my writing, it's about the One who inspires me and has given me this gift and passion in the first place. So next time you're struggling or something doesn't go your way or plans fall apart keep your eyes open because God will use situations for His good and His glory and that's not something you want to miss.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
A gracious stumble has a double meaning title. Well it's true that I'm a klutz (as my family can attest) I'm also human. I make mistakes, I mess up but it's through God's grace that I am redeemed. And sometimes when I do stumble and land on my face I find myself exactly where I need to be, humbled before the Almighty.
On A Gracious Stumble I'm going to post about what's on my mind and what's on my heart but keep in mind I'm a Fiction Writer so things may get a little strange! =) Most importantly though I want this blog to be for my fans, from my friends and family who have supported me from the beginning to those of you who just joined the club, this one's for you.
On A Gracious Stumble I'm going to post about what's on my mind and what's on my heart but keep in mind I'm a Fiction Writer so things may get a little strange! =) Most importantly though I want this blog to be for my fans, from my friends and family who have supported me from the beginning to those of you who just joined the club, this one's for you.
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Liar, Lunatic or Lord
Around this time of year, in churches all around the world, people are presented with a question. The same question that has been presented ...
"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."...
Galatians 5:6 "For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, there is no benefit in being circumcised or being uncircumcised. What is im...
Last week I got a call from a close friend of mine. She was talking about how a woman from her church was encouraging her to start a new min...