Yesterday we hosted a bridal shower for one of my brest friend's who is also my roommate. A lot of hard work into it and the party was beautiful. People had fun and most importantly I think Kimberly was blessed by it. During the party we asked my mom to share a devotional. I liked what she said so much I asked her to type it up so I could share it on here too. Below are her thoughts.
To the male readers: This is written to women, but I believe there are definitely parts that apply to everyone.
Yesterday I spoke at a bridal shower; these are some of the thoughts I shared:
I started out by saying: While preparing for this a meme crossed my path regarding a Biblical Woman (or wife): It said: You’re thinking Proverbs 31 ~ I’m thinking Judges 4 and 5
(If you don’t know what that’s referring to, I’ll wait while you grab your Bible and check.)
I promise, I’ll finish that at the end.
Proverbs 31:10-31 describes the “perfect” wife. I want you to know that the perfect wife, I am NOT, even after 42 years of marriage. Yet there are many aspects I want to live up to. Below are my comments, sometimes stated as a fact and sometimes as a question:
The first one is: I have influence: I can ruin kings – or my husband– and I have seen wives who have ruined their husbands – by tearing him down, with lack of encouragement, or by never (ever) believing in him.
Am I virtuous? Am I capable? You Bet! But only in my own areas. . .
I am more precious than rubies! To God and to those who love me.
Can my husband and others trust me? Am I trustworthy?
Do I encourage the people in my life to bring out the good in them?
Am I the wind beneath my husband’s [roommates, best friend or siblings] wings? Am I the woman behind the throne? Encouraging him [her] as he/she does her job . . . whether it’s a public office (Proverbs says the City Gates) or something else.
Do I wear strength and dignity?
Do I speak wise words – It is my desire to!
TONGUE IN CHEEK: Just so you know how perfect I am not:
I have no clue how to spin (or even knit or crochet very well). . .
My food only comes as far away as the local grocery store
I only get up at dawn if dawn is after 7- 9 a.m. – I will have you know I stay up late just fine though.
As far as preparing tasks for my servant girls . . .
I’m still waiting on the servants!
But: Did I teach my children well? The answer depends on your definition – one of my daughters is just now learning how to cook after being on her own for close to 15 years.
On a more serious note:
Am I KIND to others? Do I treat those closest to me the way I treat strangers [Respectfully and with kindness} or do I walk all over them?
When she speaks her words are WISE: My prayer is, “Please Lord give me wise words”.
Do I give instructions with KINDNESS? Or do I bark like a drill sergeant?
She WATCHES over everything in her household:
She has her finger on the pulse of her home. . .How can you know what is going on in your home if you are not listening and talking with your husband ~ family ~ children? PRACTICE NOW with those in your life!!!
THE BLESSING: Her Children will stand and bless her – Her husband will praise her
The chapter ends with Charm is deceitful and beauty doesn’t last; BUT a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
If I tried to touch on every verse in the Bible on being a wife I would run out of time (and listeners or readers), so instead I want to add two reminders:
FORGIVENESS: Proverbs 17:9 says Love prospers when a fault is forgiven. We are commanded to forgive 70x7 times – that’s 490 times; by about the 300th time you forget where you are with that fault and keep on keeping on. Forgive – Forgive – Forgive! Married or not this applies!
COMMUNICATION: You will survive everything else when God is first, You FORGIVE (God commanded it) and you COMMUNICATE!
Not just talking ~~~ Not just listening ~~~It’s an active participation
I started out saying You’re thinking Proverbs 31; I’m thinking Judges 4 -5:
Many think of a good wife as passive and subservient: SHE ISN”T.
What I really mean is: I want to be the kind of wife who is totally willing to drive a tent spike into a tyrant’s head should the need arise like Jael in Judges 4 or lead a nation like Deborah in Judges 4-5. Or more realistically in my life: hold the end of a 4x6; hand him the drill, or put the nail in the stud myself.
If you can’t handle me at my Judges 4 – 5, you don’t deserve me at my Proverbs 31.
Be the person God created you to BE!