Do you ever wish your kids would behave for just one day? That your boss would acknowledge how hard you work just one time? That your family would ask if they could help you put dinner on the table just once in a while or that someone would call and offer to help you out instead of expecting you to do everything just once? Or that God would answer just that one prayer?
Maybe you've been unemployed for two years or you keep getting laid off and you say to God- "Please God, all I need is a steady job. Why won't you just answer this one request?"
Or it's the loneliness that constantly haunts you when you head home to an empty house. You've tried dating but nothing ever works out and so you're always praying- "Lord, I want to be married. Would you please just bring me a spouse? Show me the person that you have for me. Please just give me this one answer."
Sometimes it's a financial burden. You've been struggling and budgeting and cutting spending and you keep praying, "Father, how are we going to make it? Would you please just take us out of this debt? I know you can provide, please Lord, just get us past this point. Please give us just this one thing."
Perhaps it's an injury that isn't healing or a chronic illness you'll never be rid of. Or a person you deeply love that you're continually trying to witness to but they just have no interest in Christ. Maybe it's watching someone you care about continually make poor decisions and no matter how much you pray, God isn't stopping them and you can't seem to understand why. It's just one prayer, why won't He give you just this one thing?
So you go back to the Bible and you end up looking back at the people of Israel.
Starting in Exodus 2:23 it says that the Israelites cried out to God because of their slavery and He heard them. So he answered by sending Moses to bring them out of Egypt in Exodus 5-12. And their 'just one prayer' of being led out of Egypt was answered. Until you get to their first sign of trouble in Exodus 14.
Here the people are encamped by the Red Sea, the sea is in front of them and the Egyptian army is behind them. Between them and the army is a pillar of cloud during the day and pillar of fire by night. There's nothing natural about that! It's clearly a miracle from God, a sign that He is protecting them from Pharaoh and his army but instead of saying, 'Okay God, I'm trusting you', the Israelites say- 'Moses! What did you do? You should have left us in Egypt in slavery! Surely that would've been better than being led out to the wilderness to die!'
But God's not done and He answers this 'just one thing' for them by parting the Red Sea, having Moses lead them across on dry land and destroying the army behind them. So again, God answered their prayers and saved them, but not in the way they expected.
Then, only three days after this incredible experience, in Exodus 15 the people come to a place called Marah and they can't drink the water because it's bitter. Again, instead of trusting God and his appointed servant, Moses, they grumble against him. 'What are we going to drink?' So again God, using Moses, made the water fit to drink. Then God led them a place with springs and palm trees for them to camp at. This is the third time He had answered that desperate prayer of 'we just need this one thing'.
The story continues as the people of Israel constantly cry out to God, asking for one more thing and He gives it to them but when the next bit of trouble comes up they doubt Him again and again and again.
It's easy for us to look at the nation of Israel and become impatient with their lack of faith but maybe that's because we can see the whole story. We already know how it ends. They didn't. Should they have trusted? Of course. But so should we.
Too often we focus on the problem that is right before us. The illness, the person, the finances, the whatever it is you're facing. These things are, without a doubt, hard for us to face. I don't want to trivialize that but what about what's already happened? What prayers has God already answered?
Maybe you've been praying for two years to find a job but hasn't God provided for you in that time? Maybe you want nothing more to be married, but instead of focusing on how lonely you are be thankful that God has put friends and loved ones in your life in different roles.
Finances are tough and you don't know how you're going to make it but God's not ignoring you or your prayers. He has a plan, and even if it's not going to turn out how you think it should He has a reason for it. He's still in control.
The point is that our 'just one thing' is always changing. There's never just one thing we need from God because we need Him for everything! Focusing on the little things (even the ones that seem really big to us) distract us from our real need, our need for Him.
There's nothing wrong with giving our burdens to the Lord, with telling Him what we're struggling with, He wants us to do that! It's part of having a relationship with Him but remember Jesus' words in Matthew 6:20-21 "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
God cares about that 'just one thing' you're struggling with. Share it with Him, lean on Him, trust Him to get you through this trial but ultimately don't let it become your focus. This need will pass, your need for Him never will. And that 'just one thing' we all need is Jesus Christ.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Walking on Water
I've always lived near a body of water. A creek, a lake, a river, an inlet and even the ocean. And I love being out on the water, in a boat or sitting on a dock. I enjoy swimming but I prefer to be on the water without actually having to be in it. I even love just being near the water, watching the waves encroach on the shore or seeing how fast a river will carry away a log. Maybe that's why one of my favorite Bible stories when I was a kid was the account from when Peter walked on water. The full story is found in Matthew 14:22-33.
In verse 25-27 Jesus is walking on the water towards the boat his disciples are in. He tells them not to be afraid because it's Him, Jesus, their friend, their teacher, the one they've been following around the country side but what happens next is what I want to talk about today, starting in verse 28 and going through verse 31.
"'Lord, if it's you,' Peter replied, 'tell me to come to you on the water.'
'Come,' he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, 'Lord, save me!'
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. 'You of little faith,' he said, 'why did you doubt?'"
There are so many incredible nuggets of wisdom in this short passage that I doubt that I could even begin to uncover them all but there's one specifically that caught my attention recently.
As I was talking about earlier I love watching the water. So there have been countless times in my life that I've thought about this story and wondered what it must have been like for Peter to walk on water.
I mean here's Peter in a boat with his friends and first Jesus appears, walking on water, coming towards them. This isn't like anything they've ever seen, heard of or dreamed before. I mean at least if Jesus was walking on water towards us we've got the account from when he did it last time! Is it any wonder that they were freaking out? But Peter doesn't let that fear stop him. He takes a chance on trusting God. 'Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water.'
To be honest, I'm not sure I'd be that brave! Go to Jesus on the water? Hmm... no thanks, the boat seems much safer, but I appreciate the offer! Still this is Peter, not me, we're talking about. And Jesus responds to his request with just one word. 'Come.'
So Peter doesn't even hesitate, he gets out of the boat and walks on water! On water! He's walking! He's not swimming or floating or hanging on for dear life to the side of the boat, he's walking on water! Can you imagine?
But that's not the cool part. I mean walking on water is great but is it any more amazing then any of the other miracles Jesus performed? He created the universe and the scientific laws that govern it, of course he can allow someone to break them when he wants!
Here's the really important part. Peter was walking on water towards Jesus. That's what matters. That he was going towards Jesus. That he was trusting Jesus. That when he began to doubt he reached out to Jesus. That's the point of this story!!! It doesn't matter whether you're walking on water or through a desert, it matters who you're walking towards! Because without Jesus being able to do something as cool as walking on water has no meaning! Nothing in this life has meaning because without Jesus it's all temporary. What we have today will be gone tomorrow and the one thing, the only thing, the only person that will still be there, that will never leave us, that will always stand by us and will always reach down to pull us out of the waves when we lose our faith and began to drown is Jesus.
That's what matters. Jesus. It's not about where you are or what you're doing. It's not even about walking on water. It's about who you're walking towards.
In verse 25-27 Jesus is walking on the water towards the boat his disciples are in. He tells them not to be afraid because it's Him, Jesus, their friend, their teacher, the one they've been following around the country side but what happens next is what I want to talk about today, starting in verse 28 and going through verse 31.
"'Lord, if it's you,' Peter replied, 'tell me to come to you on the water.'
'Come,' he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, 'Lord, save me!'
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. 'You of little faith,' he said, 'why did you doubt?'"
There are so many incredible nuggets of wisdom in this short passage that I doubt that I could even begin to uncover them all but there's one specifically that caught my attention recently.
As I was talking about earlier I love watching the water. So there have been countless times in my life that I've thought about this story and wondered what it must have been like for Peter to walk on water.
I mean here's Peter in a boat with his friends and first Jesus appears, walking on water, coming towards them. This isn't like anything they've ever seen, heard of or dreamed before. I mean at least if Jesus was walking on water towards us we've got the account from when he did it last time! Is it any wonder that they were freaking out? But Peter doesn't let that fear stop him. He takes a chance on trusting God. 'Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water.'
To be honest, I'm not sure I'd be that brave! Go to Jesus on the water? Hmm... no thanks, the boat seems much safer, but I appreciate the offer! Still this is Peter, not me, we're talking about. And Jesus responds to his request with just one word. 'Come.'
So Peter doesn't even hesitate, he gets out of the boat and walks on water! On water! He's walking! He's not swimming or floating or hanging on for dear life to the side of the boat, he's walking on water! Can you imagine?
But that's not the cool part. I mean walking on water is great but is it any more amazing then any of the other miracles Jesus performed? He created the universe and the scientific laws that govern it, of course he can allow someone to break them when he wants!
Here's the really important part. Peter was walking on water towards Jesus. That's what matters. That he was going towards Jesus. That he was trusting Jesus. That when he began to doubt he reached out to Jesus. That's the point of this story!!! It doesn't matter whether you're walking on water or through a desert, it matters who you're walking towards! Because without Jesus being able to do something as cool as walking on water has no meaning! Nothing in this life has meaning because without Jesus it's all temporary. What we have today will be gone tomorrow and the one thing, the only thing, the only person that will still be there, that will never leave us, that will always stand by us and will always reach down to pull us out of the waves when we lose our faith and began to drown is Jesus.
That's what matters. Jesus. It's not about where you are or what you're doing. It's not even about walking on water. It's about who you're walking towards.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
When God keeps bringing up the same thing over and over again it seems like a good time to start listening. A while back my friend posted on her blog and one of the things she talked about was the importance of community. Then I was visiting my aunt's church and the pastor was preaching about community. Later another friend shared how much she was longing to really connect with a community in her new town.
Community. What do you think of when you hear that word? A town? A church? A community center? School? Work? Friends?
The truth is, community is not just a location. It's people. The people in your life. For me I have a couple of different main groups of community.
-My youth leaders- Okay so not all of them are actually youth leaders but these are the people who work with me in the youth group and they are a huge support system in my life. We talk about everything from what's going with the kids and their families, how we can pray for them, to what's going on in our own lives. We encourage each other, lift each other up in prayer, hold each other accountable and mercilessly tease each other. We would not have the youth group we have, nor would I have grown as much as I have without this crew by my side. And since I know at least one or two of them follow my blog let me just say- I love you all!
-My critique group- Honestly we don't always talk about writing but they are amazing people and I wouldn't know what to do without them. Over the last year these ladies have become a constant support system in my life. They comforted me when I cried, made me laugh when I wanted to scream, cajoled me out of bad moods and cheered me on through the ups and downs of life and of course, offered up tons of prayers on my behalf. In fact, they are often the inspiration behind a lot of my blog posts and the fact that they take time out of their crazy, busy lives to read these lets me know how much they care. You two are amazing! I will never stop being grateful God put us in each other's lives!
-My parents- They have and always will be heroes in my book. They were my confidants and cheering section all through my childhood and they still are now that I'm an adult. They taught me what it means to live by faith, to be real instead of just putting up a good front. They inspire me to put myself out there and risk the pain because I've seen them do it again and again. They've never hesitated to open up their hearts and homes and even when they got hurt it didn't stop them from helping the next person who needed it. Thanks Mom and Dad, for being the amazing people you are and teaching me how to draw closer to Christ by living out your faith every day.
-My friends- Even though everyone I've already listed are definitely my friends these are the few people who don't fit into one of the other categories. They are the ones who listen to my rants and laugh when I do something stupid then turn around to help me figure out how to fix it. Without these people I would be at a loss. They offer me an outside perspective on just about every situation under the sun. They give me a hug when I most need it and they translate my incomprehensible ramblings when I'm at the end of my rope. And they spoil me with things like, gifts just because, cookies, chocolate and meals out. Who could go wrong with that?
These are the groups who keep me going. They're such a part of my everyday life that when I don't talk to them I feel disconnected. They're so different but they all have one amazing thing in common. Every single person I've listed continuously points me back to Jesus. That's not by accident. These are the people that God has put in my life and I've chosen to open up to. I've weighed their advice and found it to be godly, wise and trustworthy so I continue letting them further in.
The people in your community will affect so much about your life. They'll affect your mood, your decisions and over time they'll challenge and even affect your beliefs. That's why it's so important to keep a good community around you. God didn't make us to be alone. He made us to be social beings. Some people are less social then others but we all interact and we need to be careful who we're letting in to the deep places of our hearts.
I remember when I was in middle school and while at a family party my great-uncle sat down next to me. He said "So Kattarin, tell me about your friends." When I asked him why his answer was simple but profound. "If I know about your friends, I'll know about you."
Who you surround yourself with is of critical importance. Make sure that it's people who are lifting you and up and pointing you towards the God who we were made to have community with.
Community. What do you think of when you hear that word? A town? A church? A community center? School? Work? Friends?
The truth is, community is not just a location. It's people. The people in your life. For me I have a couple of different main groups of community.
-My youth leaders- Okay so not all of them are actually youth leaders but these are the people who work with me in the youth group and they are a huge support system in my life. We talk about everything from what's going with the kids and their families, how we can pray for them, to what's going on in our own lives. We encourage each other, lift each other up in prayer, hold each other accountable and mercilessly tease each other. We would not have the youth group we have, nor would I have grown as much as I have without this crew by my side. And since I know at least one or two of them follow my blog let me just say- I love you all!
-My critique group- Honestly we don't always talk about writing but they are amazing people and I wouldn't know what to do without them. Over the last year these ladies have become a constant support system in my life. They comforted me when I cried, made me laugh when I wanted to scream, cajoled me out of bad moods and cheered me on through the ups and downs of life and of course, offered up tons of prayers on my behalf. In fact, they are often the inspiration behind a lot of my blog posts and the fact that they take time out of their crazy, busy lives to read these lets me know how much they care. You two are amazing! I will never stop being grateful God put us in each other's lives!
-My parents- They have and always will be heroes in my book. They were my confidants and cheering section all through my childhood and they still are now that I'm an adult. They taught me what it means to live by faith, to be real instead of just putting up a good front. They inspire me to put myself out there and risk the pain because I've seen them do it again and again. They've never hesitated to open up their hearts and homes and even when they got hurt it didn't stop them from helping the next person who needed it. Thanks Mom and Dad, for being the amazing people you are and teaching me how to draw closer to Christ by living out your faith every day.
-My friends- Even though everyone I've already listed are definitely my friends these are the few people who don't fit into one of the other categories. They are the ones who listen to my rants and laugh when I do something stupid then turn around to help me figure out how to fix it. Without these people I would be at a loss. They offer me an outside perspective on just about every situation under the sun. They give me a hug when I most need it and they translate my incomprehensible ramblings when I'm at the end of my rope. And they spoil me with things like, gifts just because, cookies, chocolate and meals out. Who could go wrong with that?
These are the groups who keep me going. They're such a part of my everyday life that when I don't talk to them I feel disconnected. They're so different but they all have one amazing thing in common. Every single person I've listed continuously points me back to Jesus. That's not by accident. These are the people that God has put in my life and I've chosen to open up to. I've weighed their advice and found it to be godly, wise and trustworthy so I continue letting them further in.
The people in your community will affect so much about your life. They'll affect your mood, your decisions and over time they'll challenge and even affect your beliefs. That's why it's so important to keep a good community around you. God didn't make us to be alone. He made us to be social beings. Some people are less social then others but we all interact and we need to be careful who we're letting in to the deep places of our hearts.
I remember when I was in middle school and while at a family party my great-uncle sat down next to me. He said "So Kattarin, tell me about your friends." When I asked him why his answer was simple but profound. "If I know about your friends, I'll know about you."
Who you surround yourself with is of critical importance. Make sure that it's people who are lifting you and up and pointing you towards the God who we were made to have community with.
Saturday, March 10, 2018
The Murky Waters of Life
Last week we talked about change. Doesn't it feel like so often when there's changes in our lives we can't see our hand when it's right in front of our faces?
I remember this missions trip I took with my church when I was a teenager. While we were on the Navajo reservation one of the men took us on a hike to this little canyon that was hidden away in the middle of nowhere. Down in the canyon there was this swimming hole that was completely covered in mud. A hot day in the desert made that mud pool look like paradise. I remember swimming under the water and opening my eyes. I couldn't see a thing! There was so much mud in the water that I quite literally couldn't see my hand in front of my face.
Sometimes when God is taking us through a huge change we feel like we're in that murky water. We can't see what's going to happen in the next week much less in the next year. You know that there's things coming up, you trust that God will provide but you have no idea how, when or where that provision will come from.
One of the Psalms I'm continually drawn to is Psalm 121.
"I lift up my eyes to the mountains-
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip-
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you-
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm-
he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore."
Where I live I'm surrounded by mountains. When I'm in times of change and I can't see a thing through the murky waters of life this is the verse I have to remember. I lift my eyes to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."
This message really came home to me the other day when I was in my car listening to C.S. Lewis' book "The Silver Chair" on C.D. There's this amazing scene where the three heroes are trying to make a difficult decision and one of them says something like, "Aslan didn't tell Jill what would happen- he just told her what to do."
So often God doesn't tell us all the details about what will happen next. How it's going to happen, who will be involved or when these circumstances will occur. He just tells us what to do when the time arrives. That can be scary. We like to see where we're going but more often then not in life we're stuck in that muddy swimming hole, trying to keep our eyes open, arms outstretched before us as we try to find our way and hope there's no scary creature residing in the water about to eat us whole. What we should be doing is lifting our head out of the water, looking to the mountains for the Maker of heaven of earth.
He hasn't forgotten us. He hasn't abandoned us. He's still in control and He will help. Usually not in the ways we expect but always in the way that fits His perfect plan for our lives. Next time your stuck in the murky waters of life remember to lift your eyes to the one who never slumbers or sleeps but always watches over His people, both now and forevermore.
I remember this missions trip I took with my church when I was a teenager. While we were on the Navajo reservation one of the men took us on a hike to this little canyon that was hidden away in the middle of nowhere. Down in the canyon there was this swimming hole that was completely covered in mud. A hot day in the desert made that mud pool look like paradise. I remember swimming under the water and opening my eyes. I couldn't see a thing! There was so much mud in the water that I quite literally couldn't see my hand in front of my face.
Sometimes when God is taking us through a huge change we feel like we're in that murky water. We can't see what's going to happen in the next week much less in the next year. You know that there's things coming up, you trust that God will provide but you have no idea how, when or where that provision will come from.
One of the Psalms I'm continually drawn to is Psalm 121.
"I lift up my eyes to the mountains-
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip-
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you-
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm-
he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore."
Where I live I'm surrounded by mountains. When I'm in times of change and I can't see a thing through the murky waters of life this is the verse I have to remember. I lift my eyes to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."
This message really came home to me the other day when I was in my car listening to C.S. Lewis' book "The Silver Chair" on C.D. There's this amazing scene where the three heroes are trying to make a difficult decision and one of them says something like, "Aslan didn't tell Jill what would happen- he just told her what to do."
So often God doesn't tell us all the details about what will happen next. How it's going to happen, who will be involved or when these circumstances will occur. He just tells us what to do when the time arrives. That can be scary. We like to see where we're going but more often then not in life we're stuck in that muddy swimming hole, trying to keep our eyes open, arms outstretched before us as we try to find our way and hope there's no scary creature residing in the water about to eat us whole. What we should be doing is lifting our head out of the water, looking to the mountains for the Maker of heaven of earth.
He hasn't forgotten us. He hasn't abandoned us. He's still in control and He will help. Usually not in the ways we expect but always in the way that fits His perfect plan for our lives. Next time your stuck in the murky waters of life remember to lift your eyes to the one who never slumbers or sleeps but always watches over His people, both now and forevermore.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
There’s so many favorite sayings and pet phrases about change. Change is good.
Change is hard. Don’t change. Never stop changing. Everyone has an opinion on
it. You have to change or you can’t change. All change is good or all change is
evil. The fact is that change is just that, change. It’s different, it’s scary,
it can be hard, it can be great or it can be awful.
Change in
and of itself isn’t good or bad, it just is. Your reactions to it can play a huge
factor in how it turns out but change is going to happen one way or the other. Life
never stands still. It’s just not how life works. Sometimes we wish it would
but that’s not how the good Lord chose to make it. So it changes, and like it
or not, we change with it. Every decision you make and every circumstance you
go through changes and shapes who you are. That’s life!
change is something we pray for. A new job, a new place to live, a new
relationship, or even just a way out of a tough circumstance. Sometimes we pray
so much for change that when we finally get it we don’t know what to do next.
So let’s
break it down and look at some of the ways that changes can make you feel.
Recently my
family made the tough decision that after fourteen years of running a small
business they are going to close it in order to pursue other opportunities. That’s
a huge change!
Is it scary?
Sure. After all that family business has been a huge part of my life for all
these years. Closing the door on such a huge chapter of your life is always
going to be a little scary but God promises to walk through those changes with
“Be strong
and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord
your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy
It’s also
exciting. Doing something new, pursuing new opportunities and seeing what God
has in store for us is always exciting. You may not know what’s going to happen
next but neither did many heroes of the faith in the Bible. Take Abraham for
“The Lord
had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s
household to the land I will show you.’”
Genesis 12:1
“I’m sure
Abram (whose name was later changed to Abraham) was scared but I imagine there
was also some excitement. The Most High God was calling him on a new adventure!
That’s pretty exciting!
It’s hard.
Change is hard. I don’t like to change. I like my plans and schedules and if I
have to do something new then I want tons of times to prepare and come up with
a strategy but that doesn’t always happen. That’s when I have to cling to the
promises of Hebrews 13:6.
“So we say
with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere
mortals do to me?’”
The fact is
that if we’re following God no matter how hard things get He will see us
through. It may not be in a way we like but that goes back to change being a
part of life. Even when it’s hard God can still use it for good.
Last but not
least change can be great or it can be awful. Sometimes it’s great for a season
then it turns awful. Or the most awful thing we can imagine happening turns out
to be the greatest thing in our lives. This is where one my favorite verses
Matthew 6:33 has something to say.
“But seek
first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to
you as well.”
If we’re
seeking God first in all we do then He’ll take care of us. It won’t always be
in the way we want or expect. Jesus never promised us an easy life but He’ll
never abandon us. He’ll always be with us and He’ll take care of us. Even when
we can’t see His hand at work.
The fact is
that change happens. It can be a much anticipated change or one comes that out
of nowhere but change isn’t something to fear. It’s a tool that can and will
remind you of God’s promises—if you let it.
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Liar, Lunatic or Lord
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