I love the holiday season! It's my favorite time of year. Like the song says, 'It's the most wonderful time of the year'!
For me the season always starts a few days before Thanksgiving. That's when the baking begins- pies for starters, pumpkin's my favorite, chocolate cream is my second, sour cream lemon is my Dad's favorite. Of course on Thanksgiving there's all sorts of cooking going on, from the turkey to the mashed potatoes to the yams and don't forget the fruit salad!
Grandpa always has us go around the table and tell what we're thankful for. It's fun to hear what people come up with each year. Then we sing the chorus of the old hymn, "Doxology".
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him all ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
After dinner we hang out, play games, laugh and just enjoy spending time together. The next day is one of my favorite because, finally, I'm allowed to start playing Christmas carols and begin decorating!
Christmas is the best part of the holiday season as far as I'm concerned. When I was a kid of course there were presents to enjoy and I've always loved giving gifts but now there's more to it. Now I appreciate so much more the story of Christmas. I still can't imagine how hard it must've been for Mary to learn she was pregnant or Joseph to accept he would be raising a child that was God's, not his.
However as an adult I can appreciate those hardships and difficulties in a way I couldn't when I was a kid. My favorite part of the story though is the shepherds. God sent the heavenly host to announce the birth of His son to a group of lowly shepherds. If that doesn't show how much God loves all of His people, no matter what station they have in life, then what does?
Anyways after Christmas comes New Years, a great time for reflection on all God's done, resolutions on what you'd like to do and one last party to enjoy for the end of the wonderful holiday season.
So what's your favorite part of the most wonderful time of the year?
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Slow, Quick, Speak, Listen
A couple of weeks ago I spent five days without a voice. After getting over a cold I got laryngitis and couldn't speak above a whisper. It was a frustrating experience. On day one I was still very tired so I spent most of the day in bed.
Day two I had to work for a little bit and then had to run errands. I got so frustrated having to explain to people at the bank and gas station that I wasn't being rude or quiet but just couldn't speak any louder. Thankfully most people were understanding but it was surprising to realize just how much I take the ability to communicate for granted.
By day three I was wondering when this was going to end and I started thinking about what God might teach me through this experience. That's when He reminded me of James 1:19
"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry..."
I like to talk. Anyone who knows me will tell you that. But having no voice I had to be more aware of what I wanted to say. I couldn't call a friend on the phone, I had to text so I had to choose my words a lot more carefully then if I was just talking. I couldn't talk to someone from across the room so if I thought of something I wanted to say I had go stand next to them to say it. This experience, although frustrating, encouraged me to listen more then I spoke. I learned some interesting things about people just because I listened when normally I would've shared my own experiences. It was a rather humbling lesson.
Day four He taught me my next lesson/reminder. Even though other people can't hear me God always can. I don't have to pray out loud for the Creator of the universe to hear my thoughts. He knows all, including my every thought! So I can have a silent conversation with him no matter where I am, what I'm doing, or how loudly I can speak. Pretty incredible when you think about it. So why don't I think about it more often?
I pray silently every morning when I go over my prayer list but what I forget is to have conversations with Him. Say you're sitting with your best friend over a cup of coffee. You're going to tell them about the serious stuff in your life, "Hey I'm looking for a new job" or "I'm thinking about moving" etc. but you're also going to talk about the little things. "Hey, I read this cool article the other day" and "I'm frustrated today because..." whatever it is, big or little you'll likely share your thoughts with someone you trust and have an ongoing relationship with. Who is more trustworthy then the Lord? Who better to share your thoughts with and have a conversation with? Especially since it can be an ongoing conversation throughout your whole day!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
On day five my voice was starting to return but was still no louder then a hoarse whisper. That day I got a combination of my first two lessons. A conversation isn't one sided. God can hear me no matter what but I need to slow down and remember to listen to Him also.
All in all it wasn't fun to go five days with no voice but God uses all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his purpose. This time he used my sickness to teach me some very important lessons.
Day two I had to work for a little bit and then had to run errands. I got so frustrated having to explain to people at the bank and gas station that I wasn't being rude or quiet but just couldn't speak any louder. Thankfully most people were understanding but it was surprising to realize just how much I take the ability to communicate for granted.
By day three I was wondering when this was going to end and I started thinking about what God might teach me through this experience. That's when He reminded me of James 1:19
"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry..."
I like to talk. Anyone who knows me will tell you that. But having no voice I had to be more aware of what I wanted to say. I couldn't call a friend on the phone, I had to text so I had to choose my words a lot more carefully then if I was just talking. I couldn't talk to someone from across the room so if I thought of something I wanted to say I had go stand next to them to say it. This experience, although frustrating, encouraged me to listen more then I spoke. I learned some interesting things about people just because I listened when normally I would've shared my own experiences. It was a rather humbling lesson.
Day four He taught me my next lesson/reminder. Even though other people can't hear me God always can. I don't have to pray out loud for the Creator of the universe to hear my thoughts. He knows all, including my every thought! So I can have a silent conversation with him no matter where I am, what I'm doing, or how loudly I can speak. Pretty incredible when you think about it. So why don't I think about it more often?
I pray silently every morning when I go over my prayer list but what I forget is to have conversations with Him. Say you're sitting with your best friend over a cup of coffee. You're going to tell them about the serious stuff in your life, "Hey I'm looking for a new job" or "I'm thinking about moving" etc. but you're also going to talk about the little things. "Hey, I read this cool article the other day" and "I'm frustrated today because..." whatever it is, big or little you'll likely share your thoughts with someone you trust and have an ongoing relationship with. Who is more trustworthy then the Lord? Who better to share your thoughts with and have a conversation with? Especially since it can be an ongoing conversation throughout your whole day!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
On day five my voice was starting to return but was still no louder then a hoarse whisper. That day I got a combination of my first two lessons. A conversation isn't one sided. God can hear me no matter what but I need to slow down and remember to listen to Him also.
All in all it wasn't fun to go five days with no voice but God uses all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his purpose. This time he used my sickness to teach me some very important lessons.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Veteran's Day
What does Veteran's Day mean to you?
To me it makes me think of the countless veterans I've known throughout my life. My granddad was in the Army. My dad served in the Navy, retiring shortly after I was born. My uncles served in the Air Force, and National Guard. I have cousins who have served or are serving in the Navy, National Guard, Army and Air Force. And that's just my family members that I've known. We can trace our genealogy back to at least one person from our family serving in every war including the Revolutionary War.
But why? Why do we have a day to honor these people? Because they made or were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Those who have served in the military knew that they could be called upon to fight and even to die to defend the freedoms that our country was founded on. Their families paid the price of not knowing if or when they were coming home.
Today we have so many people who take those freedoms for granted. They protest because they have the freedom of free speech. A right that was defended and paid for by the blood of our men and women in arms.
They worship how they choose because they have the freedom to pick their religion or have none at all. A right our soldiers have defended.
They can protect themselves because they have the freedom to keep and bear arms. Another right that most people in the world can't even dream of.
And they have the right to elect their own government. They can vote people in and out of office, have a say in what laws pass or don't. Is it a perfect system? Of course not. But it's a right that we have that most of the world's population can't imagine.
There are so many rights that we have that our soldiers have defended since the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. Many take them for granted or have not learned what they really mean.
So why do we celebrate Veteran's Day? So one day out of the year we stop and think about that sacrifice that was and is being made.
So thank you to Veteran's everywhere and a special thank you to your families. And happy Veteran's Day.
To me it makes me think of the countless veterans I've known throughout my life. My granddad was in the Army. My dad served in the Navy, retiring shortly after I was born. My uncles served in the Air Force, and National Guard. I have cousins who have served or are serving in the Navy, National Guard, Army and Air Force. And that's just my family members that I've known. We can trace our genealogy back to at least one person from our family serving in every war including the Revolutionary War.
But why? Why do we have a day to honor these people? Because they made or were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Those who have served in the military knew that they could be called upon to fight and even to die to defend the freedoms that our country was founded on. Their families paid the price of not knowing if or when they were coming home.
Today we have so many people who take those freedoms for granted. They protest because they have the freedom of free speech. A right that was defended and paid for by the blood of our men and women in arms.
They worship how they choose because they have the freedom to pick their religion or have none at all. A right our soldiers have defended.
They can protect themselves because they have the freedom to keep and bear arms. Another right that most people in the world can't even dream of.
And they have the right to elect their own government. They can vote people in and out of office, have a say in what laws pass or don't. Is it a perfect system? Of course not. But it's a right that we have that most of the world's population can't imagine.
There are so many rights that we have that our soldiers have defended since the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. Many take them for granted or have not learned what they really mean.
So why do we celebrate Veteran's Day? So one day out of the year we stop and think about that sacrifice that was and is being made.
So thank you to Veteran's everywhere and a special thank you to your families. And happy Veteran's Day.
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Is there anyone reading this that has ever struggled with insecurity?
For the record I doubt anyone said no to that question. At least not if they were answering honestly. At some point in their lives everyone struggles with insecurity, everyone. Whether it's the black hole of comparing yourself to others or getting bogged down in the mud of a mean or careless comment that someone says to you. Maybe it's the nightmare of hating the image you see when you look in the mirror instead of seeing yourself as God's creation. Whatever causes it the result is the same. Insecurity.
In the Bible translation called The Voice 1 Peter 2:1 is translated this way. "So get rid of hatefulness and deception, of insecurity and jealously and slander." I love the way that this translation puts it because insecurity is listed right along things like slander and deception, hatefulness and jealously. Think about that for a moment. Would you list hatefulness with insecurity? Most people wouldn't. I never would have but this translation does.
The definition of insecurity is listed as "uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence." My translation- not trusting that God knew what He was doing when He created us. We doubt Him and give into our sin nature when we give into everything listed in that verse. Slander, hatefulness, deception, and jealously. All of these things come from our sin nature. Including insecurity.
The beginning of that verse says to get rid of these things. In the New International Version it says "Therefore, rid yourselves of all..." So not only is insecurity listed alongside all these others horrible things but it also says to rid ourselves of all these things.
How do we do that? How do we rid ourselves of insecurity, hatred, slander, jealousy and deception? Well I don't have all the answers but I do have another verse that goes along with it. Philippians 4:8 says, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things."
Maybe it's not an exact science but it seems that if we're trying to getting rid of the things listed in 1 Peter 2:1 then a very good place to start is to think about the things listed in Philippians 4:8.
So let's go through the lists again. Get rid of hatefulness. Think about what is admirable. Get rid of deception. Think about what is true. Get rid of insecurity. Think about what is pure. Get rid of jealously. Think about what is noble. Get rid of slander. Think about what is right. Instead of dwelling on the bad and getting caught up in things like insecurity focus on whatever is excellent and praiseworthy.
For the record I doubt anyone said no to that question. At least not if they were answering honestly. At some point in their lives everyone struggles with insecurity, everyone. Whether it's the black hole of comparing yourself to others or getting bogged down in the mud of a mean or careless comment that someone says to you. Maybe it's the nightmare of hating the image you see when you look in the mirror instead of seeing yourself as God's creation. Whatever causes it the result is the same. Insecurity.
In the Bible translation called The Voice 1 Peter 2:1 is translated this way. "So get rid of hatefulness and deception, of insecurity and jealously and slander." I love the way that this translation puts it because insecurity is listed right along things like slander and deception, hatefulness and jealously. Think about that for a moment. Would you list hatefulness with insecurity? Most people wouldn't. I never would have but this translation does.
The definition of insecurity is listed as "uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence." My translation- not trusting that God knew what He was doing when He created us. We doubt Him and give into our sin nature when we give into everything listed in that verse. Slander, hatefulness, deception, and jealously. All of these things come from our sin nature. Including insecurity.
The beginning of that verse says to get rid of these things. In the New International Version it says "Therefore, rid yourselves of all..." So not only is insecurity listed alongside all these others horrible things but it also says to rid ourselves of all these things.
How do we do that? How do we rid ourselves of insecurity, hatred, slander, jealousy and deception? Well I don't have all the answers but I do have another verse that goes along with it. Philippians 4:8 says, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things."
Maybe it's not an exact science but it seems that if we're trying to getting rid of the things listed in 1 Peter 2:1 then a very good place to start is to think about the things listed in Philippians 4:8.
So let's go through the lists again. Get rid of hatefulness. Think about what is admirable. Get rid of deception. Think about what is true. Get rid of insecurity. Think about what is pure. Get rid of jealously. Think about what is noble. Get rid of slander. Think about what is right. Instead of dwelling on the bad and getting caught up in things like insecurity focus on whatever is excellent and praiseworthy.
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Liar, Lunatic or Lord
Around this time of year, in churches all around the world, people are presented with a question. The same question that has been presented ...
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