"When you see broken beyond repair
I see healing beyond belief"
"You see your worst mistake
But I see the price I paid
And there's nothing you could ever do, to lose what grace has won"
"You see the scars from when you fell
But I see the stories they will tell"
Okay, I skipped around a bit in this song but there's a point to these lines I pulled out.
How many times have you felt broken? Like you're at rock bottom and there's nothing you can do to pull yourself up again? It feels like no one, least of all God, would want anything to do with you and yet that's not how He looks at us. He looks at us (as it says later in the song) with mercy, with love. He looks at us and sees how He's able and willing to heal us if only we'll come to Him He'll put us back together, mend us, stronger then ever into a new creation.
What's your worst mistake? That one thing that more then anything else you wish you could go back and change. That decision or action that haunts you in the dark of the night when everyone else is asleep. That's the price that Jesus paid on the Cross. The moment you ask Him for forgiveness of your sins and ask Him to be Savior of your life, confessing He is Lord with your mouth and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9) He no longer holds that mistake against you. And more then that, nothing you ever do will change what His grace has already won for you. The payment on the cross was final, all we have to do is accept the free to us gift of salvation that He's offering.
The scars from when you fell- Earlier this week I was talking with a friend about how much I regret some of the actions in my life and yet, given the chance, I wouldn't change most of them because through them God has given me an opportunity to connect with people, especially teenagers. He's used those horrible decisions from my past to bring beauty to my life, connection and the opportunity to speak into someone else's life and maybe, help shape their future. Those rock bottom times, those worst mistakes, all of those are scars that He will turn into stories for us to tell.
Please don't misunderstand me, it's God doing the work but one His tools is my mistakes. And that's the stories that my past tells and how He uses them for His glory today.