This one Thanksgiving my older sister was home visiting and our awesome Mom who never watches movies agreed to sit down with Cassy and I and actually watch a movie. It was a few years ago and we haven't done it again so you can hardly call it a tradition but it was still fun. Sissy and Mom and I just hanging out and watching a movie, definitely a Thanksgiving memory to be cherished.
Nov. 29- I'm thankful for the beginning of the Christmas season! I pulled out the Christmas boxes today and later I'll be able to start decorating!
Nov. 30- I'm thankful for time to sleep in and get refreshed.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
I Choose to be Thankful
Long before I was born my family was having Thanksgiving dinner at my grandparents house. My parents, Dad's sister and brother-in-law and the two daughters they had at the time. Their younger daughter at the time was about two, while all the adults were sitting around talking this little two year old slipped off her chair.
Earlier that day Grandma had been painting with oil paints and left her paintbrushes on the windowsill. The toddler walked over, picked up the paintbrush and started painting the wall. Who knows which adult noticed it first but my aunt was not exactly thrilled with her daughter's creativity. But Grandma just waved off her anger and apologies saying, "Oh it's no big deal." Granddad went to the shop and got some turpentine and cleaned off the wall as my Dad and aunt stared at their parents in shock. Finally they looked at each other and said "Would they have been this calm about it when we were kids?"
And that friends is the blessing of having grandkids.
Nov. 22- I'm thankful for being able to go to church and worship my Lord freely and my prayers are with those who can't say the same.
Nov. 23- I'm thankful for those willing to listen.
Nov. 24- I'm thankful for medicine when I'm not feeling up to par.
Nov. 25- I'm thankful for the revelations God gives us just when we need them most to make wise decisions.
Nov. 26- I'm thankful for this holiday that I can celebrate with my family.
Nov. 27- I'm thankful for quality time with loved ones.
Nov. 28- I'm thankful for special moments that turn into cherished memories, like getting ice cream with your Dad, no matter how old you are!
Earlier that day Grandma had been painting with oil paints and left her paintbrushes on the windowsill. The toddler walked over, picked up the paintbrush and started painting the wall. Who knows which adult noticed it first but my aunt was not exactly thrilled with her daughter's creativity. But Grandma just waved off her anger and apologies saying, "Oh it's no big deal." Granddad went to the shop and got some turpentine and cleaned off the wall as my Dad and aunt stared at their parents in shock. Finally they looked at each other and said "Would they have been this calm about it when we were kids?"
And that friends is the blessing of having grandkids.
Nov. 22- I'm thankful for being able to go to church and worship my Lord freely and my prayers are with those who can't say the same.
Nov. 23- I'm thankful for those willing to listen.
Nov. 24- I'm thankful for medicine when I'm not feeling up to par.
Nov. 25- I'm thankful for the revelations God gives us just when we need them most to make wise decisions.
Nov. 26- I'm thankful for this holiday that I can celebrate with my family.
Nov. 27- I'm thankful for quality time with loved ones.
Nov. 28- I'm thankful for special moments that turn into cherished memories, like getting ice cream with your Dad, no matter how old you are!
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Give Thanks to God
Every other Thanksgiving my extended family gets together and every time Grandpa leads us in singing the Doxology.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all ye creatures here below
Praise Him all ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
And every time after we get done singing it one family member (always the same one) says, "I've never heard that before!" Every time I say "You say that every time!" And then two years later we repeat the tradition.
Nov. 15- I'm thankful for transportation. We can get from one place to another so quickly via cars, planes, buses, trains and so many other ways. It's truly astounding the resources we have at our disposal that make our lives so much more convenient.
Nov. 16- I'm thankful for God's gifts. Go often will bless us in unexpected ways, sometimes it seems like we've praying for days, months, even years with no answer and maybe our faith begins to waver but then God sends some unexpected gift that we never saw coming. Often we're tempted to question it. To say "Well that's great God but couldn't you have done that earlier? Or done this instead?" Other times we're so overwhelmed that we forget to say thank you like the story of the lepers in Luke chapter 10. Ten men were healed but only one returned to thank Jesus. Other times we just say thank you and although it doesn't always solve all of our problems we're grateful and thankful that God reveals Himself to us in those unexpected ways.
Nov. 17- I'm thankful that we're given the privilege of approaching the throne of Lord Most High. We are able to approach the throne to lift up our hearts and prayers to those in Paris. Although I chose not to publish a post about these attacks I have been praying for comfort for the families and friends who have lost loved ones, lifting up prayers on behalf of those who were injured and asking that God would swiftly bring the terrorists who committed these terrible attacks to justice. But I've also been praying for the other thousands of men, woman and children who are suffering due to terrorism around the world. It's because of Jesus' sacrifice and God's love that we're given the relationship as the Father's children to be able to approach the throne and lay all of these requests at His feet.
Nov. 18- I'm thankful for opportunities. God gives us opportunities all the time, the opportunity to smile at someone and maybe improve their day, the opportunity to show His love, the opportunity to give a helping hand and so many other things. Sometimes it's a questions from a friend that leads to an opportunity that could really help us, or sometimes it's just whether or not we take a moment to smile at the tired cashier and make their day a little brighter by being kind. The opportunities are there, but too often we forget to look. So I'm also thankful for the times when God opens my eyes.
Nov. 19- I'm thankful for a helping hand. This morning a helping hand came in the form of my parents offering help on a new writing project I want to start. Thanks guys!
Nov. 20- I'm thankful for my extended family. I got to see a few of my amazing aunts this morning for just a few minutes and despite the short meeting I always appreciate my time with them. From my aunts, uncles and cousins to my awesome grandparents, great-aunts, great-uncles and so on I'm so very grateful for my incredible family that God has blessed me with!
Nov. 21- I'm thankful for coffee, it really helps when you need to wake up to start work.
Nov. 18- I'm thankful for opportunities. God gives us opportunities all the time, the opportunity to smile at someone and maybe improve their day, the opportunity to show His love, the opportunity to give a helping hand and so many other things. Sometimes it's a questions from a friend that leads to an opportunity that could really help us, or sometimes it's just whether or not we take a moment to smile at the tired cashier and make their day a little brighter by being kind. The opportunities are there, but too often we forget to look. So I'm also thankful for the times when God opens my eyes.
Nov. 19- I'm thankful for a helping hand. This morning a helping hand came in the form of my parents offering help on a new writing project I want to start. Thanks guys!
Nov. 20- I'm thankful for my extended family. I got to see a few of my amazing aunts this morning for just a few minutes and despite the short meeting I always appreciate my time with them. From my aunts, uncles and cousins to my awesome grandparents, great-aunts, great-uncles and so on I'm so very grateful for my incredible family that God has blessed me with!
Nov. 21- I'm thankful for coffee, it really helps when you need to wake up to start work.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
This one Thanksgiving we were sitting around the table and my brother said "Hey Dad, can you toss me a roll." Dangerous words in our family as Dad picked up the roll and threw it across the table at my brother, thankfully he caught it as the rest of us alternated between staring at Dad in shock and laughing uproariously. Dad just grinned and with a twinkle in his eye said "You said to toss it."
Nov. 8- I'm thankful knowledge, Biblical knowledge, common sense, knowledge gained from a good education and knowledge gained from practical experience. I'm thankful for the people who took the time to teach me, who passed down their wisdom to me and care enough about me to want me to learn from their mistakes.
Nov. 9- I'm thankful for friends, old and new, those I see often, those I hardly ever see and those I'll never see again this side of heaven. I'm thankful for the memories I've shared with them, the fun we've had and the bond that has held us together.
Nov. 10- I'm thankful for technology that allows us to connect with each other. Emails that pass on support and advice from across the world. Phone calls that allow us to hear a loved one's voice from thousands of miles away and video calls that can bring us together when our arms don't reach far enough for a hug.
Nov. 11- I'm thankful for all those who have or are serving in the United Sates Military, thank you for your service and sacrifice and thank you to your families for their sacrifices. It is through your devotion and dedication that we are able to enjoy the freedom and safety of our everyday lives.
Nov. 12- I'm thankful for creativity. God has given us so many different ways to be creative, movies, stories, music, art, dance, cooking, photography and so many others. I'm so thankful not just that God has given me a creative streak with my writing but also that He has given so many others this gift so the rest of us can enjoy what they come up with.
Nov. 13- I'm thankful that God uses me. I'm an imperfect human being but God uses me to be help others, sometimes I'm called to be an encourager, sometimes I'm called to speak the truth in a difficult situation, sometimes I'm called to write about an issue so others can become aware, find support and learned to deal with that problem. However it is that God is calling me on any particular day I'm grateful that Creator uses me and that He "works together all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose".
Nov. 14- I'm thankful for great conversations with great people.
Nov. 8- I'm thankful knowledge, Biblical knowledge, common sense, knowledge gained from a good education and knowledge gained from practical experience. I'm thankful for the people who took the time to teach me, who passed down their wisdom to me and care enough about me to want me to learn from their mistakes.
Nov. 9- I'm thankful for friends, old and new, those I see often, those I hardly ever see and those I'll never see again this side of heaven. I'm thankful for the memories I've shared with them, the fun we've had and the bond that has held us together.
Nov. 10- I'm thankful for technology that allows us to connect with each other. Emails that pass on support and advice from across the world. Phone calls that allow us to hear a loved one's voice from thousands of miles away and video calls that can bring us together when our arms don't reach far enough for a hug.
Nov. 11- I'm thankful for all those who have or are serving in the United Sates Military, thank you for your service and sacrifice and thank you to your families for their sacrifices. It is through your devotion and dedication that we are able to enjoy the freedom and safety of our everyday lives.
Nov. 12- I'm thankful for creativity. God has given us so many different ways to be creative, movies, stories, music, art, dance, cooking, photography and so many others. I'm so thankful not just that God has given me a creative streak with my writing but also that He has given so many others this gift so the rest of us can enjoy what they come up with.
Nov. 13- I'm thankful that God uses me. I'm an imperfect human being but God uses me to be help others, sometimes I'm called to be an encourager, sometimes I'm called to speak the truth in a difficult situation, sometimes I'm called to write about an issue so others can become aware, find support and learned to deal with that problem. However it is that God is calling me on any particular day I'm grateful that Creator uses me and that He "works together all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose".
Nov. 14- I'm thankful for great conversations with great people.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
A Month For Being Thankful
The Bible says "be anxious in nothing but in all things give thanks..." we should always be thankful but in November, the month of Thanksgiving, I like to be extra aware of what I'm being thankful for. For some this is a hard time of year as winter sets in and financial burdens meet with the cold weather, the heat and electric bill rise and the kids need new winter clothes. All combined with that how-are-we-going-to-afford-Christmas-presents-this-year worry. So remembering to be thankful can be a bit of a challenge which is also what makes it so important.
In years past I've followed in the footsteps of many family members and friends and written one thing each day of Facebook of what I was thankful for. This year I want to do something a little different. Instead of writing on my Facebook what I'm thankful for I want to share it with you my friends. Once or twice a week I'll post on here something I've been thankful for each day of the week as well as sharing one of my past Thanksgiving memories. Since today is officially the end of the first week of November it seems like the perfect time to start.
Two years ago I was living in a city away from my family. My brother and sister-in-law lived in the next town over but because it was Thanksgiving they'd gone to visit family. I was working that day so the parents of some friends invited me over to celebrate with them. My friends weren't there this wonderful couple that had "adopted" me didn't mind. After work I drove out to their house and I was able to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with their family. Their generosity and love meant I wasn't alone during the holiday and gave me a lot to be thankful for.
Nov. 1- I'm thankful for the freedom to be able to go to church and worship as I choose. That's a freedom that too often I can take for granted but that many in the world aren't able to claim.
Nov. 2- I'm thankful for friends who open up their home to me, their hospitality and love is a blessing in my life.
Nov. 3- I'm thankful for my Dad and the time we get to spend together, whether it's watching a T.V. show or just talking in the car, his love and advice is a constant support in my life.
Nov. 4- I'm thankful my Mom, the books she finds to share with me, the silly conversations we have, the serious prayers she offers up on my behalf and her love and support that have always and will continue to help guide me as I make decisions.
Nov. 5- I'm thankful for my siblings, three older brothers, one older sister and three sister-in-laws plus the "extra" kids that have come through our home but never left our hearts. From the fun memories of our childhood to the loving advice they give me as we moved into adulthood they are a constant source of amusement, love, and support to me and some of the most special people in my life.
Nov. 6- I'm thankful for laughter, no matter how stressful or tiring a day can be having someone or something that makes you laugh never fails to lift my heart.
Nov. 7- I'm thankful for my grandparents. My Grandma Betty and Granddad lived near us when I was young and though they've since passed away I cherish the memories I have them and the stories I hear. My other grandparents, Grandpa and Grandma, lived close when I was a teenager and the time that we spent getting to know each other, having coffee in the mornings and the visits we have now, the people I saw them interact with and the faith they daily live out and the help, advice, answers and teasing and love they never fail to show are just some of the many reasons I love them and am so glad they're in my life.
In years past I've followed in the footsteps of many family members and friends and written one thing each day of Facebook of what I was thankful for. This year I want to do something a little different. Instead of writing on my Facebook what I'm thankful for I want to share it with you my friends. Once or twice a week I'll post on here something I've been thankful for each day of the week as well as sharing one of my past Thanksgiving memories. Since today is officially the end of the first week of November it seems like the perfect time to start.
Two years ago I was living in a city away from my family. My brother and sister-in-law lived in the next town over but because it was Thanksgiving they'd gone to visit family. I was working that day so the parents of some friends invited me over to celebrate with them. My friends weren't there this wonderful couple that had "adopted" me didn't mind. After work I drove out to their house and I was able to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with their family. Their generosity and love meant I wasn't alone during the holiday and gave me a lot to be thankful for.
Nov. 1- I'm thankful for the freedom to be able to go to church and worship as I choose. That's a freedom that too often I can take for granted but that many in the world aren't able to claim.
Nov. 2- I'm thankful for friends who open up their home to me, their hospitality and love is a blessing in my life.
Nov. 3- I'm thankful for my Dad and the time we get to spend together, whether it's watching a T.V. show or just talking in the car, his love and advice is a constant support in my life.
Nov. 4- I'm thankful my Mom, the books she finds to share with me, the silly conversations we have, the serious prayers she offers up on my behalf and her love and support that have always and will continue to help guide me as I make decisions.
Nov. 5- I'm thankful for my siblings, three older brothers, one older sister and three sister-in-laws plus the "extra" kids that have come through our home but never left our hearts. From the fun memories of our childhood to the loving advice they give me as we moved into adulthood they are a constant source of amusement, love, and support to me and some of the most special people in my life.
Nov. 6- I'm thankful for laughter, no matter how stressful or tiring a day can be having someone or something that makes you laugh never fails to lift my heart.
Nov. 7- I'm thankful for my grandparents. My Grandma Betty and Granddad lived near us when I was young and though they've since passed away I cherish the memories I have them and the stories I hear. My other grandparents, Grandpa and Grandma, lived close when I was a teenager and the time that we spent getting to know each other, having coffee in the mornings and the visits we have now, the people I saw them interact with and the faith they daily live out and the help, advice, answers and teasing and love they never fail to show are just some of the many reasons I love them and am so glad they're in my life.
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Liar, Lunatic or Lord
Around this time of year, in churches all around the world, people are presented with a question. The same question that has been presented ...
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